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Have you ever had a mystical, religious, spiritual or revolutionary experience with psychedelics?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
After hundreds of trips on every psychedelic known to man, I can't really say I've ever had a mystical experience with drugs. I was always fascinated by the idea of having those revelations, but the closest I ever came was combining LSD with 80mg of DMT. I broke through and encountered an entity (which I met a few more times after this with DMT). However, the only thing he told me was "I told you so, hehehehe". I still don't know what to make of this. Maybe he was telling me that DMT entities do, in fact, exist in their own silly dimension.... but I'll never know.

I've experienced ego death several times, but I can't really say I learned anything from it, other than knowing that our brains, consciousness and reality are special and deserves more recognition and study.

I stopped using psychedelics in that way - looking for spiritual revelations, but still enjoy them for fun.

I'm still agnostic and non-religious. I'm still not very spiritual, and take a mathematical and scientific approach to life, however I do believe there is a God.... but I don't think our human brains are capable of comprehending what God is.

Consciousness defined by science is just a series of hallucinations. Electrical stimuli interpreted by your brain. Hallucinations you agree with, ones you predict, so it makes sense and that becomes your "reality".

I love this excerpt from Celia Green on existential psychology:
"On the face of it there is something rather strange about human psychology. Human beings live in a state of mind called sanity, on a small planet in space. They are not quite sure whether the space around them is infinite or not. Either way it is unthinkable. If they think about time, they find it is inconceivable that it had a beginning. It is also inconceivable that it did not have a beginning. Thoughts of these kind are not disturbing to sanity, which is obviously a remarkable phenomenon and deserves more recognition. The perception that existence exists invalidates the normal personality, as does the imminence of death. Now if you should see that the inconceivable that anything should exist, it is evident that at least one inconceivable fact is there. That is to say, that which exists is not limited to the conceivable. Since the inconceivable is there, it is impossible to set any limit to the quantity of inconceivableness, which may be present in the situation.

Now were the existence of anything consistently to remind you of the fact of inconceivability, since it is impossible to live without interacting with a large number of existing things, it would be impossible for you to feel in the same way about the conceivable. If anyone were reminded of the inconceivable by the fact of existence of all constantly, he would sooner or later have the perception that there may be inconceivable considerations, which are inconceivably more important than any conceivable consideration could be. Now if you do have a perception of an inconceivable consideration, it may be utterly invalidated by some other consideration which you do not know. And if you are reminded of this perception constantly by the fact that things exist, certain modifications take place in the way you feel about things. These modifications do not take place in the psychology of most people."

Have you ever had any spiritual experiences with psychedelics?
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Nobody has. They're psychedelics because they mess with your senses and cause psychosis. You are not ACTUALLY experiencing anything for real. It's scary how many people even AFTER the drug has warn off insist otherwise.
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*head nod*

more or less? I never became attached to Elves, never because I knew that I was in a artificial dimension of my brain and that doesn't do any good in real world aside from transfering knowledge so bottom line -- spiritual experiences = tripping. I don't see anything worth discussion, all respect regarding your thread but that's my point of view. It's what you process out of it -- in the end
*head nod*

more or less? I never became attached to Elves, never because I knew that I was in a artificial dimension of my brain and that doesn't do any good in real world aside from transfering knowledge so bottom line -- spiritual experiences = tripping. I don't see anything worth discussion, all respect regarding your thread but that's my point of view. It's what you process out of it -- in the end

So is life just perspective? What formed your perspective? How is this not worth discussing?

It's easy to sum up drug experiences as simply altering your brain chemistry, but I think that's a cop out, even though personally I lean towards that conclusion. It's dodging the question of what consciousness is and could be.

I'm curious where you think this universe spawned from. What was before the big bang? Or do you just not think about that type of shit?
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So is life just perspective? What formed your perspective? How is this not worth discussing?

It's easy to sum up drug experiences as simply altering your brain chemistry, but I think that's a cop out, even though personally I lean towards that conclusion. It's dodging the question of what consciousness is and could be.

I'm curious where you think this universe spawned from. What was before the big bang? Or do you just not think about that type of shit?


I love Dawkins, but you're not answering my question. I'm asking YOU - not Dawkins. You say this discussion is pointless, so give me an answer or your reasoning. Don't discount my thread and then just avoid an explanation by posting a video of someone who is a devoted atheist explaining relatively unrelated material. To me, your reasoning is pointless. Forums are for discussion, not borderline trolling people with ideas you can't back up except for pointing towards something else which isn't you. Maybe explain how this lecture formed your idea that there is no spirituality in drugs. But my question stands... where do you think this universe came from? What created it? I'm not asking the purpose towards life, my question is simple, direct, and scientific in nature.
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I experienced pure love on a high dose of mescaline, i felt connected to everything in the universe. Came to the conclusion that we are all one AND that love Is what moves the universe.
I thought I was in hell for three minutes when I smoked Salvia Divinorum. Does that count?
For me trips are introspective. I just enjoy chilling and figuring out all this stuff

One could call that spiritual, but I tend to shy away from those terms as they carry too much complexity to describe what I'm doing. Meditation is a good word
For me trips are introspective. I just enjoy chilling and figuring out all this stuff

One could call that spiritual, but I tend to shy away from those terms as they carry too much complexity to describe what I'm doing. Meditation is a good word

I like your perspective, as I'm a highly introverted individual and almost all my trips become very introspective at some point. Meditation IS a good word for it! Never thought of it that way.
I don't think psychedelics offer any kind of metaphysical, ontological, or moral breakthroughs in and of themselves because those things already exist and are freely available. I think a big benefit is creative in that they allow your imagination to conceptualize and analyse sensory input and interpretation in ways you might not otherwise (or in some cases imagined were even possible). The benefits of that experience get applied after the trip, after the comedown, when you get back to work IRL on whatever projects your working on and have some creative discipline.
I thought I was Kurt Cobain for 8 hours on mushrooms idk if that counts though
i once had a very vivid experience while smoking 5meodmt. i was in france during the french revolution. i was being led up the steps to the guillotine, about to be executed. it was extremely real - the sounds and the smells. i was there.

i was strapped on to the gurney and the blade was released. the moment stretched out forever and i had an epiphany. i recalled somebody a long time ago telling me that "at the moment of death all life's questions are answered" and, in that moment, peace descended over me.

the whole thing could have been terrifying but it was enlightening.

i once had a very vivid experience while smoking 5meodmt. i was in france during the french revolution. i was being led up the steps to the guillotine, about to be executed. it was extremely real - the sounds and the smells. i was there.

i was strapped on to the gurney and the blade was released. the moment stretched out forever and i had an epiphany. i recalled somebody a long time ago telling me that "at the moment of death all life's questions are answered" and, in that moment, peace descended over me.

the whole thing could have been terrifying but it was enlightening.


That's quite the fucking trip bro!