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Hardest To Find Drug??

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right now here in BC:
Ketamine. All the K I've seen in the past few months has been cloudy, off-white, smells like latex or has some other strange scent, often contains small cube shaped crystals or weird small clumpy balls of powder, tastes like shit, burns a decent amount when snorted, and doesn't get you that high. I used to get K crystals that were so sparkly and clear they looked like diamonds, had no scent, and always contained nice shards that would fuck you right up. The other day I was finally able to get my hands on some amazing pharm grade shit, damn was that ever a treat..

If you can find phenmetrazine you must have a time machine. But GODDDD do I want to try it @_@
UK - NI:

Acid is pretty hard to find here, good quality Coke as well, even Ket and Shrooms - sucks.

Benzos are easily found, Rits too, Dex can be found with no effort. RC's are all over the damn place as well.
Wikipedia says it was discontinued in 2010, but it's still in the BNF. I saw some at a festival once, but that's the only time..

Street speed (racemic amphetamine sulphate, usually very heavily cut) is plentiful, however.

US pharmaceutical opioids are probably the hardest thing to get over here.. Apart from obscure hallucinogenics, although my mate was offered DOC by a random at a rave not that long ago, took me a little by surprise!
I think last time I said this, I said acid but recently it has been pretty available to me. Heroin is still the only drug that I have not had access too besides all of those rare RCs. I cant spend a day of my life without being offered the norm. Seems like shrooms and the such come in large qualities every once in awhile.
Regarding Dex in the UK, it's still in the BNF but I source it elsewhere (sorry for the mistake).
MDMA for me because it's the only drug I really want to try that I can't seem to find (possibly changing soon, but idk tbh my sources aren't extremely reliable and tend to avoid "harder" drugs). Plus it's too hard to make. I suppose I could head out to the club cities of the world or to raves to get some amidst the crowd. That would work most likely, but that's an exception.

Acid would be up there though probably higher than MDMA because it's less used for clubbing/raves and equally hard to make. But I have less of a desire for acid than MDMA anyway and can get acid substitutes like mescaline (which can be obtained easily and extracted easily, though I've never had it).

I suppose cocaine would be tough around here but general prescription class amphetamines would suffice for me so I don't care much about it.

Heroin would be tough as well, but I have no desire to inject drugs. Prescription opiates would suffice.

RCs can usually be found online no problem and some are legal as well. Some aren't too hard to synthesize either.

Cannabis is readily obtainable now for the most part for me. Shrooms might be coming soon as well, plus they aren't too hard to find in the wild depending on where you live and what you know.

Thus the hardest in my mind are the synthetics that are not easily replaced by easier to find drugs of "similar" effect.

Hence MDMA for me.
For me the big four would be:

* No 4/No 3 Powder heroin- It doesn't seem to exist here, I mean, people I know have seen it very occasionally (once every couple of years) and it's always fucking rubbish , you're better off using your money to buy morphine and making your own heroin (which is what we do). However it would be nice to be able to just dissolve some white powder in water, filter it and away you go instead of getting a pill and...[25-40 minutes of work later]...add a little citric and you've got yerself some heroin. Even No 3 heroin, which would involve using vinegar and 5 minutes effort, but it's still light years ahead of where we're at. And to think, until recently vials of pharmacutical diamorphine weren't that uncommon in the UK.

* Ketamine- It's the fucking ghost drug, everyone seems to like it, everyone seems to have taken it at some point or another, it's widely used in medicine/vet, it's widely produced/available in the developed third world (China, India, Brazil, etc) and yet...where is it? It;s a fucking mystery is what it is, I tells ya! Why is it that every other week fucking meth gets seized coming in from Asia, yet none of these people bother to think to buy some of that infinately-more-legal-and-available-than-meth drug?

* Amphetamine- You bloody europeans, with your excellent cheap drugs, superior research chemical vendors and massive availability of 'base putty'...you has it too easy! Makes you soft, soft and drug addled. But really, I don't enjoy meth, I don't enjoy stimulants a whole lot as a class, but I've got to admit that they can be damn useful. Need to get shit done and didn't sleep well, take a little speed. Getting your party on, but feeling kinda lethargic and lazy because you've been taking morphine and ketamine...take a little speed. Dexamphetamine pills aren't as versitile as amphetamine putty imo and amphetamine putty is actually amphetamine, unlike 'speed' which is just more fucking meth, this time cut 10:1. Most of the time when I need a little stimulant boost I'm reduced to methylphenidate. Actually being able to get excited about MDPV and ethylphenidate depresses me a little.

* PCP- I know that PCP is a drug of use (I won't say 'common', but you can get your hands on it) in central Europe (Germany/Poland/Austria seem to have it around), parts of Canada (particularly the French Speaking province of Quebec where it was/is sold as 'mescaline' and is fairly common in some scenes) and parts of the US of A, as far as I know it's more of a west coast thing with there being more around California and Texas. Why the fuck does it just not seem to travel anywhere, ever? You know what I mean, things like mescaline and dmt and pscilocin aren't available all the time, but if you buy acid regularly or keep in touch with folks who do for long enough chances are you will have the oppotunity to buy some. The same with ketamine, if you are in 'the scene' long enough you'll come across it, but it's not like you can just 'go get it'. But PCP isn't like that, you just never see it unless you live in very specific areas where PCP is a thing- or you are a chemist/have links to legitimate/clandestine chemists. And speaking of clandestine chemists, it's not THAT hard to make and the precursors, while controlled and watched, aren't that hard to come by, particularly if you think a little creatively and produce some structural analogue- yet you never really see it sort of 'appearing' places after some clever little wingnut did some small scale (but even just an ounce or two of PCP is a great deal of PCP) after scrounging together just enough of the required chemicals. I find this extremely dissapointing, I am fascinated by arylcyclohexaylamines and the dissociative experience- I hope that eventually I will be able to get my hands on some pcp. Not to mention all those tasty looking analogues...oh why must you tease me so!?
^^seriously? just go to your local kitchen store, its used to make whipped cream...its not medical grade, but its available.

or just go to a headshop or sex shop. most places sell it still
1,4B/GBL used to be non-existant where i come from, people staring blankly as to express "what the fuck are you on about?". now it seems to be abundant in the wrong hands of people taking mLs upon mLs blowing out with their friends ignorant as to what the fuck was happening; their friends blowing out, flopping like a fish out of water.

"oh he's right, he'll be back into it in 10 mins" :|

whaaaaaaa? it's available at most convenience stores in australia, albeit it shitty "cream canisters".
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