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How do drugs fit into your relationship?

My girl and I do mdma and acid together no problem, we have a blast, but she does not like to smoke weed at all, it doesnt agree with her, but she has no problem if I smoke. I found I smoke less when there is nobody to smoke with....my ex used to smoke with me all the time, we were chronic smokers of weed, but didnt do other drugs at all.
My girlfriend and i enable one another to a extent.
there are substances neither of us will do but some of the ones we do
(namely oc, benzo's, hydro, adds) we have a mutual understanding over
and enjoy sharing the feeling with one another, the only thing is sometimes
she will try and keep up with me with something i've done for years which
usually involves me baby sitting all night. bottom line though if something
starts being used too much we bring it to each others attention and support each
other in tapering down of whatever that may be.
My bf and I do party together basically. We both pop pills whatever, but he doesn't smoke any more (only on a very rare occasion and even then only a toke or two) but he doesn't care that I smoke, (he'll even roll up for me!).

However we're both in different stages of drug use, I'm still only beginning to explore and learn things while he's pretty much done everything he's wanted to try and starting to wind down a bit.
We both learn from each other, watch out for each other, we don't hide shit from each other but then again we're still very early in our relationship.
it is a secret and i hate it... the guilt and always hiding stuff sucks. at the end of summer i hope to come clean and get clean.
We have a session of sex mdma, weed and alkyl nitrites every few months. It renews our relationship.
My boyfriend and I do drugs together pretty much every single time... It feels weird when one of us is doing something and the other isn't. It's great that we have the same kind of view on things though, we have no issues with each other's vices because our vices are identical :D And we are usually equally willing to try different/new things, but if one of us isn't so keen we usually have a talk about it to see if its anything that either of us may not understand or be worried about, etc. It's pretty good support to have someone so close to you do the same things as you do.

My fiance and I have exactly the same thing and yes it is wonderful. :)
I need to learn how to mix alcohol with weed. I love the relaxing feeling but holy fuck the headache is so fucking bad the next morning. I love the relaxed feeling at night though.

This is a little delayed, but if u end up reading this... hangovers are caused from dehydration, as well as most headaches. Whenever I drink I always drink a full glass of water before I go to sleep, maybe more, and since I've started doing that I've NEVER had a hangover

Just look at all those pills and shit for not having a hangover the next morning. They're filled with vitamins, maybe ibuprofen but most importantly WATER!
Its an open relationship with drugs, meaning we both do them & I think she loves them more than me. She loved coke the few times she did it but I hate coke with a passion. Give my girl a pill & she will snort it no matter what. She loves weed also but I dont smoke it anymore so she doesnt blaze up as much as she would like to but ive asked if it bothers her i dont smoke & she said nope.
We have a session of sex mdma, weed and alkyl nitrites every few months. It renews our relationship.

MDMA has also been used with me & my gf & sex is amazing. Like you've stated, it rekindles something.

Psychiatrists use to use MDMA back in the early 80's for couples that were on the brink of always arguing or divorce & it helped a lot.
drugs are pivotal

we both are users of all drugs and addicted to cocaine, mostly IV, sometimes with heroin

we have threesomes on MDMA and philosophize on LSD, but hard narcotics, particularly with alcohol, after long multiday binges, man, we have the most miserable, resentful, bitter fights. i seriously hate her deeply, for hours, at the peak of such times

we are desperately trying to quit but relapses are soooo much more difficult as a couple (that lives together), because if one relapses, both relapse
it'd be so cool to have a relationship with someone who is as into drugs as I am lol.

Not so much. I've dated guys that were as into drugs as I was....never turns out good. Especially the last one....we were SO alike....stubborn...ruthless...not scared of anything.....it was a clusterfuck of horrible decisions...impulsive choices....and a lot of wreckage....to anyone we came into contact with. I love this guy, to this day, more than words can fucking say....and at the same time despise him for being just like me. It made me see myself...in a different way. And try to change it......but fuck....so much shit is fucked up because of our relationship....I find it hard to find fucking reasons to keep it together. Whatever. Anyway...

I've also dated guys that don't do drugs...and have no clue I bang meth pretty much daily.....I always felt like we were never close...they never fully knew me....like I was cheating them.
It's a double edged sword. I'm happy being single now......to use the words of someone who was more lyrically gifted than I....."fuck it, fight it, it's all the same"
I'm such a druggie compared to my boyfriend. We actually "met" through alcohol and cocaine. Which we did.. a lot during the first year? We both pretty much stopped doing ayo but still drink. He's a straight-up alcoholic and stoner. I'm more.. into benzos, opiates, psychedelics, adderall, MDMA.. but don't do it often. Nothing is really daily except for a little benzo to help me sleep.
My husband and I both casually use drugs both together and separately. The only time one of us gets a little concerned is if the other goes overboard. When I was heavy into oxy, he called me out on it and helped me realize how bad I was, so I quit. I think he drinks too much, but that has been a battle for years.

He is a lot nicer and really productive when he smokes weed, so I am fully supportive of that. I used to partake every night, but quit immediately upon getting pregnant. Sometimes lately, especially when I am feeling really nauseated, I envy him, but it is all good. Neither of us partake in anything that we "have" to have, so I think as long as it remains casual, it works for us.
I'm lucky to have a boyfriend okay with my drug use...considering I do much more than him. We tend to do psychedelics/dissociatives together but he doesn't really do any drugs other than those (kinda sticks to psychedelics). Actually I guess stims are kinda the only drug that I do a lot without him. Unfortunately I feel I have to hide some of it from him cuz he gets worried if I do them too often...wish I didn't have to do that but I'm not sure how to resolve the problem :(
Other than that, heroin's the only drug he would really get mad at me for using again, now I'm clean.
Oh he also drinks a lot more often than me but neither of us really cares about that. So overall I guess it's as good as it could be, although I do wish he'd worry less with stims/opiates and stuff.
Meth (which I do not use, haven't even seen it in years) has essentially destroyed any possibility I had/have of anything lasting with my partner. This is not intended to sound judgmental, but I won't associate with people who use it. He recently confessed that after he and I had a relatively small argument, that he had sought some out and used it to get back at me. He then asked me for my forgiveness, which I gave - I did not yell. The next day, he continued to behave very erratically, even punching a fan over something stupid that happened to him at work. Already he is bipolar I.

I do not see this getting any better. I am heartbroken. I broke up with my former fiance 7 years ago because of a hidden meth addiction for which he refused to seek help. He knew this. I won't be emotionally blackmailed like that again.

I drink maybe twice a week now after daily drinking for way too long. I like the green, but not all day every day. I need a guy who knows how to handle himself and does not use hard drugs. :(
We both love drugs, sometimes we prefer different drugs. My bf likes psychedelics and I don't. So he does them and I don't. Besides that, we love stimulants and benzos.
My fiance and I do mad drugs together, go partying, etc. Its pretty lulz.
I met my girl while so fucked up I'm not even sure how we met. She doesn't care, at all, about what I do, but I've never seen her to drugs other than the first couple times we hung out. It's crazy, she's almost enabling. She encourages me to go out and do drugs and she'll come along and make fun of me and then when I inevitably get too fucked up she will take care of me. It's awesome, but I know I'm just going to destroy this girl. I've told her that and she just smiles and hands me my weed and tells me to chill. There's gotta be something else going on here.
cause i realized i got
me myself and i... is all i got
in the e-end, that's what i found out
and there ain't no need to cry
i took a vow
that from now on i'm gon be my own best friend <3
i've had a few gfs that hated my drug use they dumped me the ones who did drugs with me i dumped cause they all went psycho bitch on my ass i'm hoping something in the middle is possible