Homeless Pro Tips Car Living


Feb 5, 2012
Has anyone tried to live out of their car while also working? Difficulties would be:

1. No refrigeration - Maybe just a bunch of canned food
2. No running water
2.1. No showers - maybe a local gym membership
2.2. Tap water: Just have to buy big bottles and fill them up somewhere
2.3. Toilets - Try not get arrested for going in public. I don't know what's worse, finding a place in public or going into containers in your car.
• Protip: Use a 24/7 gas station!
3. Sleep - Not a big issue, but it won't be comfortable
• Also it might be illegal to just park and sleep. Perhaps park at a walmart or something.
4. Getting mail - With all the money you're saving on mortgage, get a PO Box
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Its none of my business nor do I care but I'M curious why you would decide to live in a car? Parking and sleeping would be illegal for one, and another tip with all the money you would be saving going to a 24 hr gas station with a bathroom should never be a problem. This is one of the weirdest posts I've read. Is your drug problem that bad? Also whats with the gun icon in the title?

A suggestion, seek medical attention a psychiatrist might give you the best advice. I'm sorry if you've been offended. Maybe you can get government housing if you can't afford a home. You never mentioned if you had a drug problem?
Ditto, as to Hateswater inquiry ^

That aside, I have no personal experience but what is the weather situation going to be? Will you be warm enough? Also, where do you plan to park your car for when you are not driving? I recall a local homeless man that lived in an old RV...he stayed parked in a McDonald's parking lot. So he must have worked out something with the owners, maybe even for food.
My son and I used to like to creatively think about how we would live if we were to become homeless. We live in a fairly temperate climate but it still gets cold. It is possible to get a gym membership here for a 24/7 gym for about $30 a month. That gives you access to a steam room, sauna, showers and toilet 24 hours a day. I actually met a very enterprising kid here who was going to the local community college and living out of his car with this gym as support. He worked as a pizza delivery guy, thus getting his gas paid for by his employer. He ate their salads every day for free and had the gym for his bathing needs (and he also worked out). He used the money he earned for books and fees at school.
True ski bums in Whistler are known to live out of an RV or those old VW hippy vans

Also heard of this guy working in Fort Mac who lived out of a limousine because he couldn't find rent (also expensive). Did the shower at a 24 hour gym thing.

Ideally you would get a job in the food service / grocery industry so you can get free or discounted food.
Its none of my business nor do I care but I'M curious why you would decide to live in a car?

If you live near a major interstate, a rest or truck stop is a good place to "stay".

Basically, a place where people regularly park & sleep is always good, if you're going to sleep in your car.

Other than that, another kind of place I'd like to sleep if I was sleeping in my car (never homeless long-term, either traveling in my car or "between places") was big, 24-hour shopping centers and large strip malls. Constant activity throughout the day, well lit but still inconspicuous. Had the added benefit of being available if you had to take a shit in the middle of the night...just use the public restroom at Wal Mart lol