good question makes u think....


Nov 8, 1999
Ok here it goes if someone offered u 50,000,000 dollars for free the only catch is u can never do a drug again what would u pick. Man i would say thanx but no thanks that just shows my love for drugs. Its pathetic in a way cuz if i would choose the money that means i would never have to worry about my finance's again but then again what fun is there. I dunno it just shows me how much i love drugs. if i had to stop right now i would probably slip into a huge depression cuz going to raves is the only fun i have now. i know its sad...
Bye bye drugs, hello hawaii...then Europe, then Asia, then the rest of the world, then the world again! Drugs are definitely fun, but they aren't everything. Money isn't either, but $50 million is closer to something then drugs are. I went for 20 years of my life without drugs, I can pick up that trend again (with a fat bank account of course).
umm i think i would have to say goodbye to drugs.. cause to me money is more important than drugs to me... plus having that much money would be worth it.....
peace out
much love and lots of huggles
PLUR the way to a better world
hmmm good point, cause if i had that much money i would probably first think about spending it on drugs
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -
True that TAC, but I know that I'd take the $50mill over drugs any day.
Pookiehead, you could still go to raves!! Think of how many MORE raves you could go to with all that money!
bye bye drugs
although money and materialistic things arnt the most important things in life... neither are drugs
bye bye drugs
even though money and materialistic things arnt the most important thing in life...but neither are drugs.
and love2roll is right,
you can still go to raves

What is there to think about??? HELLO!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! Drugs are fun... but seriously, so is a Ferrari, and a Park Ave apartment, and a SoHo apartment, and a PHAT wardrobe (you could BUY Kikwear!!!) and all kinds of other shit that you could have fun with. Why go to raves when you could throw one!?!?! Buy Liquid Sky and Astralwerks and have DJ Odi as your home stereo!!! I think my opinion is clear!!! Hee Hee... By the way, who's offering??? = )
Honestly....I don't know...
I've lived with drugs for so long that I'm not really sure if I'd be able to give it up for any amount of money...not even 50 million dollars...
Sure, wouldn't mind driving an imported 1999 RX-7 from Japan but is that car really worth giving up drugs for?
Besides, driving high on marijuana is so trippy and is an experience that everyone needs to live out...especially when you're driving a fast sports car...I've done it, take my word for it...
All I have to say is PLUR to everyone...I believe in what I say, I live it too!
Don't be Stupid, Party Safe--SAY NO TO GHB (take my word for it).
"50,000,000 dollars for free the only catch is u can never do a drug again"
well if that was the exact offer, i'd take the money.. after all I could easily cut out 1 drug from my diet

"the old dogs have got a new trick
it's called criminalize the symptoms
while you spread the disease"
-ani difranco-
Does it only apply to illegal drugs?
If I can still drink, robodose, ephidrine (sp), some nodoze, Hey wait, even that stuff, that looks, smells, and kinda sorta hits you in a weedy way... Can I still do that?
mmmmmmmmm...... I would have to find a legal way around it. Like move to a country where drugs were legal... or hell, buy my own country... and import!
with 50 mil in cash, I would have to spend at least 5-10 mil on drugs for me and my peeps. What good is the money is you can't party and enjoy it the way you want to.
I am with PoOkIeHeAd... thanks but....
Oh my God! I'm a drug addict!...WTF am I talking about???....
well as far as im concerned 50 mil is a drug to me, heh i would easily give up drugs so i could live a sweet life, i could still rave sober at least, heh although im saying all this, i gaurantee i woudl crack somewhere down the line and pop some beans but with that kinda money i dunno, id think twice. money is definately my fav drug, heh.
Choose Love, Choose Laughter, Choose your Friends, Choose Raves, Choose Life...
Tottally DeeCee, you hit the nail on the head with the ONE drug thing......I have no problem cuttin out one drug, Hell I would even keep down to just one drug for the kinda money LOL
Ma that is pretty said that kinda money would even be a question. It just shows you how much these drugs and the experiences, past and future, on these drugs have impacted my life and helped me grow and mature. I dont feel that i am dependant on them, cause I know I use what I learn and how I feel while on them in my real life and when I am sober and that has helped me breakout socially, and I dont know if that would have happened if I did not find E 7 months ago.........
So I would def. have to ponder that question a bit PoOkIe....
Peace.....RuRu (aka The Wizard)
Ok, first of all, I am with TAC.....but who's gonna know that you did the drugz anyhow? Get the money, run get fukt up. Just that simple!

-I didn't do it and I'm not payin half!
-Which way to the nearest DRUG store?
F that bullshit called money....all I want to do with money is get it outta my face. I am happy w/ the amount of money I get. The only fukn thing that amount of money is gonna give is two things, stress and a lot of f'in problems. Fuck money, I fukn hate money, I love burnin holes in my pocket with it tho. I like STUFF, all kinds of STUFF. STUFF is fun, it makes me happy. Think of how many people would be stuck on your penis (figuretively(sp?)speaking of course). That would suck for the most part, to have that much money I mean. Fuck that, an experience is much richer than Bill 'fukn' Gates will ever be. Fuck it, give me liberty AND drugz, or give me death. You can keep your papes, cuz I DON'T need that foolishness. I have plenty of it, and I am extremely greatful that I have it. I thank God for it. DDDDDDDDDDRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGZZZZZZZZZZ
I think that gets my point across.

I agree with raverdave, how the hell would they know what you were doing after you took the money? Besides, money doesn't buy happiness!!!!
Well first things first. I'd definately take the money and change my nick to sugar daddy. Then I would by an island and build a resort. It would be called raver island w/ raves every weekend, psychodelic rollercoasters, hottubs, water park, lots of medical personel, and no bad attitudes or carelessness tolerated. No drug dealers would be allowed, only pharmaseutical grade products would be sold. And it would be all legal becuase I am my own government. And even if legal drugs couldn't be consumed by me, I would still take the $ because the vibe on my island would be so great, I wouldn't need drugs, and of course, being rich, I'd be getting laid all the time by super hot...anyway, I'd take the $!!!!
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
[This message has been edited by TBritton (edited 28 December 1999).]
Well I would take the money and then do the drugs anyway--how the hell would the person who made the offer know what I was doing for the rest of my life anyway? I don't believe in having to choose between things like that!
Ok, just to clear something up....GOD made the offer
. How you gonna get away with something then
.......hahahahaha lol
biggrin.gif more drugz for all you money hungry people
. Take your money and eat it....shove whatever, cause if you do decide to do drugz after you take the money, you die from a very mysterious UNDERDOSE!!!LMAO
Well guys feel free to make any revisions to your statements about "I'd take the money and then go do drugz in the corner by myself". lol *singing*---MONEY, its a drag!
I have read all the post and i see that some of you said what fun would it be w/o drugs, i go to parties anymore sober and i have more fun cause i can remember what i'm doing and there are alot of times where I havemore fun sober than i have on drugs. Yeah drugs are fun, but when the drugs you do loose their fun what will you do??? I mean this as no offence to anyone it's just one of my things that i had to learn from growing around ppl that did and still do herion and they all said they never thought they where going to do it, they said the drugs they started out doing lost their fun and they wanted a new high... so sorry for rambling but hey think about it
peace out
much love and lots of huggles
PLUR the way to a better world