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How addictive is seroquel?


Dec 25, 2014
I know it doesn't produce euphoria, and that a lot of people don't really consider it a "high", but I've used it before and find the effects pleasurable. I'm probably getting a prescription for it as a sleep prn, and plan to use it legitamatly as a sleep prn when I need it but also for fun sometimes. I don't want to get addicted though, because oversedation causes mental/emotional problems for me so I only wanna use it when I don't have any responsibilities the next day. If I have to take it every night it would cause problems. How often can I use it without getting addicted to the point where I need it every night?
I hate the way it feels, always have. I take 50mg for sleep though (works well) and can not sleep without it, don't know if it's addiction or I need it.

What is fun about it?
Are you sure you dont have a anxiety disorder or sleep disorder? It sounds like you have trouble with something and seroquel helps it motivating use.

But i wouldnt consider that an addiction. For example ill administer 2-4 benadyrl for flushing or mild insomnia and it works motivating me to do it again. But its not like amphetamine where it euphoric and im strongly motivated to take it and the effects increase as the dose increases.
Any substance used frequently can be habit-forming. This is one drug that I never found to be recreational. If your doctor prescribes Seroquel for you, I would use it for sleep. You should also speak to him regarding your concerns of addiction.
it's addictive not in a good way does cause a bad withdrawal syndrome I'd say similar to benzo withdrawal except you won't die but they are major tranquilisers so the symptoms the drug been masking will come back with a vengeance you will feel good first day but then the anxiety and psychosis comes in as these drugs are meant for people who suffer from hallucinations and psychotic symptoms so you may get these even if you didn't in first place I swapped quetiapine for olanxapine I do miss the knock out effect but I don't feel hungover in the day.
I definitely wouldn't call Seroquel addictive in a technical sense. However, I can see how for people who suffer from bad insomnia - particularly when associated with severe anxiety or ruminations - it could end up feeling like somewhat of a necessity. It effectively switches off your emotions almost entirely, and sometimes that what people really need.
Quatiapine, as with most neuroleptics is about as addictive as big hairy dangling donkey balls. Physically, not a chance, but the calming and sedating effects experienced whilst under its influence may cause a slight, note a very, very slight psychological want or desire to take the chemical for the aforementioned results when either a compromising situation is being faced or where an anxiolyse state of mind is required, for example when the need arises for a fast chemically induced shortcut to fall asleep. I've only ever used it as THE VERY LAST RESORT for coming down from stimulants. It's unnatural way of antagonising Dopamine, Serotonin, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Adrenaline and more than 28 other neurotransmitters within the pre-synaptic cleft causes an array of negative side effects which can be as mild as a sudden drop in your general mood, drop in core body temperature, high blood pressure and slight symptoms akin to Tarketive Akhasia with muscle twitching and manual breathing all the way to full-blown panic attacks with irregular heart murmur rhythms where you can actually see your entire abdomen shake with every beat to the most extreme and unpleasant paradoxical effects such as insomnia, auditory and visual hallucinations, even to the extent of actual delirium. I've used it hundreds of times to either just fall asleep or as a quick come-down from stimulant binges but until one random night of taking it I will never use it again. I've never ever in my life experienced a panic attack until I used 300mg of Quatiapine to come off a 3-day Methcathinone binge. Thought I would be asleep within an hour as usual but not this night, I started having the worst mental feelings of old regrets and every shit incident in my life played in my head over and over and I felt more and more uncomfortable, physically and mentally with each passing minute until I could actually feel my stomach turn into a knot, I physically shot straight up in bed clenching my abdomen with a heavy feeling a dread coming over me in waves that I have never felt before ever and also a continuous anxious state of total panic arose to the extent that I actually though I was experiencing physical bodily death. I don't know how I made it through that mentally but after hours of pacing back and forth in an entirely dark en quite room and on the verge of going to the E.R. I somehow fell asleep after what must surely have been 4 hours of this horrendous experience. Even my worst bad psychedelic experience fails in comparison to this chemical substance.
Seroquel is a bit of a mystery even for doctors. I've been on it for like 7 years now. It's certainly not addictive, but you can become reliant on its efffectiveness to put you to sleep because its so easy and it works every single time without fail.
But most people cant tolerate the groggy feeling in the morning, or the un-curable appetite that leads most to obesity. in some cases this occurs very quickly. Im luckily i dont get those side effects anymore. but it toook 5 years. at low doses its great for a deep REM sleep. at high doses it begins to really effect your dopamine and serotonin systems, receptors get blocked etc. this can lead to symptoms of psychosis (if your not already)

ive pulled countless people out of "bad trips" with seroquel. worked everytime.
I didn't find it addictive, even at the high dose of 600mg daily, it knocks me out though, it freezes my brain. I don't know how you can find it fun though, it's way too sedating, imo it's a dirty, rotten drug. :)