How are you in one word vs. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Less-energised :| :D
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Tired in a good way. I was swimming and I do feel I have made it through the week. It was a tough one.
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Its my birthday. Glad to be alive but feeling a bit sorry for myself, its a beautiful day but nobody to spend it with or that. Miss you ryan you would have made it special.
Smiley91, I hate to say "happy birthday" to someone when it doesn't feel happy but I hope you know that I am wishing it for you anyway. Take a minute to think of how much strength you have shown in your life thus far; if your mind turns to what you may perceive as failures, set those thoughts aside and try to see yourself as I see you--someone that has struggled valiantly and continues to learn and grow and give back to the world. Staying human is an incredible accomplishment and you accomplish it every day! :)<3
Antsy,- lol, not a word I've ever used, but my battle with pain & pain pills, & more pain.. Feeling a need for change, so, yeah, feeling antsy :/

Positive... For the first time in a very, very long time. I hope this feeling lasts.

Day 13.
