How are you in word? V. Darksiders feelings

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at peace

sendin out some vibes today. Off to work but the Dead will keep my spirit alive :)

take a listen

Was in the ER last night and their ability to treat my condition was much worse than I expected. Luckily I went as a precaution so I'm fine, if I was actually having an attack bad enough to be life-threatening I dunno what would have happened.

...detox is looming. Today was first day of frontloading, tomorrow is half the dose, wednesday is brown trouser time.

Luckily I've had someone amazing to spend the weekend with and keep my mind off it.:)
^Try not to fixate on it omen.. try and accept the fact that you going to be uncomfortable for a bit, but that you will make it through in a few weeks, and in a few months you will feal great and no longer be a slave to the substance:)

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