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Has anyone tried this pill before?? *NEED HELP*


Oct 7, 2011
Hello everyone, and I thank you in advance for your responses. Basically, I have not taken any type of substance in over a year except for pot, however, I want to roll one last time. I am in Rhode Island, fyi... (I know, shitty state). However, I bought these redish / pink transformer head cutouts and I have read mixed reviews. Since this is the last time I plan on doing this, I do not want to set myself up for something bad. Has anyone tried these recently, or at all, in the north east?? Thanks!


While I understand that most "cut outs" might be bad, I do not want to throw these away based on that notion. The reports you sent correspond to places far away from where I live (yes, I know that drugs travel) so I was thinking that these came from somewhere in the Northeast. Also, that pill report you sent me is for a purple colored pill. Is there any chance these will be good?
I got the same problem. I got red transformers but they are in pill form and I can't find a review on them.. But I'd say yours are most likely pipes.. Almost every single cutout in the US is pipes.. But if yu don't wanna flush em just yet.. Get a test kit to make sure... Be safe and don't consume em without knowin what's in em
like the first poster said, most cutouts are known for being piperazines. especially the transformer press.
i really doubt that us telling you not to eat them will actually stop you from eating them so...yea.

all i can say is read the horror stories in ED about piperazines before you decide to take em.
oh, and get a test kit.
there were cutouts up in the northwest of us the green and yellow ninja turtles that deff contained an RC... people were frying off these pills for like 6 hours off one pill..many ODed cuz e-tards always think they need to take more than one pill at once when one pill had the walls turning into persian carpet patterns...my dealer had kids stacking these pills so they could keep frying...i heard about a kid that had a roll and didnt sell it cuz he heard of the ODs..i wanted to grab it from him cuz i love to fry... test kit would be best bet right? or taking half..seeing what happens if you want to play roulette..but cutouts are never MDMA...usually dxm or tmfpp or an RC like 4-aco-dmt which is what i figured the ninja turtles cutout contained
Ecstasy no longer exists in the US. it's all pipes. if you find a trace of mdma you should also buy a lottery ticket and expect to be hit by lightening. <sad face>
Yeah MDMA is still very much around, but 90% of pills labeled E out there are shit, and even more so, 99% of cutout pills labeled E are shit that shit itself shit out. Strong advice is get em tested for that 1% chance they may be legit, then brace yourself for the depressing visual you'll have of flushing them down the toilet. PLUR
If u wana be up for 24 hrs not b able to pee for the life of u and feel like wanting to go to the hospital all night then by all means go ahead and take em. These r not mdma and I'm curious u said u saw mixed reviews on these pills? Id like to know where u saw the positive reports on em cause I don't ever remember seeing a positive report on a cut out transformer since 2005. Chances r u won't listen to me or anybody else on here and u will probably drop em anyway just so u know we told u so ahead of time to flush em. Don't b stupid these are fake piperzines just flush em!!
These are well known and documented piperazine pills - there have been several warnings posted around various site / newpapers.

I can not stress enough if your looking for an Ecstasy type 'roll' then do not take these pills. These can give a very nasty stimulated high (not like speed), high blood pressure, increased heart rate, temperature, excessive sweating, paranoia, sickness, cramps - some users have reported these effects lasting for days.

Depending on the blend of piperazine used (normally BZP Tmfpp) you may also feel very trippy at the same time.

there were cutouts up in the northwest of us the green and yellow ninja turtles that deff contained an RC... people were frying off these pills for like 6 hours off one pill..many ODed cuz e-tards always think they need to take more than one pill at once when one pill had the walls turning into persian carpet patterns...my dealer had kids stacking these pills so they could keep frying...i heard about a kid that had a roll and didnt sell it cuz he heard of the ODs..i wanted to grab it from him cuz i love to fry... test kit would be best bet right? or taking half..seeing what happens if you want to play roulette..but cutouts are never MDMA...usually dxm or tmfpp or an RC like 4-aco-dmt which is what i figured the ninja turtles cutout contained

Shit I remember those... was at a party in the PNW and I'll just say they ruined a couple kids nights