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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

HARM REDUCTION: Severe dehydration can kill you. Understand the symptoms and live


Aug 19, 2014
Severe dehydration can kill you and will, if untreated. Simply drinking water might not cut it in an emergency situation. Know the symptoms, drink water and severe dehydration can be avoided easily.

It's important to be able to recognise and identify the symptoms BUT ALSO very important to understand dehydration so you can distinguish the symptoms apart from others so as not to confuse them with anything else hence, one may disregard them and dehydration, severe dehydration could now be posing a risk, because they (I personally have on more than a few occasions) can be easily confused with that end of the night "I feel shit but I've been partying all night on speed and drinking. Nothing out of the ordinary. I'll be fine."

This isn't complicated, it's common sense and the average healthy person drinks water every day. Whenever we drink or use drugs, those widely known four words 'Keep your fluids up' are a hell of a lot more important than you may have previously thought.

"Symptoms of dehydration include thirst, headache, general discomfort, loss of appetite, dry skin, decreased urine volume, confusion, unexplained tiredness, and irritability. More prolonged or severe dehydration leads to abnormally dark urine, rapid breathing, constipation, decreased blood pressure (hypertension), dizziness or fainting when standing up due to orthostatic hypotension (you feel completely exhausted after standing up), listlessness, insomnia, and loss of skin elasticity."

I've underlined a few important warning signs, the ones in bold and the part I included in italics, are the danger signs and your body telling you (all of the symptoms above) that it's time for a glass of water, repeated five or six times over the next 20-30 minutes, even tiny sips are fine as long it's consistent. The decrease in blood pressure is because your body is so dehydrated that your blood has become viscous which is bad, life threatening. IV infusion is sometimes needed in an emergency. Call an ambulance if you're covered and don't care admitting to the hospital staff that you partied too hard and forgot about water. They don't care, their job is to make sure you don't die. Don't have cover? A taxi might be cheaper, but the cost of a ride to the hospital accompanied by medically trained professionals is low priority when you life is in danger.

Further information and the above quoted text can be found here --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehydration

Call a locum if hospital isn't where you want to be, however in hospital they will be able to monitor you until you're well enough to return home. You're surrounded by doctors and nurses. But... avoidance is better than risking death. Keep your fluids up!

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Thank you for advice. Will save your words for a instance.
Thank you for advice. Will save your words for a instance.

My pleasure :) Thank YOU for the kind words.

Enjoy life, have fun, party safe and ... you know the rest.


SUMMARY OF MY ORIGINAL POST in two words, for the busy, the lazy, for everyone!

"Drink water"
I think this is dangerous advice. For instance tap water in some countries might just kill you if IV'd, even when micron filtered. Such a thing would only be worth the risk when trapped on a mountain, severely hydrated and with only a tiny bit of water left or something similar. In all other cases one should go to the ER. So I don't think it's in the best interest of harm reduction to even propose this as a home remedy. Suppose someone really naive reads this and thinks "I didn't know that was possible. I'm used to IV so I'll just do that next time I feel bad because of drugs." I know it's 'just' water you're injecting but I still think this kind of advice could do more harm than good
1) What person thats in such dire dehydration they need to rig up a home syringe line IV, is actually going to be able to perform all this.

2) IV anything into yourself poses a risk, let alone large quantities of tap or distilled water.

3) when you get IV fluids its a saline solution, meaning its got some necessary salts in the solution. Distilled water is exactly the opposite it has no salts in it. People die from drinking to much water as their levels of electrolytes drop to low. I would not think IV distilled water is a good idea at all and same with tap water.

4) whats the chance of being able to start an IV when the person severely dehydrated. Many times very large vessels need to be used because the other ones are impossible to find or hit due to the dehydration.

I'm totally on board with the staying hydrated part. People also need to realize they also need to keep thier electrolytes up as you can get to hydrated with water and experience very negative side effects including death.

If a person is severely dehydrated then the rescue squad should be called as they can whip up a real saline IV as soon as they arrive and the person should be encouraged to take fluids. ice chips, popsicles, sports drinks, orally if they are coherent and able to do so safely.


Dehydration treatment

Your advice on staying hydrated is great, but I would not treat dehydration in the manor you proposed unless there was absolutely no other option.

Plugging the water may even be a better option.
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1) What person thats in such dire dehydration they need to rig up a home syringe line IV, is actually going to be able to perform all this.
Very few. Only very, experienced and well educated individuals. I did it, I've had this home-remedy planned out in my head for when the need arises. I had reached a level of dehydration that, forget standing, walking required me to rest for 10 to 15 seconds between each step. That's how severe this was. But it was a personal achievement that, I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever, saved my life last night. But why show it off? It's my success.

Your advice on staying hydrated is great, but I would not treat dehydration in the manor you proposed unless there was absolutely no other option.
Thank you. Logic kicked in and my intentions behind posting did a backflip. Not a full 180* because that link, title and tale are still there.

I don't think it's in the best interest of harm reduction to even propose this as a home remedy. Suppose someone really naive reads this and thinks "I didn't know that was possible. I'm used to IV so I'll just do that next time I feel bad because of drugs." I know it's 'just' water you're injecting but I still think this kind of advice could do more harm than good
Exactly. Just posting the image is going to cause a snowball effect, people are going to start coming up with ideas which ultimately, is likely to cause harm to others and spread...

Allow me to remove what needs removing, sooner rather than later and review the post if you wish. But I need that title changed back. I can't remember what it was but I changed it, home-remedy replaced, but I forget the exact wording.

RedLightBlueLight said:
Last edited by RedLightBlueLight; Yesterday at 22:56. Reason: Staff are only allowed to use signatures + changed thread title slightly

This is better, but the main thread title must be changed. "HARM REDUCTION: Severe dehydration can kill you. Understand the symptoms and live."
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Honestly if you get to the point where you're so dehydrated it could become fatal you probably haven't followed a smidge of HR in the first place...
I had these on my computer, I hope they help:

I think I'm missing one, my apologies, but some is better than none.


EDIT: here are non re-sized images that I hope will be easier to see:


Please save them, they're much easier than forgetting the facts - I have got myself to dehydration to many times on stimulants - remember when drinking alcohol it's more of a chore to notice these symptoms, and you may be the only one at a party who realizes they need help - don't be afraid to seek it!
Honestly if you get to the point where you're so dehydrated it could become fatal you probably haven't followed a smidge of HR in the first place...

Well, duh....

Is that pretty much your contribution today Mr Moderator Sir JWills20, location England? Post count exceeding 2,200?

Thank you for contributing. I have learned that you have the ability to point out the obvious and essentially suggest that I didn't keep my fluids up and that's why I came close to a fatal level of dehydration.

Do you have anything to contribute? Is my silly mistake actually relevant in any way? Your comment offers no advice, is directed at me and what your message says is exactly this, "You're an idiot and I feel superior, in fact I needed to insult you because I'm sad and jealous."

What it's revealed about you is that you are likely a very miserable person and insulting people like me, because I'm happy and enjoy life, gives you a moment of false superiority. You hate me, you hate people like me because 'it's not fair that they get to be happy' and you don't. Have a whinge. It's your life mate, if you choose to be miserable then that's all you.

I was miserable once, but I didn't want to be miserable. So I chose to put in the effort and start building a life that I cherish. I have goals, dreams.. I'm not lucky, I don't "get to be happy", I worked for it and continue to make choices that leads me further and further into a lifestyle that I created, partly by filling it with so, so many things that I'm passionate about and once the ball is rolling, motivation to continue improving and learning just becomes natural.

I can only pity your life. You must be so jaded and depressed. It doesn't have to be like that, YOU can make changes, nothing is going to come along and yank you up, out of your pit and save you.
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I had these on my computer, I hope they help:
Please save them, they're much easier than forgetting the facts - I have got myself to dehydration to many times on stimulants - remember when drinking alcohol it's more of a chore to notice these symptoms, and you may be the only one at a party who realizes they need help - don't be afraid to seek it!

Thanks for contributing my friend :)

Your post and the information provided is a textbook example of "harm reduction advice"
Very few. Only very, experienced and well educated individuals. I did it, I've had this home-remedy planned out in my head for when the need arises. I had reached a level of dehydration that, forget standing, walking required me to rest for 10 to 15 seconds between each step. That's how severe this was. But it was a personal achievement that, I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever, saved my life last night. But why show it off? It's my success.

The experienced and educated people will simply stay hydrated in the first place - to have a drink of water every now and then is not that difficult regardless how screwed up you are/how hard you have partied. To state that you had an IV rig set up for fluids, that you had prepared and used just shows how reckless and careless an individual you are.

I certainly would not be recommending anyone to start IV'ing water if they are that high that they have forgot to drink water to the point of sever dehydration - they should be seeking medical attention.
Well, duh....

Is that pretty much your contribution today Mr Moderator Sir JWills20, location England? Post count exceeding 2,200?

Thank you for contributing. I have learned that you have the ability to point out the obvious and essentially suggest that I didn't keep my fluids up and that's why I came close to a fatal level of dehydration.

Do you have anything to contribute? Is my silly mistake actually relevant in any way? Your comment offers no advice, is directed at me and what your message says is exactly this, "You're an idiot and I feel superior, in fact I needed to insult you because I'm sad and jealous."

What it's revealed about you is that you are likely a very miserable person and insulting people like me, because I'm happy and enjoy life, gives you a moment of false superiority. You hate me, you hate people like me because 'it's not fair that they get to be happy' and you don't. Have a whinge. It's your life mate, if you choose to be miserable then that's all you.

I was miserable once, but I didn't want to be miserable. So I chose to put in the effort and start building a life that I cherish. I have goals, dreams.. I'm not lucky, I don't "get to be happy", I worked for it and continue to make choices that leads me further and further into a lifestyle that I created, partly by filling it with so, so many things that I'm passionate about and once the ball is rolling, motivation to continue improving and learning just becomes natural.

I can only pity your life. You must be so jaded and depressed. It doesn't have to be like that, YOU can make changes, nothing is going to come along and yank you up, out of your pit and save you.

Is this a joke post - are you high?
To be completely honest I want to take phlebotomy classes so I can learn proper IV technique when it comes to fluid bags and stuff. As an IV heroin uses (second time getting clean methadone for 4 months) I can IV but proper technique when it comes to this is important so as not to damage the veins or whatever. I bet I can buy saline bags from a medical supply place online and all that good stuff. I want to learn not so I can do it to me but you never know who you will be with and what will be going on so I think narcan, benzos, and more recently and IV line for fluids is a must for an older more educated user.

Simply put I know I can learn how to do this and it would be a nice skill to have.
Yes, IV fluid with electrolytes is used in clinical settings to treat severe dehydration, but IV'ing water (even if distilled and sterile) is downright dangerous, as it upsets the very fine blood-serum electrolytic balance that your body maintains perpetually. Honestly, I don't see how someone could incur dehydration this severe except in situations that present heat-stroke risk (eg, hiking in hot weather with insufficient water, dancing non-stop at a festival with insufficient water access) or cases of compromised organ function. Just drink some water while you do drugs. This isn't hard.

Do you have anything to contribute?

I thought the point was reasonably clear. If you've let yourself get so dehydrated it could become fatal it's unlikely you'll frequent HR forums to even read posts like yours. But I'll just go back to leading my sad existence of superiority over the internet.
Just drink some water while you do drugs. This isn't hard

I do agree with you and the average person shouldnt be giving themselves fluids as it is dangerous and normally an unnecessary risk. However, if you take the time to go and take classes and become a trained "professional" i can see it being a good skill to have. Average drug user taking mdma, hell no drink water its way easier.
My Story

OK so the other day my parrot shot up some dope with his friend. It's was fine off on it and everything. About 30 minutes or so after my parrot stayed chattering, shivering line you do when you have a fever... Then my head became a house of pain. Worst migraine ever. Pulled over while driving to puke, and did it three more times. I had pain in my kidneys... I felt it on both sides. My legs hurt, I laid in bed trying to get comfortable but I couldn't find a position that didn't hurt my back, kidneys, head, and legs.
This lasted for hours, and I eventually slept. I almost went to the hospital.
Now I thought since I had taken a little sub earlier that day that I must be in precipitated withdraw (if that's what's it's called) but I thought that only happens if you take sub too early after dope?
But my friend called me the next day and asked if I got sick???? We both got the same way. My mom thinks I was dehydrated, my friend thinks it must have been cut with some shit.
What do you guys think it was?
I didn't mean I in any of this, I meant my parrot.

The experienced and educated people will simply stay hydrated in the first place - to have a drink of water every now and then is not that difficult regardless how screwed up you are/how hard you have partied. To state that you had an IV rig set up for fluids, that you had prepared and used just shows how reckless and careless an individual you are.

I certainly would not be recommending anyone to start IV'ing water if they are that high that they have forgot to drink water to the point of sever dehydration - they should be seeking medical attention.
OK so the other day my parrot shot up some dope with his friend. It's was fine off on it and everything. About 30 minutes or so after my parrot stayed chattering, shivering line you do when you have a fever... Then my head became a house of pain. Worst migraine ever. Pulled over while driving to puke, and did it three more times. I had pain in my kidneys... I felt it on both sides. My legs hurt, I laid in bed trying to get comfortable but I couldn't find a position that didn't hurt my back, kidneys, head, and legs.
This lasted for hours, and I eventually slept. I almost went to the hospital.
Now I thought since I had taken a little sub earlier that day that I must be in precipitated withdraw (if that's what's it's called) but I thought that only happens if you take sub too early after dope?
But my friend called me the next day and asked if I got sick???? We both got the same way. My mom thinks I was dehydrated, my friend thinks it must have been cut with some shit.
What do you guys think it was?
I didn't mean I in any of this, I meant my parrot.

I can't even understand your post ...parrots? are you SWIMing somehow?? are you high now?
how much water had you had to drink that day? think back on it and that will give you a better idea if you were dehydrated. dope (heroin) doesn't usually dehydrate you too badly though, so it could have been cut.