how can one eat more!?


Feb 15, 2012
Im now stuck between 98-100kg how can one possible eat more? im force feeding myself here..... my main food is OATS, i eat a lot of it. about 100-150gr 5 times over the day mixed with protein scoop and egg whites. I cant seem to get over 100kg, anybody got a tip how i can ingest more calories ? Im using b-12 to get better appitite, do not seem to help a lot.
Im now stuck between 98-100kg how can one possible eat more? im force feeding myself here..... my main food is OATS, i eat a lot of it. about 100-150gr 5 times over the day mixed with protein scoop and egg whites. I cant seem to get over 100kg, anybody got a tip how i can ingest more calories ? Im using b-12 to get better appitite, do not seem to help a lot.

GHRP6 is pretty effective at boosting apetite.

If that's all you eat, it doesn't seem like much. Don't you eat any normal meals? What about your good fats and veggies?
I do eat hot 1-2 hot meals between.. Just said Oats are the main thing i eat :) believe me.. 100-150gr, 5 of times a day of oats is a lot... serving size on the packet is about 30gr. I would really appreciate some natural ways to increase appitite is you know any.. really cant afford more aas or peptides.
Weed. It's natural.

Otherwise, you simply need to give your body more reason to demand more nutrient intake. Lift more, and some more cardio of some kind (sure, it's burning calories, but promoting the ingestion of calories to counter).
Cardio and Ghrp6 and you won't have food left in the house. Especially after fasted morning cardio with Ghrp6 you'll be thinking of food the whole drive home
Have shakes with MCTs (like coconut oil), or peanut butter, or omega oils etc etc. Eat mixed nuts and seeds. Basically pick up some calorie dense foods and add them to your diet.
Have shakes with MCTs (like coconut oil), or peanut butter, or omega oils etc etc. Eat mixed nuts and seeds. Basically pick up some calorie dense foods and add them to your diet.
I can eat over a thousand calories in 10 minutes because of my love for pbj lmao. God I love peanut butter
I had a habit of going through a 375g jar of natural peanut butter over 2-3 days (well, more accurately - 2-3 evenings after dinner LOL).

PB is the best! Shame that being largely made of fat, it can slow digestion a little....or a lot, if you eat enough haha. Can become counter productive when you wake up the next morning and burp, only to still be able to distinctively taste peanut butter >.<
It's my go-to night cap as it fills me up nicely. Ice Cream is wonderful as well. Just ate a bunch of peanut butter+cookies and cream blend Walmart sells. Still about 1000cals under maintenance too. Gotta love cardio and IF for dieting lol.
just eat more healthy fats 1g of fat is 9cals 1g of carbs is 4 cals
^^^ hence why peanut butter is like the holy fucking grail of "I NEED MOAR KALOREEZ" hahaha.
PB is the best! Shame that being largely made of fat, it can slow digestion a little....or a lot, if you eat enough haha.
I go through lots of peanut butter as well, and typically take metamucil/fibers with it for that reason! OP- stuff like weed or peptides may help a bit, but I think you'll find far better results by just being super consistent about timing (x meals / day, on schedule, so you're never behind and trying to choke food down), and going denser with what you eat (fats, liquid foods, etc) Please don't tell me you're making a thread like this, w/o already using a blender >1x daily!!! Spices/salts come in real handy when you're just choking-down blandness (rice/chicken/etc), I know there's plenty of times for me where I'd never get my last 20% of a meal down w/o dousing it in salt/garlic/paprika! [*How do you space paragraphs? For some reason it's making the above^ all 1 block, when it was written with a blank line between the paragraphs...]
Add fast food once a day. Fries and burgers seem like nothing, but it's easy to eat 1200 plus calories per sitting without thinking about it. Do slow cardio first thing in morning. Smoke ganja will lead to incredible increase in carb cravings.. then go out to maggianos and bust every kind of pasta on the menu.. you will gain weight.!
Aren't you the same guy who had another thread about eating tons of oats? I'd have trouble gaining too because I would probably be sick of your diet in about 1 day. Only thing I could recommend is probably the same advice in the other thread... Eat a wider variety of calorie dense foods and don't worry about eating so damn clean if you're trying to put on weight. Protein shakes are fine, but they shouldn't be seen as a replacement for food sources of protein like steak, chicken, fish, etc. Real food should always come first.

Add fast food once a day. Fries and burgers seem like nothing, but it's easy to eat 1200 plus calories per sitting without thinking about it. Do slow cardio first thing in morning. Smoke ganja will lead to incredible increase in carb cravings.. then go out to maggianos and bust every kind of pasta on the menu.. you will gain weight.!

And I somewhat agree with this... I think fast food every day is overkill, but there's so much good food out there I personally find it stupid when people are trying to bulk on just a very limited choice of "clean" foods. Burgers, pizza, Chinese food, Mexican food, WHATEVER can all easily be incorporated into a bulk diet and chances are you won't get sick of eating so much because it actually tastes good. lol Sure you'll gain some fat, but you're not going to make any big weight gains without doing so.
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Whole milk (Lactaid if you are lactose intolerant) and drink it throughout the day. If you drink 2 quarts (half a gallon), that's 1200 extra calories.
String cheese is 80 calories each. Eat a few between meals.
When making a protein shake, use the milk instead of water.
Sprinkle shredded cheese on your main meals to get extra calories

List goes on and on. It's easy getting the calories but you are now going to have to use them. Having some fat in your diet is fine. This is especially true for people who can't gain weight. Once you stop, you should be able to shed the fat pretty easily.
^^^ is there a particular reason you recommend full milk with enzyme supplement instead of lactose free milk?? Curious, coz I wouldn't consider lactose specifically desirable, and that's really the only thing missing in lactose free milk no?
Am I doing it right??? hahaha

It's gone, and I'm sad.

My mouth says get another one. My stomach says give it a little bit longer. My GI tract says fuck off kent you need fibre and less animal fats.

If you simply want to inject more calories try to eat more fast food or high calorie foods.DO less work and eat lots of high calorie foods.