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Misc Hear all Ye - new drug combo discovered...


Oct 29, 2018
Just a words up about trying eating capsules of decarbed weed and then a little top-up of sub-lingual K. This somehow emphasises all the good parts of the weed with added energy from the K and a lovely feeling of intense happiness. You arn't tripping - you're just as happy as Larry. Tremendous.

I call it "the key to happiness". It's that good. I hope you get something out of it too.
Nice metaphor. You looking forward to it on acid? Was just posting some healing help about those funny old frequencies that are jamming your tv reception, being a bit of an online shaman myself

I call it "the button to 4k".
Just a words up about trying eating capsules of decarbed weed and then a little top-up of sub-lingual K. This somehow emphasises all the good parts of the weed with added energy from the K and a lovely feeling of intense happiness. You arn't tripping - you're just as happy as Larry. Tremendous.

I call it "the key to happiness". It's that good. I hope you get something out of it too.
I think of that combo more like military grade enforced meditation. That combo has had me believing I was within grasp of Buddha like enlightenment (Fishface was the person I first heard describe ketamine as enforced meditation).
Nice metaphor. You looking forward to it on acid? Was just posting some healing help about those funny old frequencies that are jamming your tv reception, being a bit of an online shaman myself

I call it "the button to 4k".

Tried it with acid - nice but I like listening to music on acid and K's main failing is its not much good for music - seems to affect how you hear sound.
Tried it with acid - nice but I like listening to music on acid and K's main failing is its not much good for music - seems to affect how you hear sound.

I've got absolutely no idea why my post is here. It fits, weirdly, but I'm sure I didn't do that. Posted in wrong thread, a little bit wrecked, mod tomfoolery, fun and japes because acid, me just being fucking weird because you're thread was acid, maybe I'm weird, I just post shite like that anyway, all of this? Fuck knows.

Yeah, it seems to miss out frequencies. Trust me, I'm like the 4k TV repair technician who comes to upgrade the 4k tv when it comes to combos, and then sorting the music and ket (default, essential sesh gear), for absolute maximum luciousness. I consider myself an expert in this field.

Maybe you already know this, I guess it's more for any noobs talking to you, but I will offer it to people anyway and towards you as a suggesion. But next time you take acid (it also applies to empathogens, standard issue I'm talking); do DR Seuss or Gamma Goblin, obviously, do the ismene flip with the redose... I highly suggest MDMA personally, when you start coming back a bit, and do a candyflip too, but whatever.

Then towards the end (and a little bump on the mdma the size of the one in your first post)... the ket comes out.

After absolutely all drugs, empathogens and psychs anyway, after the peak when you're back but gone, I rack up my lines. Well, they're already racked up on psychs. Because there will be like 50 lines. Little bumps though,that's absolutely key, and stick on some downtempo that doesn't glitch (literally, or keterally). Nice stuff. Eyes shut. Lucious blankets and cushions. Every time you you feel a bump peak, take another little bump and continue. If you can get oldschool UK ket, which for me is the only ket to cause CEV's, but whatever you fancy I suppose. Just continue and don't rush it.

Seriously if you don't already do it, then for music that doesn't break, and I'm not sure if you're an electronic music fan, but nice downtempo all the way: I hate it when music glitches on ket, and this doesn't.

Will you please indulge my absolute favourite recommends going back from the early 2000's, & still providing the sweet goods Ismene2?

This is the album from that salvia trip report I always bang on about. This is goddess music. I heard her voice as you can as you listen to it on the album, and I heard her say a lot of other stuff too. Anyway, turns out its a fucking great ket album; those powerful raw broken, powerful beats, absolutely can not break apart because ket, I assure you:

L.S.G. - Into Deep

I then listened to Sasha - Involver as we were just sitting there inastonished silence. Also good on ket but not as good as Mistress Jade... but on salvia the lyrics continued to explain the trip to fairytale degrees. Anyway, obviously still not quite over that bucket am I.

Second in line is always:
Mistress Jade - Collective Consciousness

Hol Baumann - Live At Sonic after that:

But the absolute best, and I don't know what you're into but this is the absolute pinnacle album for me. This is for the candyflip when you just come off the peak and the MDMA starts riding step foot in utopia and recieve you're upgrade. It's lke a candyflip itself, it's perfect: tribal, divine, beautiful, it's acid, it's candyflip, the words tell you so. I absolutely dance my tits off to this and now so have about fifty people I know. Lemon 8 is the absolute best set ever. Just flip and try it.

Lemon 8 - Live @ Exposure Festival 2003

Seriously, let it take you. It is absolutely dance your tits off, tribe mind, percussive, psychedelic, gorgeous goddess derived utopia music.

Anyway, this modafinil is better than expected, it appears. I'd edit this but I need coffee.

Whatever though, I believe and know a few things I adore passing on. x
Tried it with acid - nice but I like listening to music on acid and K's main failing is its not much good for music - seems to affect how you hear sound.
Nearly always find myself in agreement with you, but on this subjec, no. I find ketamine allows me to separate out the instruments in music, which makes it all the more amazing. Don't know if you play an instrumeny, but I do (yes, a one handed bassist/guitarist - produced some spectacular faces, at gigs, when people notice my left hand is shiney!) and being able to hear individual contributions is mindblowing. I know Norman Cook/Fat Boy Slim has very similar opinions about ketamine.

You never answer me. Please do. Josh will approve, the ginger nout. Can you please, please explain if pre-2008-2010~ or whatever Indian ketamine was racemic or stereo isomer? And what is mainstream uk ket now?

Because loads of people mix it up, and I definitely remember that because of a prominent bluuelighter facilitating us the new fangled S ket for Glade 2007 ergo Indian oldschool was racemic. I can't get decent visuals for shit froms ket. Pisses me and Josh off.

P.s Josh just said hello, and to say thanks for the good times, mann, even, if he was "up for a fucking week once".

Much love. Please tell zophen I said hi. X
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Ket from before the great drought could have been a multitude of flavours, as different pharma firms marketed different combinations of isomers: most marketed straight racaemic, but a few did combos like 60% S isomer/40% R isomer and of course a couple did pure S isomer. Now because of the fiddling about of ratios, a fair bit S isomer was produced, to either mix with racaemic, to produce the weird ratio combos, or was sold as pure S. It just depends which firm was having some of it's product diverted away from legit use. It'll get more confusing once they also want to market pure R isomer, as it produces the best antidepressant effects, with little disorientation of the patient (the DEA approved S isomer to be used for intractable depressive symptoms - do they even read the research papers, or just bend to the whims of legit pharma companies, who have a load of S isomer to shift?). Anyway, as most here will know, the S isomer is far better for warping the brain into interstellar overdrive and getting more psychedelic effects.
Would be nice if I could find a paper about S-methoxetamine: bet that's a barrel of fun.

Say hello to Josh and tell him to let me know if he's ever back up Newcastle way, so we could meet up for a pint (very rarely drink these days, but I'd love to find a pub that does 'proper' Guinness), When I was over to see Acid4blood, Guinness in the republic tastes so much better than in the UK, and I now understand why every fucker drinks it there. They must send all the batches, where they've fucked up the brewing, to the UK (who can blame them, really? Not as if the UK has ever done anything helpful to the RoI, just persecution, starvation and an attempt at genocide, over the past 400 years). And on that note, I think I'll hint at 4 cans of proper guinness, from A4B, if he's thinking of an xmas prezzie (no fucking way I'm saying what I'm sending him for xmas, on a public forum, muhawhaw!)
Why is it that even though S-isomer has apparently stronger NMDA-antagonism and stuff, R-isomer feels more suitable for droning heavy dissociative trip? Even though dose is little bigger. S feels just more superficial.
Ket from before the great drought could have been a multitude of flavours, as different pharma firms marketed different combinations of isomers: most marketed straight racaemic, but a few did combos like 60% S isomer/40% R isomer and of course a couple did pure S isomer. Now because of the fiddling about of ratios, a fair bit S isomer was produced, to either mix with racaemic, to produce the weird ratio combos, or was sold as pure S. It just depends which firm was having some of it's product diverted away from legit use. It'll get more confusing once they also want to market pure R isomer, as it produces the best antidepressant effects, with little disorientation of the patient (the DEA approved S isomer to be used for intractable depressive symptoms - do they even read the research papers, or just bend to the whims of legit pharma companies, who have a load of S isomer to shift?). Anyway, as most here will know, the S isomer is far better for warping the brain into interstellar overdrive and getting more psychedelic effects.
Would be nice if I could find a paper about S-methoxetamine: bet that's a barrel of fun.

Say hello to Josh and tell him to let me know if he's ever back up Newcastle way, so we could meet up for a pint (very rarely drink these days, but I'd love to find a pub that does 'proper' Guinness), When I was over to see Acid4blood, Guinness in the republic tastes so much better than in the UK, and I now understand why every fucker drinks it there. They must send all the batches, where they've fucked up the brewing, to the UK (who can blame them, really? Not as if the UK has ever done anything helpful to the RoI, just persecution, starvation and an attempt at genocide, over the past 400 years). And on that note, I think I'll hint at 4 cans of proper guinness, from A4B, if he's thinking of an xmas prezzie (no fucking way I'm saying what I'm sending him for xmas, on a public forum, muhawhaw!)

For starters, he definitely wants the present even if hes skitzing a bit about what it might be, I'll deal with that. =D It - the object which is no interest to anyone really - will be placed on a table, thus removing ownership. The previous owner will be wearing a newspaper with eye slots cut out. The new owner, me, errr I mean Josh, will also be using a decieving newspaper with little eye slots cut out. If he's there and I accidentally pick it up, I will also be improvising this clever method. That way if I did accidentally pick it up, to pass it to Josh, and it got lost, nobody would be able to tell who picked it up. This is essentially the original tor network vpn method.

Josh says hello again, I think he's going to message you ; and I've started the process of expediting him up from Bristol around christmas time. Rendition is a possibility. Fuck me, I'll even waterboard the little sarcastic Irish cunt.

Did you say hello to Zophen? I bet I know what his answer will be. "Where's that x then?" Another sarcastic fuck =D

Seriously, give him and the wife my love. I think bluelight is missing his input.

Thanks for vindicating us on the ketamine situation. Oldschool UK IS fucking racemic, all the chinese stuff is stereo isomer. That's why I had rare S ket at glade, that's why I can't get visuals on it, and just a hole. But sweet old india... very different story.

Does racemic not contain S and R?
Racaemic is a 50/50 mixture of S & R.
Haven't said hello yet, but will try calling in when I take the cats to get vaccinated (the vets is in Consett), sometime before xmas (unless the town gets snowed in. Consett can be inaccessable for a few months of the winter, in a bad year. What hsppens when you're not far off the top of the Pennines...)