Welcome How Are You in One Word vs wait! Just one?!

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Sniff sniff cough damn. Am I actually too sick to, like, smoke weed? Never! :D
Hehe! I would kick a sand castle for a joint right now. Haven't smoked in a couple months.


Second bout of pancreatitis.
This is not the way to go.
So. Much. Pain. Kill me
^Shit man, hope u okay. Have you seen a doctor? <3

Hehe! I would kick a sand castle for a joint right now.

Nice turn of phrase nix :D

Slightly less sniffle cough for me. But don't wanna work! :|
^Shit man, hope u okay. Have you seen a doctor? <3

I went to the ER earlier today. They wanted to admit me but I still owe a bunch of money for the last time I was
hospitalized for pancreatitis so they just sent me home with some pain meds. It's my own fault for picking up the booze again. Hopefully this is the wake up call I needed to get me out of this slump I've been in lately.

Aw, I'm sorry Cosgir.
Did you get banned from the lounge?

Banned by popular demand
Horny. As fuuuuuuck.

I need to get laid. Too bad I have qualms about paying for sex (not about the sex work thing, I just know paying for sex would make me feel uncomfortable and shitty considering the potential for exploitation inherent to the industry in my society). Then again, alls I really wanna do is cuddle :(

I gots like, stuffed dogs an' bears n' shit for the cuddles.

I'm feeling a sense of longing. Possibly for some long forgotten fondess I have had.
I went to the ER earlier today. They wanted to admit me but I still owe a bunch of money for the last time I was
hospitalized for pancreatitis so they just sent me home with some pain meds. It's my own fault for picking up the booze again. Hopefully this is the wake up call I needed to get me out of this slump I've been in lately.

I am so sorry to hear that. These things happen. Are you still actively drinking? Since booze is a problem and you have pancreatitis can you get the Vivitrol shot to keep you from the bottle? Ultimately I credit Vivitrol to breaking me of alcoholism - it makes booze so unpleasant...you don't get sick but you don't have a dopamine response, you do feel everything else and it's weird.
Baclofen is also very effective, some research indicates more effective than naltrexone, for treating alcoholism. It does a hell of a lot to reduce cravings, and when combined with naltrexone via Vivitrol the combo is super promising.
I am so sorry to hear that. These things happen. Are you still actively drinking? Since booze is a problem and you have pancreatitis can you get the Vivitrol shot to keep you from the bottle? Ultimately I credit Vivitrol to breaking me of alcoholism - it makes booze so unpleasant...you don't get sick but you don't have a dopamine response, you do feel everything else and it's weird.


I feel a little bit better. Some tenderness, but hydrocodone seems to help. Maybe I'll actually be able to eat some food today! I have considered vivitrol, but would rather not go down that route if I can help myself. I kicked the bottle for six months after my first attack, swore off the stuff and thought I would never go back...but here we are. Definitely something I'll be consideing since chronic pancreatitis sounds like true hell on earth. Wish I could just drink like a normal person, but I know I can't.
^ Still CG.. Wouldn't you have to treat the condition you have. How bad is your pancreas?

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