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Having a very bad time, please help


Sep 8, 2014
Hello everyone, first post here. Just really need some advice and/or reassurance.

Three nights ago I took ecstasy for the first time. I was given half a pill by a friend - he said he had tried this particular pill before and it was "high quality", whatever that means. The initial hit, when it came, was pretty unpleasant and unnerving, but it mellowed after a few minutes and I had a decent evening. I've been out the last couple of nights too but only had moderate amounts of alcohol, and have not felt any ill-effects from the pill.

Lying in bed tonight I felt strange; my face felt tight and my heart was pounding. Then as I was drifting off to sleep I sort of shocked myself awake, for want of a better expression. It's almost as though my brain wouldn't let me fall asleep. That was around six hours ago, and since then I've felt extreme anxiety, verging on panic at times. My head also feels quite fuzzy. It doesn't really seem to be getting any better, and I'm genuinely terrified there's something seriously wrong.

Is this in any way normal? If anyone has any calming advice I would hugely appreciate it.

Thank you

Edit: I should add, I'm naturally a pretty anxious and nervous person, and have experienced bouts of anxiety before. Never anything this prolonged, though.
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Just calm down, give it a few days. Your brain chemistry is disordered, but it will fix itselfs. Try to watch a good movie and forget about this. Its only temporary.
Just calm down, give it a few days. Your brain chemistry is disordered, but it will fix itselfs. Try to watch a good movie and forget about this. Its only temporary.

Thank you very much for your response. I realize that anyone reading this thread will think I'm being highly melodramatic, but this is the honestly the most frightening experience I've ever had.
The "shock" you felt before falling asleep is quite normal. It usually goes by the name Brain zaps, and while some people don't get them easily, others do. Take it easy, you have done no permanent damage after only half a pill. Eat healthy, get some exercise and be with friends. The comedown will probably go away in a few days.
while i can't really offer much advice, i can tell you that you're in 'good hands' here in bluelight. many have experienced what you are experiencing now and it does go away. stay positive, that's what matters. don't focus on wtv the hell caused it, we don't know. benzos could help as a bandaid for anxiety if it's getting out of hand. but only as an acute treatment.

best of luck
I realize that anyone reading this thread will think I'm being highly melodramatic, but this is the honestly the most frightening experience I've ever had.

Yep, I know EXACTLY how you feel! You arent the first and wont be the last.

Dont hesitate to send me a message if you are in need.
Hey Soulside, welcome to bluelight.
Like the others have said you are experiencing a rather harsh MDMA-hangover/comedown. You will notice an improvement in the symptoms very soon and after that they will gradually fade away altogether. All the symptoms you listed are well-known and others have gone through much much worse and came out fine, all it takes is time and healthy living for a while. Try to put it out of your mind and wait it out, it will pass.
It might be wise to invest in a testkit so you don't have to rely on someone else to tell you the pills are 'high quality', whatever that means indeed. Could be that the pills were cut with something that made the hangover worse, there's no telling except for a testkit or lab analysis. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask

I've added the (untested) prefix to your thread
Apologies for not including the prefix, my post was made in haste without properly checking the posting protocol.

Sincere thanks to all of you for taking the time to reply to my thread, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. I'm still not feeling good but I'm certainly not as panicked as I was earlier and your posts are directly responsible for that.

Bluebull - I'm not sure if I'd ever have the courage to try this again, but if I do I will absolutely use a testkit. Lesson learned.

Deltronpedro - thanks so much for the offer to message you, I'm very grateful.
Guys, I was feeling a bit better earlier but seem to have deteriorated a bit. Along with the other symptoms I'm starting to feel like I have a temperature. I've stupidly been googling stuff and it seems there are people who were in a similar situation to me and didn't get better for weeks or even months.

Please tell me I'm going to be OK, because I'm worried I'm going to start panicking again.

Thank you all again.
Please tell me I'm going to be OK, because I'm worried I'm going to start panicking again.

We can tell you're going to be OK all day, but you need to convince yourself your ok, then you'll be ok.
We can tell you're going to be OK all day, but you need to convince yourself your ok, then you'll be ok.

I know you're right, but I'm really struggling to contain this anxiety right now.

Sorry for being a nuisance, but typing how I'm feeling is at least giving me something to occupy my time. I really don't know what to do with myself.
I know you're right, but I'm really struggling to contain this anxiety right now.

The anxiety you're experiencing is probably a result of reading negative stuff, as opposed to the drug itself. That's the critical point.

I really don't know what to do with myself.

Exercise, socialize, play video games, do some studying, work. Just try to carry on life normally and enjoy yourself. Eat a healthy diet. 5-HTP may help a lot as well, consider buying some.
Hey buddy. As the others have said this is something that probably will clear up in a little while. It's not unusual that it lasts a few days either, so don't freak out totally if you get hit with waves of anxiety again.

That being said, for some people it can last a little longer than that, and I want to emphasize that you are not being a nuisance. If you feel like you aren't getting better you can PM me at any time, or update this thread. The only certain thing in this is that you will recover one way or another.
Hey buddy. As the others have said this is something that probably will clear up in a little while. It's not unusual that it lasts a few days either, so don't freak out totally if you get hit with waves of anxiety again.

That being said, for some people it can last a little longer than that, and I want to emphasize that you are not being a nuisance. If you feel like you aren't getting better you can PM me at any time, or update this thread. The only certain thing in this is that you will recover one way or another.

Thanks so much man, I'm very glad I posted on this forum. These messages are exactly what I need to read if I'm to maintain a positive outlook through this. Just hope I can get some sleep tonight.
Right now, you are most likely just suffering from a bad typical comedown. There are comedowns with longer lasting effects, but, regardless, you will recover. Many people have been through it so you are not alone!
Right now, you are most likely just suffering from a bad typical comedown. There are comedowns with longer lasting effects, but, regardless, you will recover. Many people have been through it so you are not alone!

Thanks very much for the support!

I managed to get a decent amount of sleep last night and felt a bit better this morning, so thought I was recovering. However, I've gone downhill this afternoon and now feel pretty much like I did yesterday. Is this at all normal? Because I'm starting to worry again.
Thanks very much for the support!

I managed to get a decent amount of sleep last night and felt a bit better this morning, so thought I was recovering. However, I've gone downhill this afternoon and now feel pretty much like I did yesterday. Is this at all normal? Because I'm starting to worry again.
Yeah it is :) the few times I've had a really bad comedown I would sometimes wake up feeling perfectly normal, only to have the symptoms increase in severity again when night began to fall. This increase in severity became less noticeable as time went by until I was OK again after a week or two. Two weeks is usually how long it takes for me if I have a serious comedown with associated depression and anxiety. YMMV of course so it might take a while longer for you or it might not take that long. The main thing is to stop worrying, convince yourself this is going to pass and it is just something you need to go through, because it is. Self-diagnosing, over-thinking and worrying are things you need to avoid while on a comedown, they might increase mental symptoms like anxiety, which is very bad for recovery as anxiety has a BIG influence on a comedown and on recovery. Certainly because you indicate that you've always had bouts of anxiety. It's not easy to do but trust me, stop worrying, you will be fine after a while

*edit* Tip: what always sped up my recovery is an afternoon of really intense exercise, like playing squash with a friend for a few hours. The endorphins that this releases in your body are really beneficial for recovery as they suppress the symptoms of the comedown. If you do this enough it will speed up recovery very noticeably
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Stop worrying, honestly, this all sounds pretty normal. I'll admit the first time I had those sleep issues I was a bit freaked out too.. and bear in mind that sometimes MDMA can hamper the immune system, so if you're feeling peaky with a temperature it's possible that you've just caught a cold. Make sure you're drinking fluids and eating healthily and you'll be feeling fine in no time. :)
Bluebull and swampdragon - many thanks indeed for the helpful advice and reassuring comments, it honestly helps a lot. With regards to exercise, I've been going for walks to help clear my head but I'll definitely try something more vigorous when I'm feeling more physically up to it.

This afternoon I put on some relaxing music, lay in bed and occasionally read the posts on this thread and I've been feeling reasonably chilled. I'm so grateful that there are people out there who will take time out of their day to help a stranger on the internet. Thank you all.