• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How do you feel about the word 'Gay' ?

Well...I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am. But, I have always referred to the male homosexuals as "gay" and females as "lesbians".

I will not make any apologies for those that have vilified the word over time.
Something to keep in mind, the longer and more feverant a word produces knee jerk responses, the more others are going to use it..

If one person goes "oh man. that's gay" and 20 people bitch about it.. it's probably likely the issue will be pushed, if for no other reason then to get a laugh out of making a mountain out of an ant hill over a word 2 people are defining differently.

It boils down to "what's offensive". And frankly, everything is. A good example was a stand up piece done by Robin Williams on his Broadway DVD. He picks on Osama Bin Ladin.. and even the Koran. Saying that if a Muslim dies..while killing infidels, they're supposed to go to heaven and be greated by 71 virgins. Making a joke.. he said there 's a mix up in translation.. and it's really 71 Virginians.. and begins to act out George Washington and several prominent Virginians kicking the living shit out of Osama Bin Laden. The crowd laughs and loves it. Yay kick it the shit out of him! kill him! woot!.. then he goes on to make sem-racist joke about Arabs being Taxi-cab drivers.. and the crowd boo's.

So based off this, to make a generalization against a group is horrible.. but to wish violence and death upon an individaul .. is funny? That's the insanity about political correctness. We have taken it to exponential degrees where we believe it's more horrible that death... and that is really pathetic IMO.

The Bible is quite offensive to homosexuals. Should we refrain from certain scripture to please a group of people? Affirmative Action pisses off white conservatives. Making fun of "rednecks" techinically is no different than making fun of blacks. Saying "Indian" instead of "Native American" itself can cause people to get rather heated.

The thing i've noticed is that political correctness has become so wide spread and deeply rooted into our society now, it's gone beyond merely trying to be "respectful" but has us fearing what others think of what we say 100% of the time. We might hesitate on a word, or blush when we say something... keeping in the back of our mind "oh this guy is black.. so i can't or shouldn't say it "like this" " It's widening the gap we have between groups of people... having the opposite effect than was intended in the first place.

And when it comes to stereotypes.. we'll never escape those either. I think the best thing to do.. is simply laugh at them. If we can't laugh at our own.. and each other's generalizations.. for right, wrong, indifferent.. i don't think we'll ever get along as races, genders, or sexual preferences. And i'm sure most comedians would agree with me on that.

from beachboyty:

The terms that could apply to hate speech (or actions) have been rendered useless and meaningless in so many cases due to their evolution, misuse, and overuse. Terms like "bigot" "homophobe" and "sexist" can be used with the same kind of bias as "nigger" "spic" "fag" "bitch". They have in many ways become nothing more than a knee-jerk response that allows us to neatly categorize and dismiss people who express politically incorrect opinions. What's more, the witch hunt becomes so fervent that the terms are often applied to comments/people/attitudes that are not necessarily politically incorrect, but merely fail to be politically correct enough.

So that you are homophobe not just for saying, "I hate fags", but also for FAILING to say, "Homosexuals, and all those falling under the broader term 'queer', continue to be a marginalized people group in this society. All those who count themselves decent will recognize this and enthusiastically support legislation which not only corrects systemic inequalities in the administration of public policy, but also seeks to compensate for the unique disadvantages facing queer communities as a result of these historical inequalities."

If you veer even slightly from that perspective, guess what...you're a homophobe.
You're a collegiate athletic director who fires an African American basketball coach...you (along with the university as an institution) are a racist.

You think it is a good idea to ensure that the parents of a teenage girl are informed before she submits to a surgical procedure to terminate a pregnancy...you are against a woman's right to choose what she does with her body.

You question the occupancy of Palestinian territory by Israeli troops...you are anti-semitic.

You believe Muslim leaders should be more vocal about the immorality of targeting civilians in warfare, regardless of the rationale...you hate Muslims and are contributing to the violence being perpetrated against them in the wake of 9/11.

It goes on and on and on. And what it boils down to is the same social laziness that creates true bigotry in the first place. That is, it just takes too much effort to think outside our own box, to analyze someone's viewpoint/lifestyle on its own merit without looking for "litmus test" signs that will allow us to quickly categorize them in the appropriate group and direct our treatment toward them accordingly.

We just aren't comfortable with gray areas...and that means that we just aren't comfortable with plurality. The KKK isn't comfortable with plurality of cultures/ethnicities. The Rainbow Coalition isn't comfortable with a plurality of opinions/perspectives...at the risk of being labeled a bigot, I have to ask...what is the difference between one and the other? What is the difference between intolerance of someone else's physical features/lifestyle and intolerance of a that person's opinions/worldview?

To be sure, any number of lifestyles should not be tolerated. Likewise, the outward expression of any number of worldviews should not be tolerated. But the criteria for such cannot be merely difference or non-traditional. The criteria for active intolerance ought to be limited to that behavior/lifestyle/speech that, either intentionally or through wreck less disregard, causes another/others to be endangered, harmed or otherwise forced to live a diminished quality of life.

A final thought: On a personal level, this is why I don't care to be around most radical progressives any more than I do Right Wing Wackos. People that live in the extremes seem to constantly define themselves by what they are against, what they dislike.
Who has time for a life lived on that kind of negative energy? How can someone find themselves constantly focusing on what makes them angry and dwelling on people they don't like, or taking the time to formulate developed thoughts on people and lifestyles they "don't agree with"? Gimme a break! Life is filled with too much beauty and opportunity to sell yourself short like that. Take some valium and stop obsessing about shit that you don't like that, when it comes right down to it, isn't of personal concern to you anyway.

Someone wants to be a bigot...who cares?
Someone wants to be a fag...why the fuck should it bother anyone else?
Someone believes in some crazy new age religion...hey, its a free world.
Someone doesn't think affirmative action is good for society...it's her opinion, you don't have to adopt it if you don't like it.
But for fuck's sake...stop bitching about "they" and start living your own life with a little bit of happiness and some good will toward men.

way to totally misinterpret me, DD.

my use of the word "gay" is in the original sense. shameless lighthearted fun and merriment. it's not an insult unless you don't like those sorts of activities.

and guess what, it's okay not to like the activities of others and give them a label, even if it WERE insulting, which this isn't.

i can call people gay all day and if they don't like it they should stop being gay.

i'm just frustrated with this PC attitude where you're not allowed to use certain words because it might offend a group of people. well too bad, this is the real world. there is a choice of words for every occaision not just because we are loquacious redundant bastards, but because each has subtly different meaning.

rag me out about my choice in words when i am inciting hate, or something.
anyone who makes a big deal out of someone offhandedly calling something gay is almost as bad as someone who uses gay as a seriously derogatory term.
good point.

it's like this person i used to know, he always had to remind people that the word "gyp" (as in "ripoff") used to mean GYPSY. according to his logic, using that word is racist, even if you don't know its origins.

the meaning of words changes over time. you can't do anything about it. but reminding people of their negative connotations (gyp = gypsy, gay = derogatory name for a homosexual, heebie jeebies = hebrews and jews, etc) DOES NOT HELP ANYTHING. it makes certain that the word STAYS racist because people won't let that meaning die.

educate the ignorant! obviously, not knowing the origin of a word and its devolution into something hateful does not justify using it...but all the more reason to educate these people. when my brothers and i played monopoly, we got into the habit of saying "you jewed me" (i was 8, i was pretty clueless as to the meaning). my mother lectured us...i haven't used it since.

people who continue to use these words to spread hate are not going to stop, but there are plenty of them who don't know. how can you call something "gay" and "not mean it"?! you said it, didn't you?

by your logic, synthetic sunrise, we should call mexicans wetbacks, italians wops, and black people niggers. the word wop has actually a fairly innocent meaning ("without papers"), but that doesn't mean we should use it to descibe an italian. "jew" (as a verb) is always going to sound bad. as is nigger, gyp, dego, indian giver, welshing a bet, wetback...the list goes on.

and why, exactly, is it so bad to make a big deal of this word?! i think anyone who continues to use the word (and others) in a derogatory manner is uncivilized and, well, stupid. it's just plain mean.

c'mon, people...trying to say for people to lighten up is wrong as well. i think this goes further than being "overly-p.c.". and if you can't come up with a better adjective, then buy a fucking dictionary. most people are not using the term to refer to comething cheerful, so let's stop pretending...
DD your first post in this thread is one of the most articulate i've read on this board:)

one thing i'll never fully understand is the whole pc backlash. damn respect for other people's feelings, what a fucking cage that is!!! of course there are pc whackjobs out there that are out to piss on your parade but imo those people are easily written off (at least for me).

i have a problem people using gay as a negative word. first off it sounds incredibly fucking lame. if you think you sound like anything other than a 13 year old boy when you call a jacket gay, you're wrong. at the same time you have to be a fool to not recognize that the word isnt always used hatefully and has found its way into the american vernacular as a generic term for lame.

what i really have a problem with is how many people throw gay around in TOTALLY inappropriate areas. i work in a suburban setting outside of a very liberal city and the shit i hear at work is mindblowing. fag, queer, gay etc are flung around an office of 300 people where there are certain to be people (other than me) that are offended.

it's hard to walk the line between not getting too up tight and still respecting others. basically if people just used their best judgement and thought about how their words affected other's this wouldnt be much of an issue, but apparently thats a pretty tall order.
I don't care if straight people say gay, or fag, or anything really...they're just words. As we all know, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but whips and chains excite me..."...er...I meant "...words will never hurt me."

What I care about is when a group of people can't get married, or share common rights with the rest of America, that pisses me off.

People should spend less time focusing on the pointless issues (being PC) and focus on the real ones.
If I am with someone and they refer to someone or something as "gay" i usually let it slide... I don't see the big deal as long as I know they aren't saying it to be disrespectful or such. A few years ago when people would say it I would snap and go on a rampage of how idiotic the are.
cravNbeets said:
of course there are pc whackjobs out there that are out to piss on your parade but imo those people are easily written off (at least for me).
I often find that calling them gay works a treat ;)
calling things or people gay, retarded etc. is shitty and offensive. however, i guess BITCHING about it is fairly hypocritical, so i'll try to keep my pc opinions to myself from now on...
right to use the word "fag"

I was talking with someone today and they kept referring to gay people as "fags" during the conversation, now the person saying this was infact gay....

should gay people have the right to say this and then a straight person uses the word and its derrogetry ?

I guess it's the same as the N word for black/white people..... it just struck me as weird....
I think it's all about context. I'm gay, and one of my close friends uses that term constantly to describe stuff he dislikes. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, because I know there's no malice behind it, and because I know that when it comes down to it he doesn't have a homophobic bone in his body. Fuck, I do it myself; the number of times I've been pissed off at someone and called them a faggot or a cocksucker as a derogatory term...the irony is not lost on me. ;)

On the other hand, it really bothers me that my family does it, because they do actually see being gay as a bad thing...they love me because they don't see me as a gay man, not because they accept homosexuality.

Ultimately though....they're only words. I'm with everyone else who hates the PC Brigade. I remember once when I was in high school and one of my friends jokingly called me a stupid poofter; our teacher overheard and went absolutely nuts at my friend for using that word, despite my protests that I wasn't at all offended. I think there's a big danger when people start censoring one another's speech because they're offended on a whole other group's behalf....
Re: what?!

poopie said:
educate the ignorant! obviously, not knowing the origin of a word and its devolution into something hateful does not justify using it...but all the more reason to educate these people.
maybe someone should educate you. the word gay originally meant happy, then homosexuals twisted it to mean something else, and now the general public has twisted it again to be quite a general derogative word. btw, do you have a problem with me calling you a faggot? since the origin of that word is "a bundle of sticks"; you shouldnt get so offended to be compared to some sticks tied together, see? but the origin doesn't mean shit anymore because language evolves. get over it