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Benzos Has anyone else experienced this with long term Alprazolam Use? (Amnesia)


Aug 3, 2023
Hello BL fam I’m making this thread in retrospect, back around 2016 I was heavily addicted to pressed Xanax advertised as 3mg alprazolam from what I was told by friends during this period I was taking these pills like candy and they even showed a video of me doing some embarrassing shit drooling and inside out shirt type of shit. Albeit this was the only video they showed me I bet they’ve had more recorded and just decided not to show me. At the time I had a large amount of these pills.

To get to the question during this period which must be about a year long, I only remember maybe two events at most the rest is completely missing like completely gone from my brain. Like shit I could only imagine how things were going.

After a close call with LE I abruptly stopped the alprazolam consumption.

I was curious if any others had a similar experience in terms of memory loss.

Like currently when I look back at it I’m just astounded at how blank it is.

Thank you for your time!

Edit: I see now that I should’ve taper the alp that actually explains a lot about some of my actions after the abrupt stoppage of alprazolam. Made some real paranoid ass choices lmfaoo
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Absolutely. It causes huge gaps of time and complete loss of memories in some people. A lot of people. It’s a common reason for prescribers to begin the switch from alpraz to clonaz to nothing
You took 3mgs of alprazolam for a year and then
After a close call with LE I abruptly stopped the alprazolam consumption.
Just like that?

Benzos in general have the tendency to create amnesia. But this doesn't happen on low doses of alprazolam (or diazepam, or clonazepam, or...). The one benzo I know from personal, second-hand experience that can do that is flunitrazepam. And if you take THAT for a year, you def don't just quit abruptly.
No,few years on them,no a few years on...oh yes zannies,a few years,oh last year or was it the year be for,yes no ,moderation is not key, where's was I? Oh yes yes,no issues but to blame ,but I take one little .O5 every day,hmmm every,oh nevermind,best wishes
I can't remember 75% of the last 10 years of my life my friend. It's one of the darker sides of alcohol/benzo abuse that isn't discussed much.

Might as well have been dead for 10 years. I wouldn't know the difference, when most of my memories are just scrambling to get enough money to get fucked up again without being bothered by other people.

At least with heroin, you remember being high..... sort of.
I had a friend who used to joirnal every weekend or vacation day when coming back home or to the hotel or wherever he was staying after a night out..He said it helped remembering, and if not, at least he could look up what a fun time he had.
I dot really get this from benzos that bad but z drugs fuck ya which do the same thing as benzos only more amnesia imo.
Of course i have memory gaps but im astounded by what i remember, despite years of ultra heavy benzo use (RC's ontop of big scripted doses).

At least, i think i remember alot. My amnesia tends to be short-term, for instance ill forget what i did the previous few days but eventually remember them, sometimes years later. But i remember quite alot. That said ive always had an exceptional memories, something i inhereted from my dad, who is a mathematician and can recall vast strings of numbers, data, etc.

But at ultra massive doses, my memory would eventually get wiped for good. Back in maybe 2004 a few bluelighters, none of whom are still alive (rip @sputnik) went in on 4.5 kilograms of chinese nordazepam, one of the longest lasting benzos. I was a dumb kid consuming it out a big bag with a scooper. I would take some on say a Thursday after and next i know its Wednesday morning, and the whole time ive be awake, doing things, but had zero recollection. Those were pure waking blackouts. That 4.5 kilos of nordazepam was a curse on of those that bought it, and played a role in a number of deaths.
Of course i have memory gaps but im astounded by what i remember, despite years of ultra heavy benzo use (RC's ontop of big scripted doses).

At least, i think i remember alot. My amnesia tends to be short-term, for instance ill forget what i did the previous few days but eventually remember them, sometimes years later. But i remember quite alot. That said ive always had an exceptional memories, something i inhereted from my dad, who is a mathematician and can recall vast strings of numbers, data, etc.

But at ultra massive doses, my memory would eventually get wiped for good. Back in maybe 2004 a few bluelighters, none of whom are still alive (rip @sputnik) went in on 4.5 kilograms of chinese nordazepam, one of the longest lasting benzos. I was a dumb kid consuming it out a big bag with a scooper. I would take some on say a Thursday after and next i know its Wednesday morning, and the whole time ive be awake, doing things, but had zero recollection. Those were pure waking blackouts. That 4.5 kilos of nordazepam was a curse on of those that bought it, and played a role in a number of deaths.
Holy shit. That last sentence bro. My god. I feel for you. That’s awful. You should write a story about each of the members and what came to pass. I’m interested to read it and to understand what happened.
You took 3mgs of alprazolam for a year and then

Just like that?

Benzos in general have the tendency to create amnesia. But this doesn't happen on low doses of alprazolam (or diazepam, or clonazepam, or...). The one benzo I know from personal, second-hand experience that can do that is flunitrazepam. And if you take THAT for a year, you def don't just quit abruptly.

Well that’s when my memory returns maybe I did taper I wouldn’t remember sadly.
Of course i have memory gaps but im astounded by what i remember, despite years of ultra heavy benzo use (RC's ontop of big scripted doses).

At least, i think i remember alot. My amnesia tends to be short-term, for instance ill forget what i did the previous few days but eventually remember them, sometimes years later. But i remember quite alot. That said ive always had an exceptional memories, something i inhereted from my dad, who is a mathematician and can recall vast strings of numbers, data, etc.

But at ultra massive doses, my memory would eventually get wiped for good. Back in maybe 2004 a few bluelighters, none of whom are still alive (rip @sputnik) went in on 4.5 kilograms of chinese nordazepam, one of the longest lasting benzos. I was a dumb kid consuming it out a big bag with a scooper. I would take some on say a Thursday after and next i know its Wednesday morning, and the whole time ive be awake, doing things, but had zero recollection. Those were pure waking blackouts. That 4.5 kilos of nordazepam was a curse on of those that bought it, and played a role in a number of deaths.

My condolences for your fellow blue lighters, it’s really kinda of insane like a fellow moderator said above it real feels like I was dead since u don’t remember doing anything I was just shocked at what I’ve become when I came back to my memories I remember being so appalled at the whole experience to this day I would never take a benzo again. I do wonder how exactly I stopped with the intake I do believe it was cold turkey and the LE close call just made it permanent or maybe I just ran out but I had thousands at the time I probably got robbed for them lol seeing how I was still a teen at the time and the whole reason I started taking them was because a parent had passed away.
Yes I have plenty experience re abusing alprazolam. Been a while. Albeit on a different substance atm I forgot long parts of my life but when I stopped abusing it (alprazolam) memories started filling in over time. Some I would like to forget specially the same behavior(s) yo went through the abuse and the cost (WDs)... I learned later about the taper thing the same as you right here. It works a lot better than not. :)
Best to you are ya on any substance(s) these days?
Me? Kratom, coffee, cigs, bnz and fake weed. 😂
Be easy.
Yes I have plenty experience re abusing alprazolam. Been a while. Albeit on a different substance atm I forgot long parts of my life but when I stopped abusing it (alprazolam) memories started filling in over time. Some I would like to forget specially the same behavior(s) yo went through the abuse and the cost (WDs)... I learned later about the taper thing the same as you right here. It works a lot better than not. :)
Best to you are ya on any substance(s) these days?
Me? Kratom, coffee, cigs, bnz and fake weed. 😂
Be easy.
Well I’m lucky to have stopped my blow habit with my last use being two weeks ago haven’t felt the urge since but it started when I found out I had easy access and decent pricing, for coke I was always on the side of hey if it’s free count me in ( I know cheap ass lol) typically in social situations, but then I found a good connect that had some pure shit and that started in the new years going through like 1-2g a week solo shit started to hit my pockets a bit so I’m glad to be off that ride. Tried oxy the other day I see the appeal but not for me. Funny enough I have friends that love promethzine and codine they got the money to support their vices and even offered me a couple of cups never felt anything at all from it got me thinking the how the fuck do they enjoy it till I tried oxy now I understand how it got them. And I love MDMA got a couple grams left but on a chill period for that after I had some awful brain zaps from a week long binge made a thread about it in the focus sections of your curious.

I guess I’m sort of lucky that I don’t remember but that curiosity kills the cat saying got some sway here lol

Anyways mate stay safe!
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Absolutely. A benzo called Versed (Midazolam) is used during medical procedures (colonoscopy) specifically for the amnesia.

Lol, breathing paradox I am, the one benzo they use specifically for this... it's the one that doesn't do that to me. Any other benzo, one tiny step over the line, total amnesia, maybe wake up in jail. Happened many times.

I remember every second of every pre-op wheel in, transfer to the OR table, oximeter, mask, all the way to when they push the IV anesthesia, every time.

My last surgery, halfway through a years-long prison bid, so I had no tolerance to anything, just sporadic microdosing of bupe. They tell me I won't remember this and push 2mg midazolam before wheeling me back, I just start giving a play by play as the Supreme Warm Fuzzies take over. The same nurse was in the recovery room when I came to, her eyes almost popped out when I looked at her and started recounting dialog from the trip to the operating room lol.
I’m lucky to have stopped my blow habit
Yeah I like blow. Had a bout with it and kinda still do. Won't be today, though.
Shits expensive. 😁
Kudos, to ya.
Never had it but I probably will before it's over.
Happened many times.
Why does it do that shit...? I think alp is great but abusers (myself included) tend to maybe make one a little too un-inhibitive but feel great and do what I want? LOL
I am also the curious sort. But I change it seems daily. Trying to come to terms with the idea of opposites....
I think alp is worse than being a drunk and been both (and more).
we still here.
We got this. Right...? 😂
speaking of cats and such... got any furries (or otherwise) about?
Yeah I like blow. Had a bout with it and kinda still do. Won't be today, though.
Shits expensive. 😁
Kudos, to ya.

Never had it but I probably will before it's over.

Why does it do that shit...? I think alp is great but abusers (myself included) tend to maybe make one a little too un-inhibitive but feel great and do what I want? LOL
I am also the curious sort. But I change it seems daily. Trying to come to terms with the idea of opposites....
I think alp is worse than being a drunk and been both (and more).
we still here.
We got this. Right...? 😂
speaking of cats and such... got any furries (or otherwise) about?

I've always wondered about that aspect of benzo... psychology, I guess? Philosophy? Lol fuck, I dunno. Their uninhibiting qualities, and how/whether the things done or said in that condition are actually an accurate representation of core ideas/beliefs for the person. Are they acting out of character, or showing true colors? 🤔

I dunno. All I know is... I start taking klonopin, I start liking heroin and things that aren't mine. 😅

As far as fur babies, got Oliver around, the household death nugget lol. Saying my goodbyes though ( 😔 ) because I'm moving out Tuesday. Sucks, that part, but I plan on getting me a pup just as soon as stability allows.