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Henry 1/8 Episode 4: A New Dope

Smoking some lovely blackberry kush, stoned as hell and bout to go to a chinese restaurant =D

Having a few ciders and a feast of gourmet marijuanabis on our hands! On the left organic soil grown Jack Herer, on the right hydro OG kush. In the back some original Moroccan landrace Sativa pollen.Tonight is a good night for a stoner :)

I should really cut back on the smoke. Smoking a quarter a week these days which wouldnt be a problem if I was rich. Dont know the strain name but got some really light coloured well grown/cured stuff completely packed with kief. Going to keep collecting the kief till I run out of weed and maybe make a nice little lump of dry sift hash.
Apologies for the picture quality, My phone is a cunt! This is some Strawberry cheese which i believe is UK cheese crossed with Arjans strawberry Haze. Its absolutely divine, the smell to me is equal parts musky, dampy smelling typical cheese and the faintest hint of strawberry is present but not overpowering.


That looks tasty man. I'm all outta bud for the first time in so long, got about 2g of honey oil and that's it :( bit of a bastard to smoke with no weed either as I dont use tobacco. Choking for some of that smooth green goodness. It is medicine to me! %)
Got some of this off a mate today who knew I was outta smoke. Very greatful and its nice stuff

Medicritical is the one against the yellow background it's a high CBD strain very relaxing like Valium almost due to its 14% CBD: 14% THC ratio

The other one with purple through it is purple kush which is pretty strange, the only way I can describe the taste is...well, purple! :D


Unfortunate discovery last night: weed sensitises my motion sickness. Nearly threw up by the time I staggered off the bus. Extra body heat from the 3-FPM and other things wasn't helping, but still, I think I would not have been feeling that bad without the weed in the system. Hopefully next week if I smoke a bit less it won't be such a problem.
You'd probably find without the stims the weed would have agreed with you much better. I'm big on my weed as a medicine like I truly do believe it helps my psyche. However if you were to give me a dose of speed I would say during that time spell the weed would do me no good, and possibly send me wrong.

Weed is something that is chalk and cheese. If your getting the good shit grown with care and love and a cure on it is a million miles away from the triad grown cheesefilth grown quickly and sold wet.
You'd probably find without the stims the weed would have agreed with you much better. I'm big on my weed as a medicine like I truly do believe it helps my psyche. However if you were to give me a dose of speed I would say during that time spell the weed would do me no good, and possibly send me wrong.

Weed is something that is chalk and cheese. If your getting the good shit grown with care and love and a cure on it is a million miles away from the triad grown cheesefilth grown quickly and sold wet.

Can't argue with that. I find stims and weed are a great mix when the phase of the stim high and the mood of the room line up just right, otherwise the more intimate/introverted sense of the weed clashes with the pro-sociallyness of the stim and it's just not that great a combo.

I've been smoking a fair bit recently because I find it a far better antidepressant than the Rx crap (that said, I'd love it if the Rx crap actually did what it promised, because I'd far rather be getting high for fun instead of gacking my tolerance because I feel the need to have a constant low level of weed just to fix my head, but that's besides the point...), but there's a huge difference IMO between the feeling of the amount you smoke to balance your mind vs getting completely trashed, which was basically the stage I was at last night, and at that point everything gets spinny, which really doesn't help any sort of motion sickness issues.

I find myself missing the bud I had over christmas, that felt a lot better than what I get while I'm up here, alas that was from the other side of the country so no chance I'll get any more for a while.
Yea timing is everything. But to me weed + MDMA is amazing, weed + amp not really worth it. I imagine 3-FPM being more like the weed + amp combo.

Also I never find straight weed makes me feel sickly. Because I only smoke pipes and the very occasional blunt. I believe if your using it for any kind of medical ailments then mixing with tobacco is probably just getting in the way a bit.

Agree about the Rx crap. The right strain of weed does more for any anxiety in a positive pro active kind of treatment than Valium. and more for motivation in a sustainable manner than speed. It really is a wonder drug, the fact it's been oppressed for so many years now is shameful.
Yea timing is everything. But to me weed + MDMA is amazing, weed + amp not really worth it. I imagine 3-FPM being more like the weed + amp combo.

Also I never find straight weed makes me feel sickly. Because I only smoke pipes and the very occasional blunt. I believe if your using it for any kind of medical ailments then mixing with tobacco is probably just getting in the way a bit.

Agree about the Rx crap. The right strain of weed does more for any anxiety in a positive pro active kind of treatment than Valium. and more for motivation in a sustainable manner than speed. It really is a wonder drug, the fact it's been oppressed for so many years now is shameful.

I've always smoked my weed straight, can't smoke baccy because it'd interact with one of my meds and put me on the fast lane to DVT and pulmonary embolism. Not that that's a bad thing really.

When I'm off SSRIs I'll definitely try weed + MDMA, and at least from description (since I have yet to try either speed or MDMA themselves) I'd definitely put 3-FPM closer to speed. That said, I do like weed + 3-FPM for getting you into that slightly floaty state where you can just ride the flow with not a care in the world, whereas straight 3-FPM is a bit too edgy.

100% agreed, and it sucks that the government here is moving backwards (and indeed directly up their own arses) instead of following the lead of more sensible parts of the world and getting weed into legality. You know something's gone wrong when america's beating you in progressiveness : /
Squid I honestly don't mean to have a go, you seem a nice person but you are new to all this it seems. I'd question why use one drug that needs another drug for you not to feel edgy?

I don't hate RC's like my posts sometimes seem. There were good RC's - 2c's, tryptamines, the cathinones were good too even with the problems they presented at times. This current wave of RC's though just seem pitiful at best. A load of unresearched crap that is dangerous because we know so little about it and yet nobody (like back in the times of meph) is screaming "FUCK ME THIS SHITS BANGING YO" to make me think the first part is remotely worth it.

I'm not going to recommend sources but work out how to use tor and Bitcoin. On those places you will find plenty of decent weed to choose from and better drugs than the ones those screwball legal high vendors will sell you.

The government are always going to drag their heels and the drugs game as such is forever changing. If you want good drugs you have to just follow the changes in the game. And by that I don't mean the next heavily shilled RC.
Squid I honestly don't mean to have a go, you seem a nice person but you are new to all this it seems. I'd question why use one drug that needs another drug for you not to feel edgy?

I don't hate RC's like my posts sometimes seem. There were good RC's - 2c's, tryptamines, the cathinones were good too even with the problems they presented at times. This current wave of RC's though just seems pitiful at best.

I'm not going to recommend sources but work out how to use tor and Bitcoin. On those places you will find plenty of decent weed to choose from and better drugs than the ones those screwball legal high vendors will sell you.

The government are always going to drag their heels and the drugs game as such is forever changing. If you want good drugs you have to just follow the changes in the game. And by that I don't mean the next heavily shilled RC.

Honestly I'm not getting any more 3-FPM after my current bag is done. It really doesn't last anywhere near long enough to be worth it. Unless something shows up that's absolutely mint (and I'm not going to be looking for it) I'm going to go for the tried and true of speed. Extra risk and worse effects just for the sake of a little easier shopping? Just not worth it.

It's not so much that it needs weed to not be edgy, it's more that a club environment you want to be in a state somewhere close to hammered, as that's what the ambience is set up for. Straight stims, especially the smoothness of 3-FPM, just leave you too focussed to peace out and soak into the music consistently, at least in my experience. When you want to focus on something, like for example an exam, 3-FPM is fine on its own. It's just a case of tailoring your high to the conditions you're in, especially since I find stims make me more sensitive to the general mood of people around me. That's why I find that you want something to blur the world a bit when clubbing, it's not a case that 3-FPM alone is unpleasant, just that it's not right for the setting.
Exactly. The fact it's around the same price and amount of clicks away too I just don't get it.

Understand what your saying, I never found speed itself much of a club drug in excessive dosing more a keep the after party going type drug. But one oral dose of it before I went out and a few drinks and it certainly was. If you need any advice about speed and what your looking for there's a thread here answering all the usual questions I'm sure I've posted too much in :)

In weed related news still smoking a few different strains mate dropped off yesterday because he knew I'd run out! Not been so greatful in a while as when he dropped me some weed yesterday after I ran out =D
Cannabis and amphetamine is like pissing in the wind. Cannabis and 3fpm is like making luuuurve to God. Not all stimulants are the same...
Cannabis and amphetamine is like pissing in the wind. Cannabis and 3fpm is like making luuuurve to God. Not all stimulants are the same...

I'll give it a go at some point. It seems like it would appeal to me, but we will see. For now, I'll just be having tea and weed. Great combination that though.
In the market for a grinder with a screen and kief catcher in it, is it worth shelling out for a Space Case or are one of the ten quid ones off t'internet good enough? Always seem to get shitty ones when I buy online, best one I own is a plastic three piece I got from the market for £3 but I'm wasting hell of potential hash here I feel. Guy who used to drop off wasn't happy with the stuff being sold or the weights so started up and god it's like night and day the difference and all of a sudden I'm having to like lick crystals off my fingers when I'm done rolling soooo...!

I dunno if I can ask for brand names or not but I did just mention one and if anyone asks I'm using it for idk fucking thyme or something
Cannabis and amphetamine is like pissing in the wind. Cannabis and 3fpm is like making luuuurve to God. Not all stimulants are the same...

Go back though the thread. squids experience didn't sound much fun.

I don't know how I've not got a stone over today. Smoking 3 types of weed 2 types of hash oil last night. Do have a bit of a sore stomach...lol
In the market for a grinder with a screen and kief catcher in it, is it worth shelling out for a Space Case or are one of the ten quid ones off t'internet good enough? Always seem to get shitty ones when I buy online, best one I own is a plastic three piece I got from the market for £3 but I'm wasting hell of potential hash here I feel. Guy who used to drop off wasn't happy with the stuff being sold or the weights so started up and god it's like night and day the difference and all of a sudden I'm having to like lick crystals off my fingers when I'm done rolling soooo...!

I dunno if I can ask for brand names or not but I did just mention one and if anyone asks I'm using it for idk fucking thyme or something

Me daughter bought me one of these for me birthday:


Seems OK, but I've not used it yet - I'm oldskool me and tend to just rip it apart with my fingers...
I've got the same one FUBAR. And a much bigger version with a handle to whirl it round, and a bigger crystal catching area, someone left in mine.

I still prefer the one you have. It's a better size and the teeth are sharper. Only complaint is the bottoms jammed probably need grips to open it.