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Opioids HELP. Doctor rejected my urgent prescription


Apr 29, 2018
My regular doctor is off on holiday. I rang for an urgent (same day) prescription for my Dihydrocodeine (which I have gone without for 30+ hours already). The doctor in charge of issuing meds decided NO (apparently they're cracking down on people asking for same-day scripts instead of asking earlier) and said I have to wait two business days (which MAY be Sat if I'm lucky, but may be Monday).
The pharmacist refused me an urgent supply, too (which he's done before but app. DHC is a controlled substance and now also a Class B Drug so it's a no-go).

I'm already in agony and really sick from withdrawal, I barely made it through today, I can't wait any longer and don't know what to do?? What should I do?

I'm in the UK btw.
My regular doctor is off on holiday. I rang for an urgent (same day) prescription for my Dihydrocodeine (which I have gone without for 30+ hours already). The doctor in charge of issuing meds decided NO (apparently they're cracking down on people asking for same-day scripts instead of asking earlier) and said I have to wait two business days (which MAY be Sat if I'm lucky, but may be Monday).
The pharmacist refused me an urgent supply, too (which he's done before but app. DHC is a controlled substance and now also a Class B Drug so it's a no-go).

I'm already in agony and really sick from withdrawal, I barely made it through today, I can't wait any longer and don't know what to do?? What should I do?

I'm in the UK btw.
Gone through this too.fuck..DHC withdrawls are bad,but bereable.Cause its continus withdrawl kick after a day.If you are not on big dose some codeine would do the trick and save those two days.Been on this a couple a months at dose around 300mg daily.Kratom will help also..may be even tramadol.
Gone through this too.fuck..DHC withdrawls are bad,but bereable.Cause its continus withdrawl kick after a day.If you are not on big dose some codeine would do the trick and save those two days.Been on this a couple a months at dose around 300mg daily.Kratom will help also..may be even tramadol.

I'm take around 480-600mg DHC/day.
I did a CWE on some Paramol earlier (they have 7.5mg DHC each) and it help a little for a couple hours.

I called the 111 (non-emergency hospital line) and found a pharmacy willing to give me a 4 day supply :).

I don't have access to anything like codeine or tramadol, unfortunately.
I'm take around 480-600mg DHC/day.
I did a CWE on some Paramol earlier (they have 7.5mg DHC each) and it help a little for a couple hours.

I called the 111 (non-emergency hospital line) and found a pharmacy willing to give me a 4 day supply :).

I don't have access to anything like codeine or tramadol, unfortunately.

What is the actual prescribed dose? At those doses it seems like you'd be better off switching to something more potent, like morphine 🤔
What is the actual prescribed dose? At those doses it seems like you'd be better off switching to something more potent, like morphine 🤔

Prescribed dose is 240mg/day but that barely touches the level of pain I'm in. Because I abused an Oxy script (for three months, eleven years ago) my doctor has said I will never ever be prescribed anything stronger than DHC (not even oramorph) ever again (unless I'm a hospital inpatient and it's like post-surgery or I have some severely wrong with me, ie. an injury that's visibily serious or an illness that can be proven with tests).

So now I live every day in fear I'll end up with something horrendous that I can't PROVE (Trigeminal Neuralgia, Cluster Headaches etc) and I'll just be left screaming in agony being called a junkie and denied meds :(