• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery Hate the weekly wait for my Bupe pick up


Apr 30, 2019
It kills me every Thursday, I hate it

I wake up at 4/5am every day in WD so get it down me asap

Thursday though I have to wait ill 830am for the chemist to open and then drive back home so its 9am before I take it

I literally start crawling up the walls... sad really, sick of it. Down to 2mg a day so hope fully when I get to 0.4 it wont be like this anymore... cant wait... wish I never started it
So Thursday is the day you get your weekly supply? So you get 14 mgs every week?

Do you take 1 mg in the AM and 1 mg in the PM or both at once?

If I were you, and because bupe has such a long half life, I would just save 1 mg for Thursday morning so you can dose before you pick up the next weeks supply.

I don't know much about bupe but it doesn't sound like your dose is holding you if you need to get it into you ASAP every morning. Are you withdrawing from the bupe because you are tapering and eventually coming off?

Wish I had more advice. <3
It kills me every Thursday, I hate it

I wake up at 4/5am every day in WD so get it down me asap

Thursday though I have to wait ill 830am for the chemist to open and then drive back home so its 9am before I take it

I literally start crawling up the walls... sad really, sick of it. Down to 2mg a day so hope fully when I get to 0.4 it wont be like this anymore... cant wait... wish I never started it

I can't see why this would get any better when you get down to a lower dose. If anything it'll probably get worse since each reduction will likely make up more of the total. You probably won't start to really get better until you finally jump off subuxone. Then over time your body will get used to its own natural opioids again.

If you're stable on maintenance, you shouldn't wake up in withdrawal, you are because your body isn't getting what it's used too because of the taper.

I recognize that this is probably more of a venting post than a request for advice. In that sense I'm sorry you're going through this, I'm all too familiar with waking up sick every day. Hasn't been the case in years now but I was like that for years too when I was on heroin.

I'm a big fan of maintenance myself, but it has its cons and it's understandable that some people just wanna be off drugs entirely.

Wish you luck, I won't lie, based on what you said I feel some concern for you. It's just my opinion but I think too many people are pressured to get totally off drugs (including maintenance) by social pressures when they're not ready for it. Not suggesting that's the case for you, just explaining why I worry for people when they're getting off substitution therapy. It's a particularly vulnerable time in opioid addiction. <3

Take care man.