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High Altitude


Dec 16, 2013
I have tried molly lots of times before but never in high altitude places. I am in Telluride, CO and I have about 4 grams of molly. I am splitting it with a friend and I would like to know if i can use the same amount i usually take when I take it back in New York.
I honestly hope that you're not doing all 4 grams with your friend.

Anyways, I did a quick search on Telluride and the elevation is around 2,600m above sea level. My current location is 1,000m above sea level and the dosage I take here isn't any different from those who take MDMA at sea level.

I can only think of two possible problems. Something may change exponentially/logarithmically as elevation rises. The other thing is your relatively lower number of hemoglobin in your bloodstream compared to those who live in higher elevations causing you to have a more difficult time catching your breath. I'm sure the differences in the latter isn't significant enough to cause you problems unless you're exerting yourself physically.
When you are at sea level when you LIVE in the mountains, you have super charged blood for a few days, (red blood cell count) in theory the better oxygenated blood with transport the MD around the body more efficiently in this blood state. However I live in the mountains and come to sea level to play a lot. Ive never noticed a difference at either place. Dose is the same.
Oh no we are doing a gram for one night and doing another gram for another night. But thanks for the info
^ That's an awful idea, just saying. Not only is that WAY too much to split between two people (if you need anywhere near half a gram each it's some extremely shitty product.), but rolling two days in a row at that dosage is extremely foolish and will put a huge tax on your serotonin.

150mg of MDMA plus a single 100mg redose after an hour or two can easily last 6+ hours, there's little reason to take so much more especially two days in a row.
The altitude is probably not an issue. Your dosing scheme is pretty extreme though. If you have good MDMA, you really don't need anything above 250-300mg across an evening. Taking more just adds to the negatives of the comedown while usually not providing much extra to the high. If I was you, and I was adamant on dosing two days in a row (which isn't a good idea), split one gram across 2 days. So that's 250mg each per day.
Sorry I didn't explain it better. I am not doing it two days in a row. We are splitting a gram for one day and then a couple of days down the row we are slitting another gram. I have tried some pretty good molly before and half a gram to myself only last about 4 hours or so. But half a gram is too much?
4 hours doesn't sound like molly. That sounds like methylone. A half a gram of MDMA should have you rolling at least 6 hours.

Test your stuff if you can.

As for your doses, 250mg in a night is all that you should really need if you have clean MDMA. Anything more than that is a waste and causes a nastier crash. Once your brain runs out of serotonin, you can't go any further. About 1 1/2 to 2 hours after your first drop, anything after that is all wasted and just adds to the crash.

As for the elevation, as everyone else has said, it shouldn't make a difference. Just be aware that the air is thinner at the higher elevations so adjust your physical exertion when you're rolling to make sure you get adequate oxygen.
So me and my friend took about .3 each and went on a helicopter tour around Colorado. It was the best roll I ever had. Last around 5 hours and I feel like the altitude boosted my high for some reason. But it was great! Thank you guys for the information.
Glad to hear that you had such a great time! That would be absolutely incredible to take a helicopter tour around Colorado but I don't know if I could do it while rolling! lol!
You have to do it at least once in your life time. The rush you get is amazing!
^ I only have one problem with that... you wouldn't be able to hear the music over the rotors!!

the altitude tends to boost the effects of everything, having gone from sea level to 5500 the difference is pretty noticeable, but nothing to worry about