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Opioids Home Made Opium Elixer(s)

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Apr 4, 2010
Hey to those that love to endeavor into pod tea. For a while my body built up a bit of a tolerance to this stuff. Having to slam two Massive measuring cups to get high.

After a while and being creative. I made some descent tea and poured it into a pyrex vessel with a good amount of surface area. Evaporating the tea till it was a Real Dark looking stuff.

Then after grabbing my container, added a few table spoons worth of honey to the mix to sweeten it up. Has hell of a smell to it as well.

Reminder too is that when i made the batch,my sugar goes in when the pods do into the water.

It took some time to get enough evaportated from the pyrex to fill a 20oz.bottle. It was black and thick and Was seriously potent. It lasted me two days on a road trip.

Anyone else done any similar projects?
Many people have done this (evaporating their pod tea). If you have a little search you'll find loads of threads about it ;)
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