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harmla harmline and lithium carbonate

What reason do you want to mix it? IiRC harmaline is some sort of monoamine oxidase inhibitor which makes it risky to take with many psychiatric medications most significantly ssri drugs and others that effect serotonin but also stimulants such as Methylphenidate and amphetamines.

I don't know much about lithium but I'm sure someone can tell you
I wanted to take it to enhance my shroom trip I know you can mix maoi and lithium carbonate just not sure of harmline and lithium carbonate
How safe is serotonin syndrome? Because there's always that possibility. You say you know you can mix maoi's with lithium, how sure are you of that? Have you done it before?

It's a reversible maoi, lot of the synthetic ones are irreversible, so in theory it's safer than those if you've tried that before, still not advisable.
There are reports on LSD causing seizures and dissociative episodes in combination with lithium. I'd say the the issue here is more that harmala alkaloids can have some psychedelic activity of their own, rather than the harmaline's reversible MAOI activity (moclobemide, another reversible MAOI, is sometimes combined with lithium in clinical practice, as far as I know).