• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hi, I've resigned myself to an unlivable sober life

Agreed, wicked first post!

The current research into neuroplasticity suggests that we continue to develop cognitively throughout our entire lives. The brain is quite the organ! We can even learn to condition our limbic systems' fight/flight/freeze/fuck response to an incredible degree, which says a lot about how pliable and conditional our wiring is.

Really, it's a fallacy to think of our brains as "hard wired" for anything. A more accurate description would be "wet-wired," a system of neural connections that is contending dying off and being regrown in response to environmental stimuli, one that can be conditioned to meet the needs of coping with any environment (and the environment will largely determine the type of coping strategies used - think of the rat park experiments: http://www.stuartmcmillen.com/comics_en/rat-park/). But this isn't determinism either, because to some degree, even in the worst of prisons, we are able to utilize some degree of agency and self control to manage even the harshest environments (see the link to the paper on self-control and post-humanism below).

What I take away from this is two things: the causes and conditions of our lives play an extremely significant role in shaping who we are and how we see the world AND that we also ultimately reap what we so, not just materially but in terms of how we see the world too. I'm not suggesting anyone become a Polyanna; to me denying the suffering of life is a life not being lived to its fullest. Discomfort is simply the flip side to comfort, pleasure to pain, pleasant to unpleasant.

That all being said, living with anhedonia is an incredibly, incredibly difficult place to be, because you're stuck living in a place of pain, unpleasantness and discomfort. I imagine it would be hard to feel good about life without being able to experience its if momentary joys (in fact, I know this to be true).

Here is a really interesting article on the nature of self control and how an appropriate discussion of it in the science surrounding addiction has been sorely lacking you might find interesting (particularly the section right before the conclusion): http://www.ijdp.org/article/S0955-3959(13)00010-8/fulltext

Coming to terms with the fact I love drugs and how they enhance (and have the potential to destroy) my life was probably the most significant developmental insight I have gained over my career as a junkie. I no longer find the insight into the meaninglessness of it all, which I fully agree with (it's just a slightly darker way of looking at everything as transient, which - as a secular lay person - is in my experience the only way to understand absolute reality), to not at all be mutually exclusive with the insight into the beauty that is the very transience of our experience.

Clearly you are an incredibly intelligent individual. Sometimes I feel like anhedonia can be the flip side to being smart enough to thing for one's self and see through the bullshit and alienation of what tends to color so much of everyday modern life.

Perhaps you simply have yet to learn how to live life in ways that allow you experience joy along side with your sorrow, regardless of degree or your genetic endowment. Perhaps this is also why you enjoy and/or are so drawn to substance use, because it helps to facilitate some degree of joy - however fake meaningless it might feel, it could very well become a bridge to discovering ways to connect with life that are not so dark.

Do you have much experience with enthogens or empathogens like mescaline, LSD, mushrooms, MXE or MDMA OP?

The thing is, I don't get the sense that you are hopeless in terms of your perspective (although IMHO hope is overrated). Just that you're more real, or perhaps more in touch with the darker side of experience, than most outwardly are.

It would be great to see more of your stuff in The Dark Side or Mental Health forums (or Sober Living of course, although it seems like you'd feel more at home in the two former communities than SL). This is like the perfect material for discussion there, where you'll find more than one person who can relate to your experiences of anhedonia.

tl;dr IME we neither have free will nor or slaves to our biology. What we are lays somewhere in-between. Here are some links you might find interesting regarding neuroplasticity, conditioning and self-control:
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So man, I FEEL YOU! Check out the chemistry that has unfolded before your very eyes and in writing!!!! Your first post got through some of the strongest and most impermeable spaces of your peers! I think all of us on here are here to FEEL something real, in a nutshell. We need each other to LEARN. BUT it's also so comforting to " get" someone and to want to be a part of that energy which is all YOU! Like I have felt every fucking word you spoke of. Every polymorphic neuroses, every disparaging and unintended syllable touched my core. So, THANK YOU! You are one of those superb or " sublime and beautiful" alluring edgy, brave, and good humans that make this world better. Im willing to bet you have an affinity towards nihilism....reading things like THE FALL, by camus or Notes from the underground, by fydor dystovesky.... your vocabulary, your apologies, the beating of your deepest parts in front of our eyes; well they woke me up. Again thank you. If the world loses a light like yours, a mind that will indeed have tremendous and has had outstanding influence/impact upon it. Then it will be a useless suspended pointless fuck up. I know that's quite drastic but seriously, Don't give in. Keep it together for a few more minutes seconds whatever.... if you need help, there is help. I promise. If you want help, you will have to be specific and you will receive it. So stop perpetuating. Give yourself a break. You have so much support right now. And it's real. The only chemistry I truly care about is that of which your post has established. You are connected to a lot of other brilliant minds, you touched our souls and left an imprint. Believe me, I understand the feelings down to the cadence of your texts. Down to the very word: ameliorate! You have everything. You have true power, and It pales even in the comparisons you made of our time and existence on this earth per the universe...Own it. Get back on what you need to or walk the walk until you can... All is not lost. -and now I must take my own advice. It fucking sucks, but it will pass. One day things will click....our lives are chaotic crazy beautiful fuck ups, but beauty never dies and love never ceases, and if you love, you live; and you become. It's physics. Take a breath. All of you are more than your chemical structural, subatomic, evolutionary status. I know there is more. I FEEL IT! If it has to be Descartes, I don't care.... nothing can replicate true knowledge. Well sometimes when I smoke weed I understand math but, ?keep fighting... I am getting certified to be able to do energy work. You should check out reiki, it is so helpful. Like you might be able to catch your breath....
kuboaa, Yeah id skip the ice to know as im having hopefully the final break from this substance, PM if your serios about hanging out though, Iv also no friends so don't be ashamed of that.

Oi ..yes you do.


Welcome to bl. Its all well and good to try to find some answers to the universe but everything just is what it is now because if it wasnt, what else was meant to happen?

Stop trying to gind andwers to questions that can wait a while and give yourself a break and go find some comfort in the simple stuff.