• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hi everyone! New here and wanted to introduce myself


Apr 20, 2024
Hello! Thought I'd introduce myself while exploring bluelight.

My name is Myrthe, I am 32 years old, and I live in the Netherlands (which also means that English isn't my first language so sorry if I make any mistakes lol).

First time I used drugs was when I was 19, I tried coke and speed. I did it both one time and didn't think much of it (I now think I actually took too little back then to really "feel" anything).

Since I was about 28 I started smoking weed and eventually smoked a joint every night before bed. I have now reduced smoking weed to about once a week.

A few years ago I made some new friends who regularly use hard drugs (at parties)and since then I use them every now and then as well.

Drugs I have used so far are:

MDMA (powder)
Magic Shroomz

As you can see I've tried quite some RC's, mostly because I'm curious and it's convenient haha.

My drug of choice would be 3-MMC because of the the entactogenic effect. I'm quite talkative as is, also when I'm sober. But with 3-MMC I just have a bit more self confidence and feel more at ease dancing etc.

I usually use hard drugs/rc's about once per month. Sometimes while going out with friends, sometimes at festivals but also sometimes just at home having a beer and chatting. I never use drugs when I'm alone, except for weed.

I like to think I'm a fairly responsible user, since I never order more than 1 gram at a time. Because once I start using, the cravings are real and I have no self control haha. If I would order 3 grams for example, I'm afraid I would go on a bender.

After a night of using drugs I usually also don't feel like using again until a few weeks later.

Anyway I have already written down way too much (yes I had 2-MMC earlier this night lol). If you have any further questions, please ask!

P.S: is there a general topic to ask questions? For example I would like to know if 4-MPD works heavy on your serotonin but I don't want to make a whole new topic for it. Thanks in advance!
Yo Mirthe ! welcome! I ve visited your country twice and as far as I can remember it was great :)
English isn't my first language so sorry if I make any mistakes lol).
You know as I know that Dutch people speak English better than many English native speakers, and if the people here on BL can deal with my Italo English, I m sure you ll be fine as well !
Yo Mirthe ! welcome! I ve visited your country twice and as far as I can remember it was great :)

You know as I know that Dutch people speak English better than many English native speakers, and if the people here on BL can deal with my Italo English, I m sure you ll be fine as well !

How do you mean ''as far as I can remember''? Were you young when you visited the Netherlands or did you hang out in our ''coffee shops'' too much to remember it vividly :p?

Haha yeah, I guess us Dutchies are usually relatively good at speaking English. For me personally my English vocabulary is pretty good, but sometimes I can struggle a bit with the correct sentence structure or the grammar. But oh well, it's good enough to be understandable haha.

So you live in Italy? Are you up so early or still up late :p?
How do you mean ''as far as I can remember''? Were you young when you visited the Netherlands or did you hang out in our ''coffee shops'' too much to remember it vividly :p?
I ve obviously smoked a shitload of weed ( which is crazy because nowadays weed is like poison to me) but magic mushrooms also played a role in my partial memory loss I guess :)
So you live in Italy? Are you up so early or still up late :p?
Nope, I m from Italy but I live in Brazil . 01 :11 AM here but the night is young and the coke is good :)

Haha yeah, I guess us Dutchies are usually relatively good at speaking English. For me personally my English vocabulary is pretty good, but sometimes I can struggle a bit with the correct sentence structure or the grammar. But oh well, it's good enough to be understandable haha.

From my experience as an American visiting Amsterdam, the average local spoke English more properly than I do. One shopkeeper even passively aggressively corrected my English, which I still find hilarious in retrospect.

btw what s this 3-MMC thing ?
It's the new trendy synthetic cathinone, I think it's mostly used as an alternative to MDMA.
Hello! Thought I'd introduce myself while exploring bluelight.

My name is Myrthe, I am 32 years old, and I live in the Netherlands (which also means that English isn't my first language so sorry if I make any mistakes lol).

First time I used drugs was when I was 19, I tried coke and speed. I did it both one time and didn't think much of it (I now think I actually took too little back then to really "feel" anything).

Since I was about 28 I started smoking weed and eventually smoked a joint every night before bed. I have now reduced smoking weed to about once a week.

A few years ago I made some new friends who regularly use hard drugs (at parties)and since then I use them every now and then as well.

Drugs I have used so far are:

MDMA (powder)
Magic Shroomz

As you can see I've tried quite some RC's, mostly because I'm curious and it's convenient haha.

My drug of choice would be 3-MMC because of the the entactogenic effect. I'm quite talkative as is, also when I'm sober. But with 3-MMC I just have a bit more self confidence and feel more at ease dancing etc.

I usually use hard drugs/rc's about once per month. Sometimes while going out with friends, sometimes at festivals but also sometimes just at home having a beer and chatting. I never use drugs when I'm alone, except for weed.

I like to think I'm a fairly responsible user, since I never order more than 1 gram at a time. Because once I start using, the cravings are real and I have no self control haha. If I would order 3 grams for example, I'm afraid I would go on a bender.

After a night of using drugs I usually also don't feel like using again until a few weeks later.

Anyway I have already written down way too much (yes I had 2-MMC earlier this night lol). If you have any further questions, please ask!

P.S: is there a general topic to ask questions? For example I would like to know if 4-MPD works heavy on your serotonin but I don't want to make a whole new topic for it. Thanks in advance!
Hello Myrthe, welcome!
Never been in Netherlands, just saw pictures of beautiful Tulips, windmills and rivers... Netherlands also influenced part of my country's culture (Brazil).
Don't worry about your English, the writing captivated me. As someone who also has English as a second language, grammatic and writing is something struggling for me.
Welcome Myrthe, I've heard that the lowlands are a great place to live if you are into recreational drug use. Good weed and good ket, i've heard.
what about opium?
Ah my man, in a better world I ld smoke my opium before going to bed rather than messing with all them pills, let alone with H (good thing that at least there s no H down here ). I ve had the chance to use the thing once in a blue moon and really is one of the best. I ld like to learn how to smoke it properly though, back in the days me and my mates used pretty barbaric ways of smoking it or just invested the thing, the best way to have a hell of a constipation.....
Welcome Myrthe, I've heard that the lowlands are a great place to live if you are into recreational drug use. Good weed and good ket, i've heard.
Good everything, I was not into smack when I went there but one of my favorite H vendor when I was buying on the the Deep Web was from Holland and man, his shit was fire and arrived down here in a reasonable time despite how fucked up the Brazilian post service is. They also have 9 had?) lots of HR policies like having chemists checking pills outside of raves- clubs etc to check whether they contained some crap etc. All in all, one of the countries with the most reasonable drug policies in the world . When I was there for the first time in my life I was rooting for the police, they appeared in seconds and only when they were supposed to ( like when some real crime was going on )
Ah my man, in a better world I ld smoke my opium before going to bed rather than messing with all them pills, let alone with H (good thing that at least there s no H down here ). I ve had the chance to use the thing once in a blue moon and really is one of the best. I ld like to learn how to smoke it properly though, back in the days me and my mates used pretty barbaric ways of smoking it or just invested the thing, the best way to have a hell of a constipation.....
Once and I am well into my 40's, did it I ever come across it. To bad this ain't a long time ago; I could just go down to the local opium den and have my pain smoked away. Probably not as bad for a person, especially me, to smoke opium than abuse alcohol at the local bar or at home.
Ah my man, in a better world I ld smoke my opium before going to bed rather than messing with all them pills, let alone with H (good thing that at least there s no H down here ). I ve had the chance to use the thing once in a blue moon and really is one of the best. I ld like to learn how to smoke it properly though, back in the days me and my mates used pretty barbaric ways of smoking it or just invested the thing, the best way to have a hell of a constipation.....
Once and I am well into my 40's, did it I ever come across it. To bad this ain't a long time ago; I could just go down to the local opium den and have my pain smoked away.
Hello Myrthe and welcome to Blue Light.