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Helping reduce illness after MDMA


May 26, 2014
It appears that about 24-48 hours after rolling (using different sources of mdma different times) illness symptoms are setting in.
This time happens to be thrush and a cold :s
The time before I had a really bad cold where I felt exhausted and faint for a few days and had one of the worst fevers I've ever had.

I've seen posts around with the sorts of things that may or may not be helpful but has anyone got a really good thing that works specifically for them that I could try? I've taken Vit C before and it didn't do much. I know why it happens (lowering immune system/being super tired after and being around people that may carry illnesses so being more susceptible) - I just want to have an idea of what I can do.
except postponing the roll when you notice the slightest symptoms of a cold, there's really not much you can do. what could probably help is not taking off your t-shirt in cold areas ;).
there are a lot of supplements that could be taken as a preventive measure (such as vit. c, zinc, or plant remedies like echinacea), but if you aren't deficient in some of those nutrients already then none of them are proven to work.
As a female I'm not accustomed to taking my tshirt off in public places anyway :)
I didn't have symptoms of either illness until after the roll either :(
I've seen some of these around but other than taking a few times to experiment with what suppliment/s work for me I don't know what else to do other than see what other people are finding particularly useful, and/or if anyone else has been so susceptible to post-roll illnesses
I always get sick after a roll. Usually it's postponed for a few days-- thank god or festivals would be a nightmare. Try to avoid doing things that are unsanitary and maybe that will help. Random hook ups, drinking out of other ppls water, chewing on things (my problem). Maybe a good post roll regimen will help.
Rave fever ? Feeling like shit for a few days is pretty common after a big event. No actual sickness though. Load up on vit c prior and after the event, if your sharing your water bottle, hugging and kissing randoms, dancing in a hot sweaty place, wandering around soaking wet then you should expect to pick up the odd germ or two.
I've experienced this. Feel like shit. Took me 3 days to recover. Had to skip school lol. You gonna be fine buddy. :)
I always get sick after a roll at a festival or an event, every single time. Usually it's just a cold, sometimes though it's the flu or something more annoying. I always get strep throat as well, which weirdly seems to be very common with MDMA users. Like the OP said it's the combination of MDMA lowering the immune response (tremendously, not just a little bit), a lot of people with a lot of germs around you and exhaustion. Apart from making sure your body is in tip-top shape when you roll there's not much you can do I think, unless you want to roll with a surgical mask on (saw this a couple of times so it's not that weird I guess)

A quote from the study I linked above:
Research conducted over the last number of years has clearly demonstrated that the administration of MDMA to both animals and humans has profound immunosuppressive effects, a property that it shares with other drugs of abuse.1–6 For the most part, the immunosuppressive effects of MDMA are not attributed to a direct action of the drug on immune cells, but rather to the release of endogenous immunomodulatory substances, and it is suggested that exposure to MDMA could be regarded as a ‘chemical stressor’ on the immune system.
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You could try a whole food multivitamin the day before & after. Fix your diet, go out in the daylight. Vitamin D3 is underrated
I've had this too after going to raves I'd often catch a cold or something, maybe MDMA lowers your immune system, or it might just be mixing with so many people in an enclosed space for a few hours, a few are bound to have a cold & pass it on. Eating healthily & vitamins might help.