• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void



Jan 13, 2024
I'm actually a long-time lurker who also had an account at some point. I can't remember the account details though. Don't really care anyway, I feel like I was probably annoying or an asshole anyway. Hopefully I'm better this time. Hello, Bluelight, it's good to be back.

I've long enjoyed the altered states of mind that drugs give us. Often to the point of it being a problem, because for most of my life I've been in a state where I want to either not exist or be on something, ANYTHING, just to feel different. As you can guess from that, I hate my default mode of existence. I'm working on trying to get through that, though. I remembered there being a nice recovery community here that I'll surely lurk in, and maybe be brave enough to take part in some day. And I figured while I'm at it, I might as well share what knowledge I do have about specific drugs to the community, if I see a place where it might be useful.

It's good to be back.
film hello GIF by The LEGO Movie