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Has H taken over your town yet?

Back on topic, yes, living in NJ I have always had a creeping feeling that Heroin has taken over. It's a availability, cheapness and quality all point to the fact that demand must be huge for this drug.

In general, drugs are getting more popular as a whole. I know people were probably saying the same in in the late 70s, then just say no came out. Heroin is very clean and cheap in NJ right now. Cocaine has kinda fallen off. There hardly isn't any real cocaine on the streets anymore, nothing worthy of giving a good coke high. Heroin is approaching the popularity that coke had during the late 1980s, especially with powder coke combined with crack cocaine affecting all social classes

Coke is deader than dead. Heroin, is coming back in a big fucking way! - Pulp Fiction
coke isn't dead by me, i know few people that can get it. and unlike a lot of people here i guess, i never messed with roxys or oxys or any shit like that, just started doin h back when i was 16. back when you could get newark prices down in asbury, before they cleaned it up.
All of jersey has been taken over by dope. There are probably 5 large cities in NJ that all push dope, and a few smaller ones. You can get it in north, central, and south jersey. My generation started with percs in highschool, roxi's after, then oxy, then opana, then dope. Simple as that. Now you see house and car robberies on the rise, my home town was in the news just a few weeks ago for robberies. It's crazy.

Anyway, yes H has taken over all of NJ. It's definitely the most prevalent behind pot. No doubt about it. And it will continue to flourish since NYC and NJ are probably the 2 biggest drug hubs of the eastern half of the US.
Verso: Everyone in the NYC/NJ/CT/PHILLY has the same exact story, including myself. Start with Roxis slowly increase tolerance until your running out of money so we try H and realize how good it is, then the occasional weekends turns into everyday. H definately Took the entire tristate by storm

Yea H is nothing new. I saw the progression from pills to H happen 5 years ago since I knew a lot of people on pills then, and the same thing had been happening for 5 years before, and still happens 5 years after. It just depends on the group of people that you started using pills with, and if they are addicted enough there is a good chance that they will eventually turn to dope.

I don't know if it's any more prevalent now compared to back then. On one hand there used to be a lot more pills a few years back, so a lot more pill addicts that would eventually make the switch. On the other hand now that there are fewer pills, it seems that the switch happens quicker, but there are a fewer number of people doing it to begin with since pills aren't as available as a few years back.

It's still the same old story though, but everyone thinks that the problem happens at the particular time that they are involved in it, but it's really been going on for a lot longer than that.
Coke is still "it" with the over 30 crowd!

In the city of Chicago everyone over 29-30 or so is still doing coke (powder - not crack). I happen to know where to get this amazing stuff that people go apeshit over. It's expensive but you don't get awful jittery lip bitey it's a mellow speedy. People think it's so strong some cut it 3-1 with that vitamin stuff from GNC. I can also count like 4 coke dealers who deal in super cut coke who are very very busy!

Rock bands that come through town call me to see if I can get it. It's been said that this powder comes in second place as the best coke they've EVER had.
(NOTE: Best coke ever? I've been told it's allegedly from the guy in a band called the Deftones - he's Mexican, used to be in a gang, and get's the stuff from Mexico and it's virtually uncut or really uncut...)

I am the ONLY person I know who does dope/crack except for the old boyfriend who turned me onto the crack. Like I said, I'm in my 30's - and have hung out in the music scene forever (and still do, more or less), and if that crowd found out they'd freak out.

What do the cool rock people in town do? If they're under 30 it's X or Molly. If they're older, they're STILL buying Vicodin and/or powder, or just drinking themselves silly. that's it. no roxys, no oxys, couple of norcos now and then. Tons of pot, obviously, but these days it's "expensive" so people are going synthetic. But that's SO BORING! And unadventurous!

i couldn't tell you about the suburbs because i only moved here about 6 - 8 months ago and don't know anyone.

coke isn't dead by me, i know few people that can get it. and unlike a lot of people here i guess, i never messed with roxys or oxys or any shit like that, just started doin h back when i was 16. back when you could get newark prices down in asbury, before they cleaned it up.
Heroin in the lovely city of Memphis Tn has always had a large presence but has never have a dominating presence over the rest of the street drugs. There is a large crack cocaine and meth scene here too. I would say the amount dilaudid abuse out-weighs oxy/roxy abusers. The city is literally flooded with the little yellow Dilaudid pills. I've always wondered where they come from since it is a very controlled medication, but apparently they've been here since the 1980s. They are available from one end of the city to the other. Is there a big dilaudid scene in Chicago or any other big cities in US?
It's still the same old story though, but everyone thinks that the problem happens at the particular time that they are involved in it, but it's really been going on for a lot longer than that.

That's interesting, and I can see where that would be the case.

I just can't imagine the switch happening anytime before the oxycontin formula changed. I had people calling me asking what they should do, like it was the worst thing to have ever happened...

I mean, before then, yeah you might have gotten sick and tired of paying the steep prices for oxycontin or whatever, but if you had x number of dollars in your pocket, you could still call up your guy and buy some pills and that option was still available to you. But now, even if you do have x number of dollars in your pocket, it means fuck-all when the pill doesn't crush up, and it gels, and it's nearly impossible to get high off the fucking things.

So, for me, I consider that the turning point. I can see what you mean though, everyone thinking that the great exodus happened when they got into the game. lol
Guess I just stopped really looking for it. I was big into coke a while back, but I still always valued Ecstasy and LSD over it anyday, and still do. It was the heR0N that really did me in
That's interesting, and I can see where that would be the case.

I just can't imagine the switch happening anytime before the oxycontin formula changed. I had people calling me asking what they should do, like it was the worst thing to have ever happened...

I mean, before then, yeah you might have gotten sick and tired of paying the steep prices for oxycontin or whatever, but if you had x number of dollars in your pocket, you could still call up your guy and buy some pills and that option was still available to you. But now, even if you do have x number of dollars in your pocket, it means fuck-all when the pill doesn't crush up, and it gels, and it's nearly impossible to get high off the fucking things.

So, for me, I consider that the turning point. I can see what you mean though, everyone thinking that the great exodus happened when they got into the game. lol

Well what happened with me is that a lot of my OxyContin dealers (they were middlemen users) ended up switching to dope themselves since their tolerances had gotten so high, and since they were using a lot it became hard to come up with the cash to buy enough OxyContin to use and sell to support their habits. So the sensible thing for them to do was to switch to heroin, which they could buy for really cheap in the city, and the profit margin was just as high but they only had to lay out a fraction of the amount they were laying out to buy pills.

I remember one of my dealers in particular had been taking a lot of Oxys, and when I went to grab one from him early in the morning he had just gotten out of bed, and was sick so asked his girl for one. So she gave him one, and he ate the 80, and I was in shock that he just ate and 80 just like that, at 10am. For me that dose would have kept me really high all day, so I would never think of eating one just like that. One day I called him up and he told me he stopped getting Oxy but had dope instead, and he was my only dealer left, so the rest as they say is history.

A lot of these kids went into rehab for OxyContin, and learned about dope there and how cheap it was compared to pills, and left rehab with phone numbers of dealers and what not. And once one of the main people in the group of users my age switched to dope, a lot of others followed suit, and Oxys were harder and harder to come by, and dope became easier and easier to come by.
You guys all said it already but yeah it was the OP switch.

Im interested to see how Zohydro affects the opiate market. Im pretty sure it isnt going to have any anti-abuse coating on it.
H is slowing ruining my hometown and all surrounding towns in the NW burbs of chicago. Its really sad, people are dying left and right.
idk which burb you're from but its rapidly destroying a good % of the 90s baby from lake county especially around SHS and MHS if youre from there you know what i mean
You guys all said it already but yeah it was the OP switch.

See? So then I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

For all intents and purposes and at the very least, I think we can go ahead and say that the new oxycontin formula hitting shelves was the straw that broke the junkie camel's back.

Because, at the end of the day, no matter how much money you may have... those little buggers just won't get you high anymore. Sure, maybe you can swallow them, but you're not going to be able to sniff them or bang them -- at least not easily.

And there was a brief moment when the blues/opana filled the void, but the price skyrocketed with increasing demand, and so the whole thing became unsustainable.
You guys all said it already but yeah it was the OP switch.

Im interested to see how Zohydro affects the opiate market. Im pretty sure it isnt going to have any anti-abuse coating on it.

I think Zohydro is going to come in capsules, so I wouldn't count on it being that much of a factor in the opiate market.
^ Well it's not like people were planning on sniffing it or shooting it. So if I can crush up a couple zohydros and have myself 100mg+ of hydrocodone with no APAP and the price is right, then I would probably cop a few. I really miss the hydrocodone high, so it would be nice to be able to get high off it again, assuming my tolerance is low enough at the time I come across them.

I just fail to see how them coming in capsules has anything to do with it. Adderall and dexedrine come in capsules, and people still gobble them up. If the oral BA of a drug is high, then it's not a big deal if you can only really eat them, considering they don't gel up and take forever to work.

Not sure if it will have any affect on the dope market though. People aren't going to switch back to hydrocodone after doing heroin for a while, unless it is dirt cheap, and I'm not sure if that many people would make the switch from hydrocodone to heroin since it's quite the leap. But if they are taking like 300mg of it to get high, then I could see them considering the switch, and taking 300mg of zohydro seems to be a lot easier than taking that amount of vicodin since a lot of people don't want to do CWEs on a ton of pills, so they just stop taking pills that require them.
You guys all said it already but yeah it was the OP switch.

Im interested to see how Zohydro affects the opiate market. Im pretty sure it isnt going to have any anti-abuse coating on it.

just did a quick search on this drug

i didnt see any info on what mg it is gonna be offered

it said 10x the strength of regular hydrocodone

so is that 50mg 75mg or 100mg tabs? or all of the above?
H has always been in phoenix, as well as crystal meth, cocaine, crack (cocaine), ketamine, acid, mushrooms, 2ci. just about anything you need you can get.
just did a quick search on this drug

i didnt see any info on what mg it is gonna be offered

it said 10x the strength of regular hydrocodone

so is that 50mg 75mg or 100mg tabs? or all of the above?

From what I understand it's just going to be high doses of hydro without any APAP so probably yeah like 50 or 75 or something. I'm actually looking forward to getting my hands on some. Never really bothered doing a lot of hydro cause it always had tylenol in it and oxy was so much stronger and better, but these should be pretty neat. I'm also looking forward to having some pills again that aren't all reformulated tamper-proof shit. Sure dope's great and all, but I still really like the certainty of pills where with dope you never really know what you're getting. Damn I miss OCs, especially when they were still cheapish
Ya it looks like it will be time release so it will have some kind of mechanism, whether or not it is tamper proof remains to be seen but, despite the strength difference I've always liked the high from hydro. I guess we'll have to wait and see as it appears that it's still up for approval. With APAP hydro is a schedule III but, according to this this drug will be schedule II which may be easier for doctors to prescribe than the schedule I oxycodone preparations that are becoming increasingly difficult for people to get even when they absolutely need them.
Oxy's not schedule I, it'd still be considered schedule II because there is a medical use for it.