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Help with Anxious Come-Ups on MDMA


Mar 1, 2013
Usually when I dose in public places (aka shows/events) , I get very anxious during the come up. I feel like the setting has a lot to do with it. Festivals aren't really a problem as I feel as if there much more laid back vibe(and I can go sit down somewhere and have tons of room) I speaking more so at tight venues or clubs were space is limited...idk maybe I need some personal space when I'm blasting off? I always use between 140-150mg of Reagent tested MDMA to start ( I've tried higher and lower but this is right were I want to be). Once I reach my peak I'm perfectly happy where I'm at. No longer feel the anxiety the rest of the time. I just was wondering if anyone had some tips or tricks to combat this. I'm a VERY laid back person IRL. I take no meds. Have no psychosomatic issues. I just feel really uneasy coming up in those situations and wish I didn't have to experience it bc tbh it's pretty intense and unsettling for myself. Maybe a drink of alcohol or 2 before? I do not drink at all on a regular basis. I do use cannabis daily; and usually before, during, after my rolls. I know some people pot can have a major effect on them especially post use. But for myself, I feel as if it doesn't have much correlation to effecting my rolls/come downs very much. Suggestions welcome.
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1-3 beers will do the trick for your.

0,5 whiskey does trick for me :DD
Yeah I would probably suggest maybe a few drinks to settle the nerves? Maybe spirits instead as its easier on the stomach, nothing good about dropping pills on top of about 12 beers in your stomach, splash!
20 minute of yogic discipline (really basic asanas) does the trick for me !
I think I'll probably attempt a drink or two to calm them. I'm just so used to not drinking I guess I never really think to grab one to take the edge off. I'm also interest in this "yogic discipline,asanas" i like the idea of calming myself without another substance. Not that I'm against alcohol by any means, just being able to control emotions and mental status sober or not on cue interests me. I do usually take caffeine as well prior to give me a little up. But I'm pretty tolerant of caffeine (5-7 caffeinated beverages daily...a lot..I know) they may also play a role in my roll. Hahahah I laughed after I typed that
You can learn some basic mindfulness meditation techniques if you're more interested in not using alcohol. I normally have a drink on the come-up but I also drink regularly so I don't mind using some. You can Google techniques but one that works well for me is focusing on the physical effects that anxiety or stress have on me. For example, as soon as I recognize I'm stressed, I think "Bring it to the body. Where do I feel it? Stomach is dizzy, shoulders are tight. Knees are clenching a bit. Okay, relax the knees, relax the shoulders..." and do this for a little while. It works quite a bit when I pay attention to the passing nature of stressful feelings (ay, all feelings).

Like I said, Google some techniques, there are tons out there and it's just a matter of finding one that works for you :)