Mental Health How bad is heroin, infrequently?

Opiates helped me deal with a lot of psychological issues, a lot better than anything else ever did

That's an interesting thing to say. I haven't heard many people say they felt in the long run that opiates helped them deal with their problems.

They are excellent at suppressing problems, but most people like myself seem to feel that once you're not doing them anymore, you find the original problems are still there.

And I'm far from alone in my experience that shit that happened to me because of my opiate habit caused new psychological problems to deal with along with the original ones.

I'm not you, I'm not saying that's whatll happen to you. Just that I'd say if nothing else yours is probably an uncommon experience.
That's what I meant, about the suppression, should have worded it better. I've been off opiates for years, they helped me live with my issues in the moment is a better way of saying it.