• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

happily sending my regards from southern Ontario Canada.


Apr 1, 2023
Hello friends, right off the bat um, I'm a long time opiate user but at this stage in my life I had to stop the daily grind for opiates. So I went to see an addiction specialist for methadone, but now I'm also on a myriad of the different types of 'medication' that literally cover most of the spectrum in these forums. Everything I take is prescribed, if I didn't make that clear lol. Sorry if that wasn't a jolly enough intro. I'm excited to meet as many ppl as possible to share knowledge and some friendly banter. I have some chronic ailments that I'm trying to claw back from and lead at least a more active lifestyle. Anyway I do look forward to using the heaps of info and knowledge a site like this provides. Feel free to shoot me a 'wat's up' and i'm a pretty open guy that doesn't get offended easily. If anyone has any questions i'm open.
Hello friends, right off the bat um, I'm a long time opiate user but at this stage in my life I had to stop the daily grind for opiates. So I went to see an addiction specialist for methadone, but now I'm also on a myriad of the different types of 'medication' that literally cover most of the spectrum in these forums. Everything I take is prescribed, if I didn't make that clear lol. Sorry if that wasn't a jolly enough intro. I'm excited to meet as many ppl as possible to share knowledge and some friendly banter. I have some chronic ailments that I'm trying to claw back from and lead at least a more active lifestyle. Anyway I do look forward to using the heaps of info and knowledge a site like this provides. Feel free to shoot me a 'wat's up' and i'm a pretty open guy that doesn't get offended easily. If anyone has any questions i'm open.
Been there. Hope ur doing well. I’ve made that journey myself and it sucks. It’s hard and I know what ur going thru. Im fighting my way back from alcohol right now which is no joke either. Addiction is a bitch. Im also in Ontario. Always happy to chat with someone who knows the struggle and can relate. Wishing u the best and happy to chat any time!