Hi guys in crisis kinda

I meant I already have helmets (one for biking and one for skiing) I bike Angel fire tho and ski wherever I can get too!!
Hey, Tacky, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with everything. I'm a PM away if you ever need it.<3
Thank you for all the support guys - I have had the diagnosis of borderline thrown at me a couple times and when I am doing well it makes no sense but when I am doing badly the shoe sure does fit
I recently saw some articles about ketamine being studied to treat mental illness - that's along ways away but something like that could be a lifesaver for someone like me
I just don't know where to go from here
I've read about it (ketamine) for depression but I've no idea if they are looking into it for anything else.

I have a hard time with diagnosis when I feel like they are being thrown around like rice at a wedding but if as you say, "the shoe fits..." it can be at least a small measure of comfort to know what you are dealing with. Just be careful not to let it start to define you to yourself or others. Having mental illness is manageable when you can tease apart the triggers, the symptoms, the habits and start to deal with them the way you would any other problem: one step at a time. The more you read and understand, the more you can understand how to tackle the symptoms.

I'm sorry it is being so hard, tacky.<3
Bit off topic but when I had my last surgery the anesthesiologist decided to use ketamine instead of the usual stuff they use as I had "huge" opiate tolerance.

When I woke up I had still ketamine infusion going on and I just instantly noticed that my depression was gone. I was interested into people and myself and thought about what I am going to do after I get out of hospital and such thoughts I haven't had for a while. I have a bi-polar disorder but my depression phases are pretty much drug resistant and might take a year even which isn't normal for a garden variety bi-polar disorder.

Now few months back I still have no depression at all and no mania either. I feel like I am in a perfect remission although I have tapered those oxys down and should have some kind of mental issues due that too.

Ketamine atleast seems to help and I hope some day it will be used as a normal procedure for various disorders if th research shows good results.
I've been hearing a lot about ketamine and how it helps depression. I wouldn't know how to go about getting it or what professional would seriously give it to me. It's hard enough keeping a klonopin prescription at the place I go to. No way they would give me ketamine. A radio guy talks about using it regularly so somehow he has a connection to K, but I'm sure he has more connections to people in general.