Mental Health How can i get over my complex about seeing the doctor about anti depressants?

Good for you! Exercise or even getting out of the apparment, flat, house.
To quote the simpsons "do what what you feel like doing, not what you think your supposed to do"
Your a indevidual in your own right.

Not bad!
Try not to take any more Stablon than recommended. People commonly get hooked on it. :/

I used to have severe social anxiety, where going anywhere in public was too much. I gradually got to the point where I don't give a shit what people think. Yet, I drive exotics and pretty myself up. Come to think of it, I'm probably just a prick, so nevermind what I'm trying to get at.

It's worth going to the doc to get blood work, at the least, in case something could be going on medically, contributing to depression. Smaller steps. Go in once to make an appointment, get blood work later, and work up to talking about the social hangups?
go in club,chat up a missy,like you attractive and witty
then the next day call a docta
just do it
Nikeeeey slogan,live by it
Your thread is getting overloaded.
I'm not sure where you live. But I'll try to refer to the original post.
Doctors have to deal with depression over and over.
There is no shame; please take the first step.
Drugs are just a band-aid; if your not having fun and try to plaster over the cracks; it's a downward spiral.
I don't condone anti-depressants, if your in a rut; basically your digging your own grave.
In conjution with therapy; within a year you can taper down.
You'll know what's best for you.
There is a fairly new anonymous blog called 'A day in the life'
It's on the BBC website.
Speaking as someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety all her life, SSRI medications work for me. Canceling appointments is a sign you need to keep the appointment. Remember, just because you go to the doctor, that doesn't mean that you HAVE to take the medication. Have a discussion with a medical professional, ask all your questions, express all your concerns, then make a decision.

Depression is not about feeling a little sad, or not being able to have fun. It's an illness that affects every part of your life, and sometimes you need medication to correct a genetic imbalance. I've only been on an SSRI for 4 years, and I only regret that I didn't get on it sooner. I'm not a different person because of it, and it is not a band-aid on some imaginary problem. I feel like I can finally be the person I knew I was, but my brain chemistry was blunting. I worry that some comments here are exactly the kinds of things that make you concerned about seeing a doctor. Seeking medical help is responsible. Good luck!
I'm just trying to condense what's stated above.
The brain has plasticity; and it will rewire itself approtiately.
The easy option is to keep away from friends and family; depression seems infective somehow.
Don't dismiss your feelings though; you have as much right to think and feel as everyone else does.
Just be you.