Help When I Can


Jan 13, 2018
Good Day, I'm new here. I am here to help as much as I can and also to learn as much as I can. I am a physician, 25 years in practice. I am an Orthopedic and also Chiropractic. I have a degree in Nutrition and over the past decade have studied and applied energy medicine and reiki in my practices. My post grad work is a Diplomate in Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders.

My purpose being here is to learn and to help. I have personally dealt with opiate issues several times in my life (due to multiple injuries and such) and as expected, quitting each time wasn't easy. I wish I had then the treatment options and knowledge I have now, it would have been so much easier. So, if I can offer this to others I am doing my job.
I am not online much however I do plan to check this site a couple times daily to see if I can help if/when needed.
Reiki and other so called alternative remedies need looking into and deserve much more respect than they do than at present. I strongly believe alot of mental health problems could be resolved with these so called alternative remedies rather than mind altering ssri and other psychoactive drugs. I look forward to hearing your input on the dark side.
I utilize Reiki and energy medicine routinely at my primary clinic and we get consistent, regular beneficial results from both alternative methods; especially in reduction of pain and stress/anxiety and depression.
So nice to have you here Doctor. Thank you for the offer of assistance. I appreciate you very much.

Is there any advise you could give for intense left leg pain? My left femur bone feels like wolves are chewing on it and I often dream that because that is what it feels like. Deep, throbbing (like a toothache kind of) pain and burning in the left femur. Left foot had been numb with no power in left leg for years after being hit on the freeway at high speed from behind. Left leg has felt as if "it is just hanging there" for years until recently. It feels attached and useful again. The intense pain keeps flaring up though and I am loosing the feeling/power at times of barometric pressure/freezing wind/cold weather changes.

My lower back does hurt also. I recently have been able to regain feeling in that left foot and some power back in my left leg after really working it with a dance/ stretch routine daily for about a year. I have been forcing myself to use that leg again.

I have a strong spiritual understanding and connection after having a near death experience. I feel like I am doing some sort of reiki or energy healing on myself and have helped others. My dog regularly has seizures and just me putting my hand on her stops them.
No one else's hand stops the seizures....