• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Have you take Iboga/Ibogaine?..participate in a focus group study by ICEERS


Nov 24, 2015
Not sure where to post this: @mod deleted if inappropriate ..ICEERS (International Center for Ethnobotanical Research and Service) is conducting a study of Ibogaine and looking for people to share their experiences in a focus online group
Have you taken Iboga or Ibogaine in the last year:
CEERS is looking for 15-20 individuals to take part in [online]focus groups about their experiences with iboga or ibogaine practices and therapies. From therapeutic contexts, to traditional Bwiti initiations, to psycho-spiritual exploration ? we?re looking for people with diverse experiences, including transformative, positive, or challenging, to share their perspectives... If you?re interested, please continue reading.