Welcome How Are You in One Word vs wait! Just one?!

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Rattling. My 3rd day without H. Didn't complain the first two days. Finding it very hard not to complain today. I should have my H within an hour or so I hope hope hope.

It's a bitch being an insomniac. I had some of the best sleep of my life the past few nights on RC benzos.
^ Same here. I was going to write that even before I had opened the thread.

You are so right, it's so annoying being an insomniac. And I'm like that for long time. :\


I was giving myself major guilt trips and condemning myself, but fuck all that noise. I'm just going to relax and not worry so much about how others perceive me.
Just keep your temp stable as possible by nice shower. If have a valium pop it. Dont do any more.

Its uncomfy but if you can post after doing that tou should be ok. If you feel worse please call ambulance.

Yeah...just waiting. The waiting is hard.

I relate to Elliott Smith songs more and more.

"Waiting to start. Waiting till light. Waiting till dark. I told you man, I told you."

It's all about addiction and how you're a slave to the clock, waiting to get your next fix.

My package came today even though the stupid motherfuckers in my house didn't even tell me. I was expecting it tomorrow, but looked up the tracking and saw it was delivered today. I didn't even yell about not being told it was here. I just need to move out. Hate these people.
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