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Horrible Roll


May 16, 2017
So, I fucked up.

I'm early 30s; have a 2 year old child; a stressful job. In my younger days, I enjoyed marijuana, cocaine, the occasional shroom trip, binge drinking, and had a pretty nasty 4 year addiction to painkillers. I've been a heavy smoker since about 18.

I kicked the painkiller habit in 2007 before going to grad school. Stuck with only marijuana throughout grad school, have since tapered down to intermittent use (if it's available, I'll smoke it, but I don't seek it out). Rarely drink, but still a heavy smoker. I'm not prescribed adderall, but get it from a very dear friend and take less than 20 mg per day (though I have grown pretty dependent on it in the last 6 months).

Last time I picked up adderall, my dear friend offered to sell me a capsule of molly. I knew very little about it and had no interest, so I declined. He gave it to me to try anyway, and said it only lasts 3 hours and "I'd just melt into the couch" and have a great night. I've known him for 15+ years and the bulk of my partying days were spent with him. He's a professional drug abuser and I trust him in that arena, but I was hesitant about the molly. I've put on weight with age, I smoke, I stress about my job all the time, I don't sleep enough, I eat like shit, and I don't exercise, and I think I'm more sensitive to amphetamines than the average bear. In sum, I am quite unhealthy. I put the capsule away when I got home and gave it little thought.

This past Sunday, at about 11pm, I was stressed to the hilt and trying to get some work done before the week started. I confided in my husband that I was actually in over my head at work, had a little cry, and told him I had some molly that I was considering taking to relax. (I have Mondays off so I can spend time with my son.) I had taken 20 mg of adderall throughout the day, and "melting into the couch" sounded like a great idea. My husband knew even less about molly than I did. We were both hesitant because I am pretty unhealthy, but we talked about it and ended up at: "Fuck it, do it."

I took the capsule (on an empty stomach). Finished up some more work and within the hour, was feeling pretty good and loose. I thought, "Okay, this wasn't bad." I decided to lay down and browse reddit, as usual, before dozing off.

About 30 minutes later I started feeling nauseated and got up to get something to drink. Then it hit me. Everything was spinning and out of control. I started to PANIC. I hadn't done my research and I didn't think it would be like that; I thought it would be like, I don't know, xanax and alcohol. My first instinct was to try and throw it up but I knew it was too late. I had hopped on this train and there was no turning back.

I knew I had to anchor myself and calm down. I told myself I was not going to die, that it would only last a few hours, and I would be fine. I laid as still as possible and tried to clear my head of negative thoughts. A few hours later, I was able to go outside for a smoke. I made it halfway through my cigarette and threw up. I fell asleep pretty quickly after that, because I was so emotionally drained.

I felt horrible when I woke up on Monday. I was SO fatigued, which I rarely am (thanks to the motivator of stress and adderall). I took my usual dose of adderall at 10:30, hoping to snap out of it, but was napping with my son by 11:30. He woke up at 1:00 and I drug myself out of bed, only to feed him a quick lunch, lock all bedroom / bathroom doors so that he would be contained to the (safe) common area, and dozed on the couch until 3 as he played. I took another 5 mg of adderall, cleaned up a bit, and waited until my husband got home. When he got home, I started researching molly.

Well, fuck. I realize now that I was not mentally, emotionally, or physically prepared for a roll; I stupidly didn't think I would even be rolling. When my friend said I'd melt into the couch, I thought he meant figuratively (like, relax), not literally feel like I was melting into the couch. N00b move, I know.

So it's now Tuesday. Although I feel better than I did yesterday, I still feel exhausted. I haven't eaten much, am still taking the adderall (which is making me nauseated at the moment). Having read a million message boards, I understand the science behind what it going on. But I haven't found anyone posting about the experience I had because, well, I don't think anyone is as dumb as me, to go into this completely blind.

My question is, as best I can ask: my brain dumped all my serotonin and dopamine, but I sure didn't get a lick of pleasure out of it. I just panicked. Will my recovery time take longer than a usual first-timer, because it was an anxiety-ridden experience?

Halp. I need to be operating on all cylinders and although my mind doesn't feel fuzzy, physically, I am wrecked.
Panic attacks are not very common with pure MDMA though very occasionally they do happen. You should get into the habit of testing your drugs, a testkit is easily ordered online. Could of been anything in those capsules and by the sound of it, it could've been something else other than MDMA. You should take into account you don't know what drug caused this and slot in some extra recovery time. I am not saying your recovery will be longer, you'll be alright if you keep yourself healthy. I'm saying you should wait longer than normal before you roll again. And also you should, again, test your drugs
My mdma was pure and I had the same panic attack the first time because I took way too much and I think you did too. Everything started spinning out of control for me as well but it didn't realize it until I irresponsibly called someone on the phone and they asked if I was alright. That's when the sudden wave of psychotic panic hit me. I felt extremely fatigued and suicidal the next day and shitty the day after that. Third day I was back to normal. Because you're less healthy as you admitted, it might take a little bit longer for you to recover. But for fucks sake do not mix adderall with molly, it's a very bad idea that so many people on here reported horror stories about. Don't mix molly with anything, just enjoy it as it is and don't take too much or too often.
My mdma was pure and I had the same panic attack the first time because I took way too much and I think you did too. Everything started spinning out of control for me as well but it didn't realize it until I irresponsibly called someone on the phone and they asked if I was alright. That's when the sudden wave of psychotic panic hit me. I felt extremely fatigued and suicidal the next day and shitty the day after that. Third day I was back to normal. Because you're less healthy as you admitted, it might take a little bit longer for you to recover. But for fucks sake do not mix adderall with molly, it's a very bad idea that so many people on here reported horror stories about. Don't mix molly with anything, just enjoy it as it is and don't take too much or too often.
Yeah someone that is very close to me had a very bad experience with spacecake a year ago or something and now sometimes when she rolls she gets a panic attack too. It's usually pretty short because of the effects MDMA has and me talking her out of it, but I am very aware it can happen. It's very rare though, you're going to hear about it more here since almost everyone that comes here has some kind of problem and wants advice but in reality she is the only one I know that gets this, and in her case it was triggered by a panic attack/bad trip on spacecake, it didn't just start occurring out of the blue and it wasn't caused by MDMA

What's also a possibility is what you mention by the way, the combination of adderall and MDMA, that can overstimulate some people which greatly increases your chances of having a panic attack
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Bluebull, are you declaring that having a panic attack on pure MDMA is rare? It happened to me and I had pure MDMA, the only thing I mixed it with was Buspirone and I only took it for 2-3 days prior and not on the same day as the roll. I don't believe that this is rare. Ecstasy boosts your heart rate, your blood pressure and all the very same things that happen when you panic. This experience is reported many times on here from what I see where it only takes a small negative incident to trigger it. I guess I'm more sensitive to it but the bottom line is that this has nothing to do with MDMA purity but rather on how much you take.
The second time I ever rolled (MDA /MDMA mix) I was absolutely convinced I was going to die. Worst feeling ever. About twenty minutes (the longest twenty minutes of my life - the kind of twenty minutes your dealer tells you when you ask how long it's gonna take for him to get there) I started feeling better. It never happened again after that, even on the exact same batch of pills.