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Health Has anybody had a flashback from psychedelics?

Has anybody had a psychedelic flashback?

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Probably yes actually in a particular sense because only ever in my dreams.

Forever since. It used to be MDMA experiences on 13 to 15 tablets blindingly high it was as real as day and more powerful and I would wake up feeling as if I had taken the drug but without any of the negative physical or mental effects.

Really powerful dreams, vivid as, spectacular and more mesmerising, hallucinogenic euphoric sensational etc than reality.

For years now, I've tripped on Acid in dreams. Regular AT crazy wildscapeverses, all sorts places, planets, realms, scenarios, characters, stories.

But dropping lots acid thoughout. Being way way too high. Hallucinating nuts. And always with more in my hand about to redose again top of too much, knowing I'm going to do it anyway, increasing messiness.

Always they were far more real, powerful, colourful and intense than reality.

That has eased off now actually. Last two months. I experienced some real tripping that kind of bridged that gap. I think I still get messed up every dreams n too many tabs but it's sunk into the wallpaper more.

Never any sudden awake flashback.

But the dreams are a genuine powerful reverberation and replay of LSD's and MDMA's effects.

Too messy always though. But wow, what trips too. Not always enjoyable but kind of alright overall.
This reminded me of some sort of hallucinatory episode I had when I was younger. I was 15, had done a lot of hard drugs, DXM and weed already but I believe I had never used psychedelics before yet. I think my first shroom trip occured some months after this occured.

I had gone through a bottle of 90 ritalin pills in one 5 or so day binge, no sleep. I remember coming down and eating my first meal which gave me indigestion and stomach pain. Later, I remember laying in bed attempting to sleep and staring up at the ceiling when all of a sudden out of nowhere I start hallucinating wildly. I remember the shadows of every object in my room suddenly coming alive, stretching up towards the ceiling and becoming different objects like clowns and cacti that started dancing all over the place in rhythm. There were more hallucinations but that's the main part I remember. As soon as it came on, it stopped. It only lasted about 1-2 minutes as I recall. It reminds me of OEVs from a DMT trip, without the colors or fractals. I don't remember being scared or upset by it, simply like "WTF was that?". It definitely wasn't a dream, I was wide awake.

Very odd, and I still do not know what that was. A micro stim psychosis? Sleep deprivation hallucinations?

It never happened again, even through tons of stim binges and psychedelic use. Nothing like that ever again.

Weird memory.
Deffo sleep deprivation. 5 days is a hackathon. Your brain was thirsty of REM phase and you started dreaming whie still awake. It happens to me if Im more than 3 days whitout sleep, I can get into REM phase just closing the eyes for 3 secs and while still awake
If by flashback you mean the vivid, unexpected recollection of a forgotten narrative element from a trip, then yes, this has happened to me a few times. Had one of those yesterday, in fact. It lasted for a mere second and felt just like déjà vu. Kind of enjoyable to have old mysteries seeping into consciousness for unknown reasons.
Yeah I take the term flashback to mean a memory also. But I have never had one so vivid that I felt like I was tripping again. I’ve had flashbacks to dreams that were more intense. I think flashback was a propaganda term that they were gonna throw at psychedelics to make them look bad. However saying that any intense experience can bring back a memory and can cause strong emotion. It doesn’t have to be just psychedelics. People have flashbacks to all types of traumas.
If by flashback you mean the vivid, unexpected recollection of a forgotten narrative element from a trip, then yes, this has happened to me a few times. Had one of those yesterday, in fact. It lasted for a mere second and felt just like déjà vu. Kind of enjoyable to have old mysteries seeping into consciousness for unknown reasons.
That has happened to me with forgotten memories of things I did while blacking out from too much alcohol, when I had blacked out for two days.
Yeah I take the term flashback to mean a memory also. But I have never had one so vivid that I felt like I was tripping again. I’ve had flashbacks to dreams that were more intense. I think flashback was a propaganda term that they were gonna throw at psychedelics to make them look bad. However saying that any intense experience can bring back a memory and can cause strong emotion. It doesn’t have to be just psychedelics. People have flashbacks to all types of traumas.
the drama of reliving any particular memory qualifies for the headline-eye-grabbing term Flashback!
Not sure how to answer.For sure with my first mushroom trip the door opens and as Huxley says stays open.So...may be not real flashbacks,but reminders and reminiscents of the "other","beyond".That is some kind of knowledge-to explore those realms of realities
Sleep deprivation hallucinations are no joke.

Day 5 is usually when they hit for me and I'll start seeing things that aren;t there.
The auditory hallucinations always start for me after about 3 days awake.

I once was up for awhile on adderall back in my early 20's and remember seeing a holographic, 1-2ft bipedal rat thing wearing weird armour and holding a weapon walk out of my closet, repeatedly. But it never stepped forward more than a few feet and seemed kind of stuck in motion.

Freaked me out so bad at first that I actually grabbed something and threw it at it.

Later in my late 20's, I was up after a 5 day meth binge and started seeing transparent legs/waists walking into my bedroom. Straight through the wall. No torso's, just the legs. Some even had on windbreaker pants. I knew then I had to go to sleep or it would get worse.

Sleep deprivation gives me some of the most realistic hallucinations.
ya know the eye flutters you get when your rollin on mdma? that's kinda engraved in my brain and now any time when i trip on anything, i get them, and if i looked at something while i tripped and it messed with my eyes, and they fluttered, it'll happen again when i look at that specific thing again while not tripping

like my thermostat - i adjusted the heat one time while i was tripping face and i couldn't see what i was doing, because i couldn't focus on it from the flutters, and now when i go to adjust it, while not tripping, it'll start to flutter on me if i try to focus on it
After so many years playing,tinkering, toying around with my Neurotransmitters. I think I experience FBs from time to time. Hefty price u pay after so many years abusing droogz.
1972-1980 copious amounts acid pretty much every weekend all weekend more than too often.Yah after the weekend and at work during the week maybe tues wed got the occasional flash of colour a reminder of where you been ...maybe 5 seconds .Now fast forward 2022 ...can report no freebies not even a glimpse of anything over the last 42 years once i stopped travelling .We are all different folk maybe some ppl do ...in my case no
The "flashbacks" most people refer to is cultural myth. It's anti-drug rherotic used to induce fear and paranoia into the population.
The trauma is no different to unrelated trauma to psychedelic use/misuse. If you suffer with PTSD the symptoms of it will be similar to the symptoms of psychedelic induced trauma. And all that is simply conditioned responses to particular events that you found troubling during an adverse experience and how that affects your behaviour, movement and thoughts.
If you had a bad trip and found yourself overwhelmed in a public place you might experience that sober but you're not tripping anymore and you're not in some "You weren't in 'Nam, man!" like you see in the movies. It's also all relative on the psychological makeup of the individual and their tolerance and coping mechanisms. Someone who is capable of understanding and challenging constructs in their mind but who has HPPD will likely appear no different to someone who doesn't have HPPD, outwardly anyway.

We experience "flashbacks" all the time. That's what our memories are and our memories contain within them emotional encoding which makes them so potent in the first place. Everybody has had a moment where they felt like they were whisked back in time to a particular moment in their life because something or someone triggered the recollection of a memory. Whether that's positive or negative really doesn't matter. We experience memory recall all the time. To what degree depends on our life story and to what extent we experience it and whether that is positive or negative the same.

I've experienced reliving of past trauma from psychedelics when I wasn't taking them. It's not comfortable but it's not a serious issue, for me anyway. You have to have the right mindset and approach these difficult experiences with the realization that, like when you're taking psychedelics, you CAN deal with what you are experiencing even if it's difficult. When you seek to control the experience and when you seek to try and run away from the content being projected, is when it gets worse. And that's why people with PTSD have difficulty processing their trauma, because they have not yet learned how to sit with it, process and integrate it and so challenging it seems impossible. After all, we're just talking about content flying round in our mind. It's not concrete reality and it doesn't control us. Unless we let it.
The concept of "LSD flashbacks" was born of the demonization of psychedelics to scare people into thinking that they break your brain, similar to the "take it 7 times and you're clinically insane" thing that I grew up hearing.