Help me get it back..


Nov 14, 1999
I was just sitting here thinking that I would pay like 500 bucks to feel the way I did the first few times I rolled. I don't think I roll too often at most I mean most two times per month. And I always give myself atleast two weeks in between. I think I am pretty healthy,I take lots of vitamins and I eat well and excercise. I wanna know why can't I get that real rush of tingles loviness like I used to. I can't figure out if it's the pills or just me. I mean I still get some of those XTC effects but now it seems more to be a speedy...wanna dance....still touchy but not that lovey? AHH help. Any insight would be awesome. oh BTW I do preload with 5-htp and at a party I take like 2-3 pills if at home etc. I can still roll off one pill.
"Without any intentional, fancy way of adjusting yourself, to express yourself as you are is the most important thing"
Well sorry but the first time feeling will never come back - my explanation (no med backround what so ever) is that the first time your body doesn't know what to expect - so it's new and amazing - after that it can alreay "predict" the effect and your mind is too - you wait for it to hit and maybe that kills some of it ... I would say try Acid - it's amazing and Kandyflipping never goes wrong - it's always a new adventure and a new trip .. but if your staying with E - try maybe more then two weeks apart - and try getting some good pills (hard to find these days)
Plur (hey i'm back smiling
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
i think the same thing is happening to me, and it sucks. i guess its just a sign that your brain is fucked up from what has been done to it, so it doesn't work quite the same anymore.
ahhh, ecstasy, so wonderful, yet so short-lived. its too bad we can't just be on e 24-7 without consequence...
Yes i'm afraid i must agree with specialKNY...i think a lot of it has to do with what your body has never or is not used to experiencing. I too lately have been very dissapointed with my rolls and fear i've built a high tolerance.
I only hope that a loooooong break will let me roll with pleasure and not disappointment one day. In the mean time i'll have to settle for the occasional shroom trip. It's quite depressing when u realize u might not ever feel that same way from e again.