Help stop shooting suboxone


May 26, 2010
A little about me, Just turned 23. Been abusing opiates for 5-7 years and on the needle for at least 4 years.
I moved to CO 2 years ago after rehab and stayed clean for 3 months from opiates, I ended up using for a month and knew what was gonna happen so I got myself on subs, I did pretty well on them at the beginning but ended up taking vacations, eventually the vacations got too frequent and getting back on the subs after a weekend (or week) of heroin was getting to be really hard. So I took a look at what I was really trying to do with suboxone.
For me the answer was ease myself into a opiate free or opiate maintained state. Ive been holding down a job the whole time minus 1 month where my employer fucked me over. Which is something ive never done.

Where im at now is I have used H only 2 times in the past 2-3 months, sticking to my suboxone at a little more then 1mg twice a day. Sad thing is ive gotten hooked on the needle like a mofo. Would like to stick to a sublingual dose of 2mg suboxone, mabye 4mg to start. I feel suboxone has been great at keeping me away from the people/lifestyle that was so destructive and even eased me out of heroin use at my own rate. Jumping off the needle is the next big step. Im gonna try to take 2mg of suboxone sublingually 2x a day.

I also have etizolam which ive been iv'ing along with it at doses of.12-.25mg, I was one of the worst benzo abusers I ever met for years, but I just seem to have outgrown benzo abuse and have only taken theraputic doses since moving to CO. I was taking clonazepam .5 2x a day but when I lost my job I couldnt afford to go to the doctor and started iv'ing etizolam. Now that I get paid again I am going to go see the doctor on my day off and get my clonazepam script again. One less excuse to pick up the needle.

Yall are probly wondering what the hell kinda help I need from yall. I just need some accountability. Its always been something I respond to. Knowin someone, anyone knows what I said and will hold me to it, someone I could say "yo I didnt pick up the needle today" and have them just give some positive reinforcment. I know it may sound silly but it does make a huge difference to me. I have no friends or family here and even with the tiny amount of friends and fam I can call, theres no one that I can tell the complete truth of whats going on.
It would be nice to hear from someone in the same situation or who has been in the same situation and came out victorious.

anyways If you read this I really appreciate it.
You might want to look into the "needle fixation" thread, lot'ss of experienced users there with similar problems... I thought subuXONE (ith Nalaxone or naltrexone, can't remember hwich) prevented IV use.. no effect/high compared to subuTEX...!?

Try changing ROA to intranasal for sure "better" than IV, be carefull, strong come-up, nod, not therapeutic etc.

sorry not much time to write more atm. will try to follow thread, and add more info...

Stay srong, have faith it work out!

Positive reinforcements are a great help. Your making the right choices and that's great. First thing addicts need to do is break the cycle of using H. Then get a good routine and keep busy. You seem to know what's best for you. The next step is to stop IV sub. Just up your dose from 2mg to 4mg sublingual. You will still get a nice feeling from it, but it'll take about 25 mins to feel it. Your doing really well. I know how hard it is. My story is pretty similar and I'm just trying to stay on subs for a bit because at least I'm not using H. Sometimes we got to take baby steps. Stay strong and please post again, I'd like to know how you go.
^^ indeed sublingual therapeutic dose would be a far more favourable ROA than intranasal, to as you perfectly said "break the cycle of addiction". Wise advice above poster!
OP, does any of this help a bit?
You're in the right place! I would definitely check out the "sober living" subforum... there's a thread in there about sobriety accountability. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a fantastic resource for accountability as well. You go and you make friends and you don't want to let those people down. Personally, I had to go to the methadone clinic for my accountability when my use got way, way out of control. But I'm glad you're seeking some help and some accountability. Good for you, and keep up the good work!
I thought subuXONE (ith Nalaxone or naltrexone, can't remember hwich) prevented IV use..

Nup, it's all a charade. Buprenorphine has much higher binding affinity than naloxone so it wins out.

The addition of naloxone and the reasons for it are conflicting. Published data show that the μ opioid receptor binding affinity of buprenorphine is higher than naloxone's (Ki = 0.2157 nM for buprenorphine, Ki = 1.1518 nM for naloxone; smaller Ki mean higher affinity).[15][contradiction] Furthermore, the IC50 or the half maximal inhibitory concentration for buprenorphine to displace naloxone is 0.52 nM, while the IC50s of other opiates in displacing buprenorphine, is 100 to 1,000 times greater.[16] These studies help explain the ineffectiveness of naloxone in preventing suboxone abuse, as well as the potential dangers of overdosing on buprenorphine, as naloxone is not strong enough to reverse its effects. - Wikipedia