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Hands moving independently since candyflip


Nov 23, 2017
So I had a candyflip some time ago, at the end of which my hands started moving independently, in particular, but often changing and intensifying patterns of movement, going up and taking control of my whole arms. I was effortlessly able to stop the movements if I wanted, but I was curious and rather tried to give them as much of my energy as possible, which again intensified them. I tried to let them express themselves by writing on my computer and they immediately picked up on it and started typing at immense speed in a pattern that was definetly not random, but also did not produce anything intelligable, quite to the contrary, they wrote signs that I had no idea were possible to write on a keyboard, like letters in exotic alphabets. It may be possible that they tried to learn how to use a keyboard, but then again, I have no idea. Since then, the movements surface again every once in a while, particularly when I am high, with a special preference towards psychedelics, but also on stimulants, weed and phenibut. They get triggered and intensified by music and intense thinking, so probably intense cognitive tasks in general.

Also, the movements are stronger in my right hand most of the time, although I am left handed, and I can concentrate them on one particular side, intensify them there, and then, when that side tires, swich sides. And although concentrating on them intensifies and sometimes induces them I can always easily tell if the induced movements were voluntary or came from “it“. The first type feels somehow unnatural in that context.

That trip was the first after what was the worst in my life, not in a psychotic sense, but in an existential/depressive sense, where I took 10 acid and actually never came to a complete resolution of my inner conflicts, that made me feel actually suicidal and had a lasting impact on me, and so one theory I have is, that these movements were a sign of a reorgansation of my psyche/brain, to bring the events of that trip to some conclusion. But it also felt like maybe the germ of a new developing conciousness? But again, I have no idea, what it really is.

I should underline that I am not in any way bothered by these movements, I can stop them at will, but if I funnel the flames they can get so intense I get muscle pains througout my arms, using muscles I didn't even know existed. I am very curious if anyone else has ever experienced something similar or has any theories about the reason behind it.
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That's really interesting. I am a musician, and sometimes when my friend and I do "tryptamine jams" where we play improvised music on strong doses of tryptamines, my hands start to move without me guiding them, and I can do stuff I can't normally do. If I think about it too hard I lose it, but it's the craziest thing, it definitely feels like something is playing through me.
Yep, it happens to me on some strong psychedelic and/or disso trips. In my case it takes the form of "dancing" and do kind of ki gong movements. I don´t dance this way at all and I have never practiced ki gong, but voilà, when that happens I can perfectly feel like some other entity pulling my threads to produce quite precise, complicated, exquisite and like alien choreographies. Like OP says, I can stop it at will, but feels good to let it happen and develop.

To me it´s clear that is some kind of entity channeling. I know most people doesn´t believe that´s even possible and will address to the trip itself. No it doesn´t. Chanelling is as real as the chair you are sitting on now.

Maybe OP could try to do automatic writing on paper. If you do, please make a photo of it for us to try to analice it.

Also is wise to know that not all entities are positive, so don´t try to grant access or reproduce this as something dark and malevolent can sit at the controls
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That's really interesting. I am a musician, and sometimes when my friend and I do "tryptamine jams" where we play improvised music on strong doses of tryptamines, my hands start to move without me guiding them, and I can do stuff I can't normally do. If I think about it too hard I lose it, but it's the craziest thing, it definitely feels like something is playing through me.

I firmly regretted not being able to play an instrument when I first encountered that phenomenon and have since started to play the piano (well, keyboard), and it feels really nice, but I haven't yet had an opportunity to have it play, at least since I have any idea about what I am doing. But I am curious about how it will play.
Yep, it happens to me on some strong psychedelic and/or disso trips. In my case it takes the form of "dancing" and do kind of ki gong movements. I don´t dance this way at all and I have never practiced ki gong, but voilà, when that happens I can perfectly feel like some other entity pulling my threads to produce quite precise, complicated, exquisite and like alien choreographies. Like OP says, I can stop it at will, but feels good to let it happen and develop.

To me it´s clear that is some kind of entity channeling. I know most people doesn´t believe that´s even possible and will address to the trip itself. No it doesn´t. Chanelling is as real as the chair you are sitting on now.

Maybe OP could try to do automatic writing on paper. If you do, please make a photo of it for us to try to analice it.

Also is wise to know that not all entities are positive, so don´t try to grant access or reproduce this as something dark and malevolent can sit at the controls

I thought about if it is something like a foreign entity, but personally it feels like another, fairly independent, part, not really of my persona, but of my existence, if that makes sense. But I keep my mind open.

I also felt like it extended to my feet once, but it was much weaker there and didn't go beyond a bit of a twiching, at least up to now.

I actually tried to let it write or draw something once, but was a bit dissapointed by the results: it looked just like unfocussed child skits. Letting it write on the pc seemed more interesting, but then again, I encountered the same phenomenon in lucid dreaming: communicating with my subconcious by manual writing was possible, but slow and hard, while communicating by tipping was faster and easier. I guess I am just too used to tipping by now.
Honestly didn’t read the entire post, but just wanted to chime in:

My ex-roommate and I did some 4-aco-DMT a few years ago; his arm(s) would move around all crazy and he claimed that they were moving on their own.

Always thought he was messing around or lying, but could be a similar thing.
Honestly didn’t read the entire post, but just wanted to chime in:

My ex-roommate and I did some 4-aco-DMT a few years ago; his arm(s) would move around all crazy and he claimed that they were moving on their own.

Always thought he was messing around or lying, but could be a similar thing.

Sounds similar. Could he stop it? Did it stay around after the trip or just go away?
Might be a form of synaesthesia since so much about psychedelic trips can by a stretch be explained that way: cross-chatter between brain regions, one of which (the receiving end here) apparently being your motor cortex. However I think since it is kinda lower brain in part it is much less usual to get something like that than with the senses.

I don't get at all what might be behind 'mudras' too (my best guess is this is some sort of pre-programmed formal language of the body) and while I don't wanna hurry any reductionalist approach to any of that I think that it doesn't hurt to get some scientific clarity just like a similar synaesthesia mechanism may be what is behind seeing aura's for example. We don't tend to imagine the possibilities for example say if motoric movement were a 'sender' of synaesthetic stimuli... what could that look like. I personally have no idea, it is very abstract though it could match a known phenomenon which is currently a mystery. Just as an illustration here..

Anecdotally I do have some experience with all of this in general, my roommate went through this phase where he said his ambidexterity was 'awakening' during our psychedelic glory years - he used to tennis a lot - but then subsequently this turned into a sort of confusion of a sort I am all too familiar with myself: it can be a curse to invite becoming conscious of all kinds of function as a sort of gift. You don't really want to become conscious of certain things because conscious thought can make things that we take for granted as happening naturally as becoming awkward and even paralyzed by choice. In fact, being in a flow can usually depend especially on not-thinking! (In this case by thinking I mean the slow deliberate form of thinking, because we do have a quick more automatic one that is very helpful but is also at the basis of many of our fallacies and deep wired mistakes)

Maybe it is a blessing that we are talking about involuntary movement here rather than something such as ambidexterity, though of course you absolutely don't want any such effect to persist after drug effects wear off.

Please report on your experiences. :)
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