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Has anyone had any experience with drug induced psychosis?

Yes, I've had drug-induced psychosis but apart from that never really have had psychotic tendencies - when drugs leave my system I tend to go quite baseline nice and quickly. The time I did have drug-induced psychosis, in my case induced by amnesia and disinhibition while tripping. I was taking alprazolam (not prescribed) and liberally took LSD, then I think I took more (of both?), and became unhinged for 3 days in which I gradually came to my senses and the anterograde amnesia subsided.

I was told I acted very weirdly but also insulting, from another perspective I think I was very disinhibited and acted more freely than is socially acceptable. One of the weirdest stories was that one of my many roommates at the time went to the toilet at night and found me standing there impersonating something like an airplane. Very disconcerted he asked me if I was alright, and I promptly said yes and closed the door! When I returned to normal I found many things out of place: my bike, my keys, my wallet. Really, in strange places or at least very untypical. I'm glad I did not harm myself or others, as I apparently left (my bike moved, so I must have used it?)..

Creepy :\ So damn lucky to be able to laugh about it now, in a lot of other instances I heard or read about people went to jail or the hospital. Then again, those cases would be the ones that get reported the most..
Had I redosed alprazolam? Cause a dose, even a couple, shouldnt last 3 days? I think my story is a bit more on the side of trip flavored benzo-amnesia, than LSD-psychosis.