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Hamptons School Board Bringing Drug Dogs Into High School, Voted on Unanimously to "T


Jul 21, 2005
Hamptons School Board Bringing Drug Dogs Into High School, Voted on Unanimously to "T

Hamptons School Board Bringing Drug Dogs Into High School, Voted on Unanimously to "Thunderous Applause"

The school board in East Hampton, New York says it didn’t hear any complaints it took in the three weeks to get from an idea by a parent concerned about drugs at the local high school to the school board voting unanimously to bring drug dogs into the building. Via the East Hampton Star:

A packed house of parents sat close together, speaking as one in favor of the proposal.

“I speak in support of this policy, as a taxpayer and parent of a young child in the district,” said Jeff Erickson. “I applaud the board. We all know that we have an epidemic on Long Island with oxycodone and prescription-drug use. It starts with alcohol and marijuana. If we have children using our facility to sell drugs or use drugs, let’s get rid of them. Let’s get them out, because they’re poisoning our children.”

Mr. Erickson continued: “I’m pretty conservative on this. I have no problem with them sniffing our children.”

Thunderous applause followed his remarks.

“We have not heard one word against — not one,” said Patricia Hope, the board president, yesterday morning.
One parent suggested the dogs do the cars in the parking lot, too. No word on what the teachers union might say about that. The principal of the high school says the building would go on “modified lockdown” during surprise visits by the county sheriff’s K-9 unit, and local police would be called if drugs were found.

Read Jacob Sullum’s March Reason piece on how police use drug dogs to manufacuter probable cause here. Schools need only “reasonable suspicion” to conduct searches, the Supreme Court explained in a 2009 decision about a middle school girl strip searched over an Advil, which you can read Sullum on here.

I had k9 walk threws like this when I was in high school.
They would do the cars in the parking lot and the lockers while we were in lock down.
You'd have to be stupid to bring shit and leave it in your locker. You lose all your rights in a high school.
Unfortunately this does nothing beneficial... Kids figure out other drugs they can bring in and not get caught with. All this does is promote drugs that are less safe than marijuana, the most prevalent drug in most high schools.

When they brought the drug sniffing dogs around our high school, that's when the over the counters (ephedrine, DXM, etc) and the obscure (nutmeg took off for a bit) came into play...

It doesn't surprise me that the state that babies fully-grown adults brings in drug dogs to "nanny" the children too. I'm glad I live FAR AWAY from that shit on the east coast.
They did this at my high school. It didnt change anything. You just hoped it wasnt the one day of the year they brought the dogs.
I know students who kept there drugs on them and they were ok. The dogs aren't allowed around the kids.
I know students who kept there drugs on them and they were ok. The dogs aren't allowed around the kids.

At my high school when they did the classroom sweeps, they'd make everyone pile their belongings against a wall. The dogs would sniff the belongings and the cops would search the students.

Technically, they have to get either consent or a warrant to search the person or property of 18-year-olds. Minors, however, don't really have 4th amendment protections.

Of course, if the dog alerts on you, they don't need a warrant. It's bullshit I know, but that's what people get for electing conservatives to the White House. Conservative presidents appoint conservative judges, and the Constitution decomposes.
Dogs cant smell rx pain pills and benzos or lsd. The kids will just leave their weed coke and heroin at home. What a waste of money further making the us look like the former soviet union.
What happens if they hit on teachers car in parking lot? If I was teacher and someone wanted to search my parked and locked car I would just say no. They going to smash window? Fire you?
Remember kids a big bag of cuttings spread thru school will confuse Fido.
what sort of consequences follow if underage students are caught with possessing legal and or illegal substances as a result of these searches?

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what sort of consequences follow if underage students are caught with possessing legal and or legal substances as a result of these searches?


Probably the same as other places have done similar things. Expulsion if your parents are rich and powerful, prosecution to the fullest extent of the law if not.
Yeah. Im in Ontario. I was used to all of this through high school. I saw them set one of the dogs on a kid that was running away. Realistically what they did was help single out the devoted and smart dealers. Those dealers immediately started making more money and selling more product. They used to lock down the school. Lock all doors. Sweep the lockers with the dogs and then have all the kids stand in the hall one class at a time to have the dogs give us a once over. They OFTEN would signal on the most innocent straight edge kid in the class so we could tell the cops right to their faces that this is ridiculous and that them and their dogs arent trained properly.

Lsd. Pharms and ketamine started showing up more and more at school because the dogs were not trained to smell those drugs out. Terribly backwards system they have there.
At my high school when they did the classroom sweeps, they'd make everyone pile their belongings against a wall. The dogs would sniff the belongings and the cops would search the students.

what the fuck? I was never under the impression that Americans were particularly free but this just ridiculous
public schools are just prisons where the inmates get to leave every day. im glad I graduated in 2003, these days children are treated like prisoners and criminals. its just the governments way of preparing them for adulthood where you are treated like a criminal and prisoner. you dont have any rights, the authorities do what ever the fuck they want and when they get caught they cover it up and they are protected by our criminal government. the book 1984 was not an instruction manual it was a cautionary tale.
When i graduated in 00 (went to an all boys private high school) it was well known to be an open air drug market amongst the other area private school bc tuition wasnt as high as some others...least thats what i think. Anyways, you could get just about anything. Tons of kids with stim rxs, thats around the time i got into pharms. The kids that did them with me, we would take those thick yellow highliters and pop them apart and take the ink part out and put a bag and pills in there. Percs usually. Basically anything you could fit in that tiny space. Buy dimes of weed in the bathroom, steroids in the weightroom, there were like 25 black kids in the entire school despite being in baltimore, they all were in the black awareness club. Some redneck hick lax kids wanted to start a white awareness club but the school nixed that idea..hah..anyways, it seemed that around that time public schools in the area all started having a fulltime bcpd officer at the school sitting around all day. It was common place in the city for a while, clear backpacks, uniforms, metal detectors, wands, ect.... No dogs tho unless they brought them in for a reason and in all 4 yeras in my hs i think it happened once. There were some kids who for their age were into some really deep shit. My fav was dead dropping weed in a gas tank cover or tailpipe lol. Ahh to be young again.
Doesn't surprise me, I also graduated in 2000, but in public school.My friend who was suspended forever from our public system because of epic vandalism and drugs ended up at the only private school only for boys in our city for his 2 last years of high school. Well him and a friend he made who became a new member of my circle of friends and my friend is the one who got high with hash or weed for the first time 3/4 of my friends I have known from primary to secondary school, even people I became friends with later said first time they smoked was with Charles. Hash, weed, oil, LSD, PCP, shrooms, 2c-b, all of it became extremely available suddenly as soon as he went to the so-respectable private "séminaire". Lol, I remember how those at that private school started a ridiculous trend, they were barred from wearing blue jeans, other colours were fine. So they'd wear orange, red, yellow, all colors of the rainbow (except blue/azur w/e) jeans...the idea of putting children away from public school so they do not mix with the rabble (which is pretty much bullshit in a society like Canada, some parts of the US, I could see the logic...but here? lolno) is reactionary to the lower-middle class to the poor class that the parents who have the money to pay things like 1800 dollars a semester for fucking basic high school, which they created by seperating themselves from the rest of their fellow citizens and continue to bash on them as if it was only natural to push a NURTURED idea that you are better and thus less worthy of scrutiny than the rest of the people, who are not like you.