• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

how dark and clear work together, BrainQ


Apr 24, 2015
Firstly I want to say that I am well aware of how much information, on this specific topic that there is all over the web and beyond.
I'm finding lots of difficult in getting a really specific answer that i'm looking for in regards to speedballin.

I know what it feels like to do clear and dark at same time. I'm aware of a variety of things, yet im having a hard time sifting through lots of subjective, opinionated, or anti-drug/go-rehab lingo on the dangers of the matter.

To my point: Does anyone know, when i combine the two, what kind of chemical activities/ interactions occur in my brain and body? Like I know how meth works in the brain, rather well actually. And i also know a descent amount about opiates in the brain. However, im pretty sure like any chemical interactions, when the two are combined, doesnt something unique happen? or is it just two different things going on in the brain?

I'm trying hard to be specific because i know how redundant and well covered this topic is. I'm just struggling to find the specific answer i'm looking for.

So one theory is that they will sort of cancel/balance each other out. The black making the clear less "jittery" i.e. and so on so fourth...... but like when by themselves they are such, and when combined they are different. not just adding the two together, but they have a different and unique pharmacological effect when combined kinda thing.

like I hear people say how its dangerous because one is telling your heart to speed up and the other, to slow down. Tachycardia? er whatever.

ya see im aware of things like that. But are the two drugs opposing each other within my brain? or are they both working together simultaneously to create a new effect? Well I can OBVIOUSLY feel that new effect. but i dont find much information on a pharmacological level of the two working on the brain at the same time. I'd assume the CNS stimulant and and depressant would more likely leave an outcome of a CNS stimulant of such a degree, or depressant of such a degree. like if all numbers above 0 are referred to as being a level of stimulation, and all negative numbers below 0 are referred to as a level of CNS depression. then a small amount of meth and a lot of shiva might be something more like combining a +4 with a -10 for example. resulting in a -6. you get my point. so lets say i got the +5 and a -5 getting me a 0 on my CNS scale. so then its just the psychological effects and what ever physiological effects remain as well.

so working with the 0 on a CNS scale. with the two, meth and heroin combined, what is going on with the brain chemistry when the two chemicals interact?

if that makes any sense to anyone at all?! haha

I'd imagine someone well versed in brain chemistry and pharmacy might have an idea of what i'm trying to figure out. Also if you feel like you could provide some insight subjectively, i'd love to hear it. I just want peoples input. you know, like what makes that combination so special for you? that alone might help me in my search for my pharmacological insight on the two.

my apologies for any redundancy as i'm really high right now. But i always am fascinated with how these things are working in my brain to make me feel as such.... ya know

EDIT: I'd also love to know about the sincere dangers as well, but on a more scientific level, unless its really a simple answer, that the two drugs send opposing signals to my heart, or is there more too it? I've also heard a lot of people claim that the two cancel each other out and end up sending one signal, instead of two, as the sum from the combination.....
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I'm going to send this to neuroscience and pharmacology, they may be more versed in the finer points of the brain chemistry involved.
No problem man, hope you get an answer because I'm pretty damn curious about this too... might be the abundance of meth and lack of h.
I don't think the danger of mixing meth and h are as high as coke and h. For one, coke is a lot harder on your heart/vascular system than meth, you could already be pushing the borders of safety(heart attack/stroke) but then heroin allows you to up your dose even higher(or invites you to even). Also, because of cokes short duration when it wears off you could still have dangerously high levels of heroin causing an OD.

I think that whole one telling the heart to slow down/speed up thing is mostly bullshit in this scenario, thats more a danger with say beta blockers. Obvisouly you don't have the problem of meth wearing off in the course of an evening, but also because of its long duration, if you continue to inject both at once all night long, with the heroin covering up the negative meth symptoms, by the end of the night you may end up injecting multiple days worth of meth at once. I think the danger is more about how each changes the subjective effect of the other, causing us to steer our dosage patterns in a more dangerous direction, less than any interaction within the body. Not to mention you won't make the best choices when you are as high as the moon.
well said Coolwhip! I appreciate your input, i didnt think about coke vs meth with the vascular system.......