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Ethnobotanicals How bad tasting is San Pedro


Oct 27, 2008
I bought two 12" cuttings of Sandy Pete and I'm excited to embark on a Mescaline trip.

I personally though have never tried to consume a cactus and therefore am a little curious how that will go. I understand one should de-spine, and de-skin, and then just more or less throw in blender.

I unfortunately have no access to a kitchen for a long period of time that I could simmer it down into a smaller shot to drink. So I'm probably gonna have to toss down a cactus shake.

Any chance mixing some yogurt or ice cream in could make it more palatteable?
it tastes pretty awful. ive taken a nibble of mine...

also, i wouldnt deskin it. ive read some blarblablar here and ther about the mescaline being just under the skin.
Absolutely horrible. Cactus is one of the worst tasting things I've ever come into contact with. Its far worse than alcohol, its like bitter ass psychedelic cactus snot.
Really bad. I tried to mask the flavor once with everything I could think of... from lime sherbet to chocolate milk. None of it was any good. Dry out your strips, pulverize them in a blender, then extract with everclear.
cranberry juice is the only thing i've found that is effective at all in cutting the taste. Basically you have to get kinda zen about drinking a quantity of a liquid with the texture of snot and the taste of the most bitter, unripe cucumber imaginable. Unless you do an extraction or boil it down to a small amount that is.
~26 ounces of Cactus Slurry was no doubt the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted in my life. Dry it and capsule it. You might end up with 50-100 capsules, sure, but they'll be easier to down than Cactus Slurry.
i recently drank 18 inches worth of san pedro extraction, and i gotta say it wasnt as bad as everyone made it out to be. Sure it wasnt GOOD by a long shot, but i got it down pretty quickly with an orange juice chaser. Just make sure you boil it down a lot, i didnt boil it down enough and had to drink about 3 big glasses of it. If youve ever had mimosa hostilis tea then this stuff should be a piece of cake.

also, i squeezed out all the plant matter after it had boiledfor like 4 hours, and it was just like drinking really bitter water, it did not have a snot like consistancy.
I ate about eighteen inches of san pedro, cut into stars, with balsamic dressing. Was tough. It tastes very green:\
Cacti produce mescaline to repel pests, so the majority of it, if not all, is in the skin and bottom greenish layer. it's extremely rare to find cacti that have bug problems.(They do exist tho)

I can't really provide any scientific docs to back that up, but I hear these horror stories of people making cactus-snot-juice out of the whole thing, and I don't get why they don't just boil and eat the top layer, maybe a little longer of a piece than they would if they ate the whole thing.
Also, on Erowid, the prep method they have that comes from a Peruvian shaman states that same thing, and that the white middle only makes you sick.
I had a san pedro smoothie a few years back, an till this day every time I smell green peppers I gag because it reminds me of the cactus. It tastes like shit. I would defiantly do an acid/base extraction if I had more that 1 dose.
^^ Jam, when i took 18 inches i peeled the skin and cut off the spines and got very little nausea when i took it. Although i did vomit once, i tend to do that on all natural hallucinogens. Ive also heard that much of the nausea producing stuff is in the outer skin layer. Which makes sense as a natural deterrent against pests.
In my experience, drinking or eating san pedro (after peeling) is best done with a chaser of lime or lemon juice; to counter the high alkaline content. Even a taste of vinegar will do.
San Pedro extract was probably one of the worst things that I have ever tasted.

Dont know how some of my friends chugged that shit.
Nice thanks!

Anyway yeah I simply live at home and aint 21. So no everclear extraction, no real time to boil at home. People would question why I was boiling a cactus.

So yes or no on the de-skinning as I thought you should take it off. Guides I've read suggest this, but you just dont wanna take the meat off.
Nice thanks!

Anyway yeah I simply live at home and aint 21. So no everclear extraction, no real time to boil at home. People would question why I was boiling a cactus.

So yes or no on the de-skinning as I thought you should take it off. Guides I've read suggest this, but you just dont wanna take the meat off.

make sure to skin it. check out the link someone posted from thenook, very good description. you can see in detail how to skin it. The skin is a very thin clear, almost plastic-like, layer.

hm, if you cant boil it down, how do you plan on taking it? eating the whole thing?? not recommended. Wait till the rents are out ofthe house for 3-4 hours (they cant be at home all the time)and boil it up.