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Greatest drug induced quotes....Trippin/rollin/stoned/doped/dusted LOL's go here!


Jan 15, 2006
What are some of the funniest quotes you have ever heard from people who were on drugs at the time.

My friend was digging through a bowl of chips and told me: "Don't bother me! I'm trying to find the trapezoid shaped dorito."

Edit: I merged 3 threads into this one. The original was "Greatest Quotes From Trips" and that got put in the archive, when greatest quotes from trips betamax version got posted. that thread is in here, as well as ''funniest drug quotes'' and 'funny shit u say while fucked up." if some posts in here are out of order try and make the best of it, but now we got a mega thread with everything in one place.

So, for all the old timers the thread that used to be known as greatest quotes from trips betamax version is now this thread. And the first thread that inspired all these is here
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^^ Dont mean to nitpick, but this is 'funniest' qoutes, that link is to the 'greatest' qoutes. But yea, everyone is already posting mostly funny qoutes in there so there probably isnt a need for this.
theres a thread right on the front page of that forum that been here forever, and is more than a little similar to this one...are "funny" and "great" so completely different from eachother that it justifies making a new thread just so you can word the title different and then go and put the exact same thing in it? :p
^^ No, thats why i said:

there probably isnt a need for this.

Look, its just above your post too. Now its like a sandwhich of STFU !
Well you can spread some "gettin your panties in a wad over nothin" jelly on your STFU sandwich, cuz i wasnt talkin to you i was talkin to the original poster.
I went out with a friend and her bf...her bf got extremely high on coke and lots of e not to mention the few botttles of champers he drank. He was sitting in a chair, pale as a ghost, sweating like crazy. I said "um is he ok?"

His response..."Leave me alone girls. Im trying to look independent and cool"
high as shit outside just watching the sun come up.

- if the sun was blue would the sky be orange? and i bet we would have a hotter weather girl with orange sky
lacey k said:
Well you can spread some "gettin your panties in a wad over nothin" jelly on your STFU sandwich


I didnt know you could talk cyber shit lacey. Wow. Thats fucking awsome lol.
"there's more here I just got to find it"--- friend carpet picking for crack-cocaine
Greatest Quotes from Trips {Betamax version}


The last incarnation of this thread reached its maximum occupancy, so here's the newest version.

old thread
"i can't believe out of all the chairs he had to sit on the broken one"

my friend FREAKED out on shrooms because my other friend decided to sit on a chair that was broken instead of a non-broken chair haha.
'the carpet is waving at me!' - shrooms, haha oh man.. it really was!

A friend and I decided to go to the beach on the hottest day of the summer (47 degrees celcius.. in CANADA [with humidity]) and take mushies. Swimming was the most incredible experience in the world!! Sensory overload. I remember we layed on our backs and looked into the sky; there was a front coming in, and the clouds were swirling. All I could say for about 5 minutes straight was
" Dude. . it's like fucking winamp man, the visualizations. . or like an italian man's hairy back.. swirling.. swirling.. "

"Drugs bring out the best in me!"

Hahaha. Great thread topic.
my friend said well greened out in my cousins garage that he just wanted to be real the quote was "im not real man, i just want to be real."

my other friend dylan and i were having a conversation

dylan-bent over looking up a vent
me-"what are you doin dylan"
dylan-"im talking to the chinese midget that lives in the vent"