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Heavy weed smoker, could I switch to Delta or something else


Jun 26, 2008
I vape a gram a day which is a lot to me. That's like 25$ a day. So I was thinking too myself maybe I should buy some Delta 8 or 9 off Amazon and I wondered had anyone else who smokes a lot weed switched to legal gummies for at least the bulk of my high then I could vape on the side to fill in the wholes. An1 get high from Delta 8 or 9 to save money or normal weed weed?
I vape a gram a day which is a lot to me. That's like 25$ a day. So I was thinking too myself maybe I should buy some Delta 8 or 9 off Amazon and I wondered had anyone else who smokes a lot weed switched to legal gummies for at least the bulk of my high then I could vape on the side to fill in the wholes. An1 get high from Delta 8 or 9 to save money or normal weed weed?
Kind of like asking if you can switch your 200 dollars a day coke habit for Starbucks. Ventis of course
I vape a gram a day which is a lot to me. That's like 25$ a day. So I was thinking too myself maybe I should buy some Delta 8 or 9 off Amazon and I wondered had anyone else who smokes a lot weed switched to legal gummies for at least the bulk of my high then I could vape on the side to fill in the wholes. An1 get high from Delta 8 or 9 to save money or normal weed weed?
I can't believe you pay $25/g!

I only pay $10/g for high quality named strains and it's not even legal where I live.

You could try switching and see if it works for you. That's what I recommend. I've only bought d8 carts twice and both times the cart crapped out long before the halfway point. That led to me eating the contents both times.

I like the high of d8 and a pure gram is only $15 at the corner store.

I got a brand name d9 cart from my herb man the other day though and it vapes way better. It also tastes better and gets me higher.
An1 get high from Delta 8 or 9 to save money or normal weed weed?
I will say that I am a heavy weed smoker (flower) and delta did nothing noticeable while I smoked bud.
After a couple days of no weed delta got me high as hell but it is lacking in other compounds in flower so the high really isnt the same but is effective and cheap.
unfortunately sickness, the only way to get that kind of tolerance down is to give your cannabinoid receptors a break.
You are vaping which is the most effecient route of adminstration of THC herb, what vaporizer/s do you use?
I actually have a couple grams of d9 wax that I completely don't give a shit about now that I've made the switch to d8.
D8 isn’t bad. But I’d rather look for a cheaper connect than switch to concentrates personally… Flower for life here.

Once you get a tolerance to smoking pure concentrates it kinda ruins smoking bud so maybe @G_Chem is correct.