Oct 21, 1999
hehehehehehehehhe my god i cant believe it, the whole human race, druggies haha and some say they are better than us!!!
leave it to my cracked out mind from yesterday to peice it together as i sat in a Wendy's line waiting for the first food since the night before
all humans are druggies because they need a drug on a regular basis, sure some people say its caffiene or alcohol when they are trying to excuse thier drug usage, but you know what not everyone does that
but there is one chemical that everyone has been doing since the beginning of thier life to keep them from going insane, haha! DMT is the most powerful psychedelic known to man, at night when you go to sleep the chemical inside your body that makes you dream is DMT, and if you dont dream you eventually go crazy!!!! haha!!! DRUGGIES!!! each and every one of us!!!
hmmm methinks i shouldntve taken that extra pill two nights ago, i thinks i have fried my brain a bit, hehe peahtur definitely knows what im talking about
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -
actually i fried my brain that day
peahtur - the pookie monster
i said NO to DRUGS, but THEY wouldn't listen
check this out, the same part of your brain that gets addicted to drugs is also the same part of your brain that tells you your hungry, so in turn people are addicted to food! we are also addicted to water, and sleep.
aint life full of wierd and wonderful things?
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
I confess. It's true. Every day I struggle with my addiction. But I always need that next fix. The SHAME! It's like I can't go two minutes without it! And I try and I just wind up dizzy, feels like I'll pass out... My skin gets all hot... I think maybe if it weren't so accessible I could cope, but oxygen's everywhere and I just keep on taking that next breath...
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Hey being a druggie is cool and you shouldn't bash it. Also the world is filled with druggies and we should all be proud of ourselves. Have a big party!!!!!!!!1
Triple 7
you DEFINATLEY fried your brain. You should've seen the look on your face at around 10 in the morning it was just INSANE... i felt like you were a commercial trying to discourage kids from using drugs

but its all good... i am sure i looked to same way too... yeah i think we were all not thinking when we said yeah lets get another bean, but whatever it was a really cool night anyways.
can't wait to get back to G'ville and party some more with you guys...
PLuR and all that
next in the series of TAC's revelations : "The Sky Is Blue" and "Cousins & Sex = Bad"
Yo deep, only your family REALLY knows what gets your motor revvin'

I've checked out a couple of your recent posts...either you woke up on the wrong side of the cage today or you are in rare form. Either way, kudos to you! And kudos again!
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
...stuck up silver spoon in mouth bastard...
here...right here!!
I am a total junkie!!!
I am pawning my momma's 1970(black and white) tv right now to support my habit!
I am also exchanging my bro's wooden leg for a hit!!
Damn!!! its 4:20 and me without my maryjane!!
kick out the gloom!
kick out the blues!
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
Tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Its a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all goodbye!