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Benzos "Heroin" cut with Benzos?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
My friend has been scoring off this guy for a few days & he smokes his gear, I'm UK based so we get what is usually Afghan #3

He gave me a bit & I swear to God it tasted so much like crushed up Zopiclone with a weird "pill" like after-taste too, it did nothing in the usual heroin feeling to my body, it made my vision go a bit wonky for a few seconds then a light headed feeling for a few minutes then went away. It's sure not heroin I know that much & I've crushed up enough pills before & done enough RC's in water to know a chemical taste.

He said last time it was like this he pissed dirty for benzos for ages after, why his taking it (smoked) is beyond me if I'm honest, what a bloody idiot!!!

Is it even possible to smoke Diazepam?
If so what does it do?
How long after will it show in your system?
Never tried with diazepam, but we used to smoke rohypnol on foil. It works, just wasteful and short lived.
Very disgunting burnt taste. Kind of sweet, too.
By the way, we only did it before dosing h, as a potentiator. No point in smoking benzos otherwise was the vast agreement.
that kind of cut is going around with the stuff in the US so I guess it's not that surprising

animal tranq now too

Is it even possible to smoke Diazepam?
benzos have a boiling point around 500°C, so it's not super easy but definitely possible
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benzos have a boiling point around 500°C I don't think it would smoke very well?

what does the residue look like while smoking it?

maybe it's one of those animal tranqs they're cutting fent with in the US now ?
No, it burnts and of course doesn't run in the foil. But you get a rapid benzo effect. Not advisable.
It could be cut with Rc benzos or tranquilizers, more then likely it is. Dealers care about money only. i had a tox screen come back with that drug U 4700(?) and it was one of the nastiest taste i ever tasted.
Testing dope should be done now because you never know what you're gonna get and it's killing people.
Stay safe
You can smoke Rohypnol, I know that. But I doubt they'd cut heroin with it.

Not sure about other benzos.
Oh good, I was trying to die from a heroin and a benzo 2-in-1 overdose combo nothing better.

I wanted to get high, but instead I god damn died!!!!!!
Phenobarbital was used to cut heroin base (no. 3) back in the 80s, IIRC. And barbital (a.k.a. veronal) before that, in China and S.E. Asia, to make heroin HCL more smokable.

As for benzos, I've certainly read about people smoking pure etizolam/flubromazolam powder off foil successfully. So I'd guess there's no inherent reason diazepam couldn't be used to cut heroin.

But diazepam isn't water-soluble, not even with citric acid, and the same goes for most of the RC benzos. So it's not a good fit for cutting heroin, unless it's only sold to smokers and not IV users.
But diazepam isn't water-soluble, not even with citric acid, and the same goes for most of the RC benzos. So it's not a good fit for cutting heroin, unless it's only sold to smokers and not IV users.
This stuff cooks up just like normal heroin, I've spoken to a couple of guys today about it who all shoot their gear & asked them about it.
They all said the same as me, they can taste something like pills but it has none of that rush you get from shooting good Heroin at the start. When it hits it just puts them on their arse & they "nod" out but not like a good heroin "nod" if you know what I'm on about?


if you're lucky it might have a spec of heroin in it
Mexican Cartels wrecked the market imho, I heard Fent was huge in the USA.

It's so rare over here thank God, I got sold some stuff once that had it in & smoking the gear did nothing so I shot some which was a mistake. It hit me lke a brick & wasn't the high I was looking for. Fent is imho pure Poison & now the Taliban have banned the crop being grown the UK MP's are all worried our streets will be flooded by Fent too, they are speaking about it in Parliment.

Why anyone would use that stuff is beyond me I swear.
Junkies will use whatever is available
Used Heroin since 2001 & I'd not touch Fent.
I also refuse to touch several Benzos & don't even get my going on that fucking filth known as Pregabalin.

I learned my lesson with 2C-E also for a RC angle, I'd not touch that stuff ever again.
Now if someone dropped me a kilo of pure MDPV Hcl........... ;):ROFLMAO: