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Cocaine How can I remove oil based cuts from my crack like benzocaine, lidocaine, procaine, cuts that can't be removed by recooking in water


May 17, 2024
How can I remove oil based cuts from my crack, like benzocaine, lidocaine, procaine, that can't be removed by recooking in water
I don't have a real response to this, im guessing some sort of non polar solvent a/b extraction might do the trick (but i think it would also remove the soda and youd be left with coke youd have to cook back into crack), but compounds so similar in structure will be very difficult to remove from the actual cocaine. But can I ask why you'd like to remove other Coca compounds from it? Seems like they'd only add to the effects, maybe less clean of a high, I suppose, though.
I recook mine in a plastic Ziploc baggie, I wonder if anyone else does this. Make sure the bag has no holes in it, crush up the crack put it in one corner of the bag, get as much air out as possible seal it, and dunk it in a pot of boiling water, after a few minutes, it will melt all the way down, make sure it melts all the way, and it will separate into 3 layers, soda will be on the bottom, water in the middle and the base on top. If there are other oily cuts they will creep up the bag. Open the bag so the corner is still at the bottom, turn the rest of the bag inside out, so it makes like a stand for the corner, and pop it in the freezer for a few minutes.the base will start to solidify. Pull it out, it will go back to a gel state, very thick but it will still run. While it's like this you can turn it upside down, quickly, it will be like honey, and any water will run out, but quickly so the gel doesn't start to run out. Put it somewhere open to the air like that, sometimes it takes 20 minutes or so, but it will crystallize and get hard, you can see the individual crystals forming in it. When it's solid turn it out on a plate, the soda will be on the bottom, sometimes the water stays with the soda, remove that when you have the chunk out there will be stuff still on the bag, work the bag with your fingers the base will fall off the bag, anything that sticks to the bag, and doesn't fall off, is not base, you don't want it. Whatever has been in the crap I've gotten lately, won't come out this way, because i think the melting temps are so similar
I was looking through the cocaine handbook, and benzocaine base, has almost the same melting temp. And I'll bet that's what it is. When I smoke it, my mouth, and throat immediately get numb, kinda takes my breath a little bit, and there's no immediate blast off, good stuff that's just coke doesn't do that. I've tried everything, acetone wash, acetone cook, dissolve it in acetone, then heat it till all the acetone boils out, and your left with just the oil, alcohol wash, and cook, and alcohol burn, but the shit just won't come out, it sucks
And to answer your question, it makes me feel bad, and not the rocket ship ride I'm looking for. And it make my head pound.