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Government Propeganda.....


May 28, 2011
Heard this today on the radio (transcript):

V/O: “Ecstasy is an illegal amphetamine often made in filthy, makeshift chemical laboratories by people who don’t care about you or your health.

“With components of ecstasy becoming harder and more expensive to obtain, ecstasy producers are using hair bleach, battery acid and other dangerous drugs, such as ketamine and speed to fatten up batches of ecstasy.

“So if you take ecstasy, what can you expect?

“In the first eight hours your heart races, blood pressure sky rockets, pupils dilate and your jaw clenches.

“You then become anxious and start to shake. You vomit. You’re so hot you sweat. You can become so hot, your vital organs can fail and begin to liquefy.

“If you make it through all of this, you can look forward to a monster hangover.

“And if you continue to use ecstasy, sleep problems, ugly teeth, poor memory, nerve cell damage, depression and more long-term health problems could be headed your way.

“Ecstasy. Face Facts.”

Caption: Ecstasy. Face Facts. The National Drugs Campaign.

Where the hell do these guys get their information? Maybe the Australian government should read up on harm minimisation, testing and HR. Honestly, maybe it is time they start teaching the truth, these guys disgust me. If E makes your organs liquify I should have been pissing out my brain yonks ago.

/End rant.
They're basically just assuming that everyone who takes ecstasy will get serotonin syndrome.

The sad thing is that most of these people legitimately think that fear is the best tactic to decrease the harms of drugs on society (by decreasing use).
Bulking pills with ketamine..... I fucking wish :(

They forgot, "Developing an appreciation for crap music" ;)
“Ecstasy is an illegal amphetamine often made in filthy, makeshift chemical laboratories by people who don’t care about you or your health.

Ecstasy can be anything pressed into a pill. The synthesis requires quite a lot of knowledge in chemistry using quite high tech equipment and very hard to come by chemicals. Having a very clean lab would be necessary to reduce a lot of risks eg (blowing up and getting detected and/or causing harm etc etc. Anyone who can pull off the synth would have this common knowledge

“With components of ecstasy becoming harder and more expensive to obtain, ecstasy producers are using hair bleach, battery acid and other dangerous drugs, such as ketamine and speed to fatten up batches of ecstasy.

Ecstays price has dropped significantly since the past decade in Australia and more so in Europe and pretty much around the world. Never heard of anyone using such chemicals in the synth. Sure maybe they use chemicals that are in “Hair Bleaches” but once that chemical has reacted it will become a completely different chemical.

Dangerous drugs maybe but out of the thousands of pills tested how many actually contained Ketamine? Out of the bunch I had during 9 years Ive never encountered it. It can be pricey depending on the location and other factors sometimes more costlier than MDMA itself, its not unheard of.

“So if you take ecstasy, what can you expect?

“In the first eight hours your heart races, blood pressure sky rockets, pupils dilate and your jaw clenches.

So for the first 8 hours your heart races and then for how many more hours will it last? Man if only I could acquire MDMA that would last 8 hours + just from a single low dosage (Most pills have low doses of MDMA 40-50mg sometimes if u are lucky to even get that in ur pill. The rest doesnt bother me too much as you prob know that the release of certain chemicals in the brain are contributing to the jaw clenching and other symptoms.

Blood pressure rise I believe may be harmful but so many other things can cause that as well and its only temporary .

“You then become anxious and start to shake. You vomit. You’re so hot you sweat. You can become so hot, your vital organs can fail and begin to liquefy.
“If you make it through all of this, you can look forward to a monster hangover.

Im usually quite relaxed on a nice dose of MDMA and most people can be too unless you had a huge dose making you very anxious on the comeup but then it disappears and you become the most social person ever. Ive shaken from high doses but that could have been avoidable. Some people do vomit on MDMA but most people don’t. Sweating is actually good for you, its beneficial because it rids ur body from toxins. Organs liquefy? Mmkay
I have never ever gotten a hangover from high doses of MDMA and most people I know have never gotten one. I can eat, sleep and do things fine!

“And if you continue to use ecstasy, sleep problems, ugly teeth, poor memory, nerve cell damage, depression and more long-term health problems could be headed your way.

Sleep problems? Maybe if you use it on a regular basis daily for example or multiple times a week but that’s a good way to loose the “magic” The rest is possibly true but other things can cause that too which are legal!
The sad thing is that most of these people legitimately think that fear is the best tactic to decrease the harms of drugs on society (by decreasing use).
that's right - and it is well documented that fear only serves to increase the potential harms of drugs.
the "face facts" bit is the most irritating bit.
should be "eat lies"
Heard this today on the radio (transcript):

Where the hell do these guys get their information? Maybe the Australian government should read up on harm minimisation, testing and HR. Honestly, maybe it is time they start teaching the truth, these guys disgust me. If E makes your organs liquify I should have been pissing out my brain yonks ago.

/End rant.

Propoganda like this has been going on for quite some time. That's the media - they're retarded. As Erowid said in their query regarding Jenkem (yet another Media scare): "This seems to be a prime example of people in online forums saying ridiculous, obviously false things and then being used as a primary data source by people who ought to know better." -http://www.erowid.org/ask/ask.php?ID=3113

I've read an article where codeine apparently burns holes in you.
Ha ha I was getting some food the other day wth my mrs and this came on ove rteh speakers in the store! I just pointed up to the speakers and started laughing with her more and more at each new "fact" the presented!

Worse then 1984 man.
Soon the Government will say that MDMA is made by the Devil himself, and causes instant death upon consumption.
Call my cynical but you couldn't expect anything other than lies from any government on pretty much any issue.
I think the most important thing to do in this "ecstasy" debate, is to CLEARLY distinguish to the public the difference between "ecstasy" and MDMA.

I was chatting to a slightly younger guy at work about drugs, mainly alcohol and cigarettes as he's like 17 and just discovering all this stuff, and when I told him I had used ecstasy, he shook his head in disapproval without knowing a thing about it.
He actually then proceeded to ask me "But when you take it don't you just like have a seizure and shit?", as if he actually thought that people would take them if all they did was make you go into convulsions.

Make this distinction Australian Government or as far as I'm concerned YOU are responsible for deaths from the ecstasy trade.
People need to know ecstasy is an umbrella term that covers all street drugs in pill form ever, and MDMA is completely different.
LOL! ..

You think they care if people die man? ..

Gov signed us up to 10 more years in Afghanistan and you think they care about a few pinger deaths? LOL !

No. Just themselves and doing what overseas interests instruct them to do.
preaching to the converted.

TangerinO i think you're right, MDMA is amazing and reasonably safe.. Ecstasy, in Australia anyway, is usually a filthy speedy experience.

I've done my part over the last couple of years, most of my circle of friends can now make the distinction between the two and they now try to source molly or mdma pills over 'Ecstasy'
Ugggh god they make me soooo fuking angry escpecially when they try to.sound all smart like they know what there talking about. Yuk they make.sick to the stomach dickheads
LOL! ..

You think they care if people die man? ..

Gov signed us up to 10 more years in Afghanistan and you think they care about a few pinger deaths? LOL !

No. Just themselves and doing what overseas interests instruct them to do.

Although overseas interests play a role, the main reason government acts the way it does is to stay in power.

Given the current status quo and the general ignorance and stigma surrounding drug usage, in order to stay in power our government would be crazy not to appear 'tough on drugs.'

This, and just about every other contentious issue, is compounded by the fact that the Murdoch press, which currently comprises around 70% of Australian outlets, along with some other outlets, will use any ammo they can get to condemn the current government in their active pursuit of bringing this country to a right-leaning halt. In this sense, we are headed towards a stagnant democracy, trapped in a vicious cycle that will only ever be escaped if a large enough segment of the population becomes wise enough to demand it. So all we can do is get our voices out there, stand up for our beliefs and attempt to educate such a segment. Oh and vote Greens or something..

</preaching to the choir>
Funniest government propaganda for me was when I was in the military, and they were giving a talk on drug abuse. The speaker claimed that ecstasy pills were contaminated with glass so that when you eat them, the glass would cut up your insides for a faster onset!

Trying not to laugh was a challenge.
^Pretty sure that's not a myth. Almost certain I had pills that had glass in them, and for the record they were fucking, awesome!

That being said I also know that the amount of glass is ridiculously small and won't harm you unless you make a habit of eating hundreds of the same press.

But this isn't really about ecstasy, from what I was saying before I actually recently had a weird conversation with an old friend from high school who grew up to be an airhead party girl I want nothing to do with, I had to explain to her for about an hour was MDMA was. She couldn't get the picture at all, she just kept saying "Yeah but is it gonna make me dance or what?"

It is fucking shocking how many people aren't aware of what they're putting in my bodies, plain don't care and the worst, are actually too stupid to even do the necessary research.
Man its the same old shit.... the media loves scandal and hype, and i'd say at least once a month there will be some 'horror drug story' about substance X which is killing Aussie kids. Bollocks. There have been very few deaths in Australia. There are all sorts of 'pills' out there for sale, and it is up to the individual to educate themselves and know how to reduce harm - starting with TESTING all pills before buying them, knowing how to care for your body, not going to excess, and just being sensible.

Trouble is that when you are on the good stuff it can be hard to stop, and easy to go kinda nuts, cause it feels so good - but its a learning phase all drug takers have to pass. My drug of choice now is Meth, because whilst purity varies dramatically you know what you are getting. Pills at the moment are very hit and miss due to all the MDMA-like drugs (BK-MDMA, Mephedrone etc) going around. In my experience there are ALWAYS MDMA pills on the market, but you need to be lucky enough to know the people who are selling them.

MDMA is being used in trials i believe in the US for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment with much success. I hope that one day this amazing substance will be used therepeutically and maybe even legalised. I wish. haha

Yeh tell me about it.

An idiot I know was saying how he got some pills the other day - I asked him what they were and he replied - "Oh mate I don't care as long as they fuck me up!"


I went off about how stupid that is and that he doesn't give a shit about what he is eating and its people like him that created the demand for SHIT pills and PIPZ and CHALK / BUNK pills...idiots.

Then told him he should care about getting the goods etc and not buy crap! :-S such a fuck wit.
Dude Amsterdam and the Netherlands are the places where most Ecstasy tablets come from...That story was about a bogan bro! i know how to make Ecstasy, didn't do it though...